Churchill And The Slaughter
Of Dresden...Double Standards
By Taki Theodorakis
From NY Press

At the Ditchley Park conference during World War II, Winston Churchill called for a "balance of virtue" in Europe rather than a balance of power. Soon after that, with Germany about to collapse in February 1945, with East and West Germany already occupied by the Allied armies and the Russians, he mercilessly ordered an air bombardment of Dresden - the Venice of the North - which was packed with old men, women and children. To paraphrase an old Winnie speech, some virtue. There were no factories, no army depots, no communication centers, nothing but cathedrals, museums and monuments in Dresden, but 135,000 civilians had to be incinerated in one night alone because of an Englishman,s pathological hatred of the Germans.
I once asked Churchill,s grandson and namesake, an old friend of mine, about Dresden. "Now look here, old boy," he answered rather aggressively - but always smiling, like the English tend to do when they,re about to lift your wallet - "What about your Germans, they weren,t exactly nice guys, were they?" Young Winston missed the point. Hitler may not have been the most compassionate of men, but Churchill was the one wearing the white hat. He was supposed to fight clean. Or was it perhaps normal that Churchill had anthrax bacteria cultivated specifically to drop over German territory? Again, very late in the war.
I suppose megalomaniac criminals like Stalin, Mao, Hitler and Pol Pot never spared a single thought for the millions and millions of people who were murdered as they strove to achieve world revolution and world domination. But Churchill? Air Marshal Arthur ("Bomber") Harris, who devised the system of bombing civilian targets, is regarded in some circles - and not just in Germany - as little better than a mass murderer. During World War II the major protagonists used bombing in very different ways. The "nicest," ironically, were the Luftwaffe, which preferred tactical bombing in conjunction with ground forces (Blitzkrieg). The Americans were almost as "nice." The U.S. Army Air Corps believed in strategic bombing, but condemned terror attacks on unarmed civilians, opting instead for the precision bombing of military and industrial targets.
Not so the Brits. They were convinced that wars could be won only by eroding enemy morale - which meant attacking the civilian population. (Let us not also forget that our British cousins were the first to use deadly concentration camps, against Afrikaners during the Boer War.) Let,s face it. Bombers, when deployed strategically, are fundamentally a terror weapon. The trouble is that bombing has never destroyed civilian morale in any meaningful way; if anything it unites the victims against their enemies. Some 600,000 unarmed German civilians died from bombing alone, but the German troops continued to gallantly fight until the very bitter end.
The opposite side of the argument was that the Germans had it coming to them, and that they could have surrendered to stop the bombing. That,s a foolish argument. A civilian did not exactly have a choice in Germany back then. And then there is the ludicrous Daniel Goldhagen theory that all Germans were "willing executioners" and deserved everything they got. Which brings me to the point I wish to make: America,s most enduring contribution to history is that, unlike other great powers, it did not routinely use force to impose its will. (Okay, a little bit in Cuba, and a little bit in Mexico, and a little bit in the Philippines, and what,s an Indian or two...) But suddenly, with the coming to power of the Draft Dodger, the cruise missile and strategic bombing became Uncle Sam,s favorite diplomatic maneuver. We know that tiny Central American countries have gone to war over a soccer match, but launching missiles to divert opinion over a blowjob is 100 times more ridiculous.
The Balkans are still suffering terribly from NATO,s bombing, an act that was as immoral as it was opportunistic on the part of the preening war criminal Madeleine Albright and her gang. (She needed a legacy.) It was reported in September 1999 that levels of radiation in Macedonia had increased 800 percent, and last year mothers in Bosnia were giving birth to children with leukemia. Both the Clinton and Blair gangs at first refused to acknowledge that depleted uranium-tipped rounds were used, butas everyone knowsthe last time Clinton and Blair told the truth was very, very long ago, when they were still in diapers, if then.
The sole purpose and justification for using depleted uranium in weapons is that shells are capable of penetrating heavily armored tanks. Some 31,000 such rounds were fired from NATO aircraft in Kosovo; the total number of Yugoslav tank losses was 13. Which means that the huge majority of rounds either missed or were fired indiscriminately.
Dresden lives. The politicians who order such shootings do not have the slightest interest in military realities, just tv coverage in the nightly news. The long-term contamination of the region is not their concern. Last week my colleague Scott McConnell sure got it right. (When was the last time he got it wrong?) World domination through force of arms isn,t supposed to be the American way. George Bush was right to fight for Kuwait. Clinton was wrong to murder hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children through sanctions. Playing the biggest boy on the block will see Uncle Sam end up the way of the Russian bear. President Bush needs to reshape sanctions on Iraq. Colin Powell, a decent man, understands the limitations of bombing. Saddam Hussein is probably more popular today than he was 10 years ago. there must be another way, and the new regime in Washington has to see this before it's too late. >


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