Mario's National Concert Tour
(This was sent to us by Terry Robinson, Mario¹s closest friend) I thought everyone would enjoy a list of newspaper and magazine headlines and quotes from stories that ran during Mario's unforgettable national tour in 1951. The tour was nicknamed "The Lanza Bonanza" and I handled the public relations. In the entourage were: Betty, Constantine Callinicos, his pianist, Sam Weiler his manager, and Bill Judd of Columbia Concerts.

The following headlines speak for themselves...

"Lanza Arrives Here Tomorrow"

"Lanza Concert a Sellout"

"Mario, Welcome To Scranton"

"Singer Is Mobbed By Bobby-Soxers"

"Mario Lanza and Wife Given Key To Scranton"

"Time (Magazine) Society Editor Finds Singer a Real He-Man"

"Lanza Triumphs, Wows åEm, Youngsters Give Forty Screams"

"Crowds Swarmed and Clutched at Lanza¹s Coat"

"Mario Lanza Mobbed By Crowds"

"Lanza To Sing Here Tonight"

"Mario Lanza, operatic tenor, is unassuming, wholesome, handsome, and boyish."

"Lanza Concert a Sellout"

"Lanza Unscathed After Talk to Teenagers"

"Mario Lanza Acclaimed"

The headlines and praise for Mario went on and on as we continued our tour across the U.S....

"Lanza's Brilliant Voice Thrills Sellout Crowds"

"Brilliant Future Predicted for Mario Lanza, Singer"

"The women shriek and holler when Mr. Lanza sings of love."

"Audience Puts on Biggest Show as Tenor Stirs Young Admirers"

"Bobby-Soxers Jam Lanza Rehearsal"

"Housewives Leave Dishes to Squeal at Mario Lanza"

"It Couldn't Happen to Caruso but It Did Happen to Lanza"

"Lanza Sings Like Caruso...Women Squeal Like Kids"