Election Mess A CIA
Covert Operation?
By Sherman H. Skolnick <>
Old-timers with covert operations expertise felt in their gut that something about the year 2000 presidential election blitz was part of an intelligence agency covert scheme. In spy parlance, they suspected the American people are victims of "black ops". Invoking "national security", the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency ordered the major press and wire services to play down if not entirely omit any possible CIA complicity mentioned in an Associated Press story later "spiked". Here are portions of the apparently censored story:
"Thursday December 7 4:15 AM ET Florida Official Admits Helping GOP By VICKIE CHACHERE, Associated Press Writer TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP)- One attorney charged there was a 'sinister' conspiracy to aide George W. Bush. A former CIA agent said he was trying to help GOP voters. A county election official said she let Republican operatives correct absentee ballot applications." And later in the story:
As to the Martin County case, AP said: "Charles Kane, who testified he worked for the FBI and retired from the CIA in 1975, said nothing secretive and sinister occurred. 'We had an obligation to them', he said of Republicans who had received the inaccurate ballot document.'We had filled out their forms. We did not see this as altering. All we saw this as was correcting a problem caused by the Republican Party of Florida'" A later AP version omitted these matters.
Even in the apparently suppressed story, Associated Press left out plenty. Retired CIA and other agency covert operations agents contend the Charles Kane who testified in the Martin County, Florida case is the same Charles Kane they have known for many years. They describe Charles Kane as being reportedly as follows:
===When he was younger, Charles Kane reportedly looked almost exactly like Lee Harvey Oswald, the CIA "patsy" blamed by the fraudulent Warren Commission as the "lone assassin" in 1963 of President John F. Kennedy. Several assassination researchers in their magazine articles and books have described how Oswald was framed up with situations involving Oswald "look-alikes". The book suppressed in the U.S., "Farewell America", has an extensive detailing of this.
===Charles Kane was reportedly part of CIA's super-secret bloody dirty tricks project called "Operation 40".
===Charles Kane reportedly played a role in CIA's aborted invasion in 1961 of Cuba at the "Bay of Pigs".
===Charles Kane was active in Chicago with CIA-mafia gangsters including Sam "Momo" Giancana, murdered with an OSS special type assassin gun in 1975, the same year the current Charles Kane testified he retired from the American CIA. Kane was also reportedly active with Johnny Roselli, a CIA-mafia operative murdered shortly after Giancana. [Some details are in "Double Cross" the book by Giancana relatives.] Kane reportedly helped Chicago area gangsters, including Giancana, plant the fraudulent 8,000 ballots in Chicago that enabled John F. Kennedy to carry Illinois and its Electoral College vote in 1960. Nixon was left out as a result. Nixon later played a key role at CIA's "Bay of Pigs" fiasco, blamed onto the newly-inaugurated President Kennedy.
===Charles Kane for many years reportedly was part of "Executive Action" activities of the FBI and CIA,originally domestic and overseas coups and political assassinations but in more recent years dirty tricks short of actual political murders.
Has the CIA complicity in orchestrating the Florida presidential election scandal, as well as other events in the U.S., started to unravel? Has an apparent split in American CIA surfaced by way of the testimony of Charles Kane? Why then was he a witness in the Martin County case?
Equally puzzling is the reprnting in softcover, just prior to the year 2000 Presidential Election,of the book "1876" by Gore Vidal. [He is a distant relative of Albert Gore, Jr. Fancy people use their grandmother's last name as their first name.] Originally published in 1976, by Random House, Inc., the last 80 pages or so of the book give the details of the Samuel Tilden-Rutherford B. Hayes election struggle of 1876, a extremely close election where one candidate got a plurality of the national popular vote and the other got the majority Electoral College vote. Strange, but it centered, in part around FLORIDA and massive corruption of public officials as to the election.
Conspiracy theorists assert that the year 2000 election seems to use the book "1876" as a nearly exact blueprint, for how the nation can be divided up. Tilden, according to Gore Vidal's book, never conceded but lived out his life contending he had been the elected President. Tilden sought at the site of the Presidential inauguration to be sworn in as the elected President but was blocked by armed troops. As re-createed in Vidal's book, the country almost boiled over into a second American Civil War.
Little-known to the public,all the major Establishment news networks and newswire services about to run stories about the American CIA, have to get prior clearance from the spy agency. In the U.S., there is a non-statutory version of Britain's Official Secrets Act requiring articles to be circulated effecting "national security" to be first submitted to be approved. In a like fashion in the U.S., such articles have to be submitted in advance to the CIA Censorship Board or a similar almost unknown agency or commission.
British press outlets and newswire services that run afoul of the law are subject to having their equipment, presses, radio and television transmitting instruments, buildings, and vehicles seized by the London government. On the other hand, American outlets, under presidential edict rather than law-by-Congress, if accused of about to violate "national security", are subject to having their satellite links blocked by the super-secret satellite operations agency, the National Reconnaissance Office, NRO; websites shut down; and their wire service connections, domestic and overseas, terminated. The U.S. Secret Service reserves the arbitrary power to themselves to keep "un-co-operative" journalists from attending important press conferences, by denying them mandatory press credentials and security clearances, thus making such journalists unemployable.
The American CIA and their "privitized" adjuncts, such as reportedly Wackenhut, have long engaged in overthrowing foreign governments, assassinating popular U.S.leaders and officials, caused fake foreign and domestic "emergencies" and coups. WHY is it hard then to believe they would not also orchestrate, on a vast scale, the overthrowing of the American Central Government, to favor, for example, the British itching to return us to a puppet colony status? Some contend we may see the American Constitution overthrown by such means and the nation run by Martial Law as a way of dealing with an expected U.S. financial debacle.
Stay tuned.
Here is a copy of the "spiked" AP story posted on another website:
Florida Official Admits Helping GOP Thursday December 7 4:15 AM ET
By Vickie Chachere Associated Press Writer
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - One attorney charged there was a ``sinister'' conspiracy to aide George W. Bush. A former CIA agent said he was just trying to help GOP voters. A county elections official said she let Republican operatives correct absentee ballot applications.
Two trials that could affect tens of thousands of presidential votes played out just blocks from where Florida's highest court was set to hear legal arguments Thursday in the contested presidential election.
In Leon County Circuit Court, attorneys representing voters who alleged Republicans tampered with absentee ballot application forms asked judges to throw out as many as 25,000 absentee ballots from Seminole and Martin counties.
At issue in both cases is whether mistakes on absentee ballot request forms sent out by the Florida Republican Party in the waning days of the election were illegally corrected by state GOP officials when the mistakes were discovered.
``It was a sinister underground conspiracy'' to help Bush, said Edward Stafman, attorney for the Martin County challengers.
But Republican activists testified they did nothing wrong, saying they just were trying to correct mistakes their party made on the forms.
Attorneys for the counties and the Republicans are pleading with the judges to not throw out absentee votes. They argue that voters had no control over what was done and shouldn't be disenfranchised.
In the Seminole County case, Leon County Circuit Judge Nikki Clark was to hear closing arguments Thursday afternoon. In Martin County, Judge Terry Lewis took nearly four hours of testimony Wednesday before recessing and asking attorneys to resume the trial at 8 a.m. Thursday.
The Seminole and Martin county trials were held back-to-back in the same courtroom. Testimony in the Seminole case finished after 13 hours Wednesday, then the Martin case began.
Bush won the absentee balloting by 4,797 votes in Seminole and by 2,815 votes in Martin, so throwing them out could place his 537-vote certified statewide lead in jeopardy.
Voter ID numbers were left off many applications through computer errors in Seminole County and incorrect numbers were placed on the forms in Martin County. Florida law says ballot applications may not be mailed out without the correct identification numbers.
In the Seminole County case, elections supervisor Sandra Goard admitted she allowed Republican officials to fill in the numbers and said it was the first time she had done so. Democrats did not ask for the same accommodation, she said.
Goard also testified that Florida law did not give her the authority to allow party officials to fill in the numbers. But she said she allowed GOP official Michael Leach and a second man she has been unable to identify to fill in the numbers at the party's request. Democratic Party state chairman Bob Poe later called to protest her actions, but Poe did not request the same opportunity to correct applications for Democrats, she said.
Goard did not appear in court Wednesday. Her previous deposition testimony was read aloud instead.
In the Martin County case, county GOP official Tom Hauck was asked on the stand whether he would acknowledge ``walking out of the office'' of Republican elections supervisor Peggy Robbins ``with a stack of applications for absentee ballots.''
``On one occasion, that's right,'' Hauck replied, adding that he took the ballots to county Republican headquarters to fill in the numbers.
Charles Kane, who testified he worked for the FBI and retired from the CIA in 1975, said nothing secretive nor sinister occurred.
``We had an obligation to them,'' he said of Republicans who had received the inaccurate ballot document. ``We had filled out their forms. We did not see this as altering. All we saw this as was correcting a problem caused by the Republican Party of Florida.''
Todd Schnick, the state Republican party's political director, testified that he did not remember key elements of the ballot form glitches, which occurred in the last weeks of the presidential campaign.
In the Seminole County case, Democratic activist Harry Jacobs filed the challenge. Defense attorneys said Jacobs had raised $50,000 for Democrat Al Gore (news - web sites)'s campaign and provided other assistance.
Gore is not a party in either lawsuit. _____

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