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The Weapon That Put Them On Top Is Deflation
By Richard Eastman

This post discusses attempt by the world's richest criminals to take over all governments and economies through blackmail.  They have caused a deflationary depression and a mini ice age.  They offer to remove both in exchange for total surrender of wealth and freedom
This is not a coherent essay  -- this is a page with all of the information that such an essay -- which no one has written  -- should include.

[Note -- Even if they outlaw the internet, it couldn't be worse than Windows 7 and they system that replaced Outlook Express  -- if there are no diagrams with this posting -- go draw your own -- I'm done with it.]
The weapon that put them on top is Deflation


Deflation is when the eight richest men in the world decide that everything that is needed to keep a few billion   "unsustainable extra eaters" on the planet really should be transferred to their hands so their can go on to fulfill   their divine destiny as Gods of worlds.  Their plans are bigger than your family and mine -- and there is no point in keeping unwanted pets around from which you derive no pleasure.
The Bullionaires have allowed deflation to bring   catastrophe to households and businesses so that   a blackmail offer can be made to bring relief in   exchange for essentially everything -- for total   discretionary control of the every country they   "help." 
Their weapon is deflation.
You are told by Lew Rockwell and Gerald Celente that deflation is good or that we haven't had deflation for several decades, that ideflation encourages investment and bond financing.  I say otherwise.  Here, is a diagram of what Populists say is happening:  
 Kevin Craig recently wrote:  "The Banking System through the lending of "monetized debt" [imaginary, mental money] steals/expropriates virtually 100% of all the production of United States citizens and gives back a small fraction to the people in the form of loans, salaries, wages, grants etc.  The banking system takes benefit of 100% of the production of the American people exploited from them and spends it on itself and on propaganda to fool the American people to maintain "their system" to their benefit and to the detriment of all the rest of society (the stratified debtor class). If you can NOT or WILL not "see" this and react appropriately, you do so to your own detriment and to the detriment of your family and friends and the rest of American society. ."
The "National Debt" is nothing more that a RECORD of all the wealth transferred from the hands of the producers to the hands of those who create the credit to effortlessly steal it away from the producers.Remember, the SOLE purpose for creating "money" (credit) is to obtain wealth without having to PAY for it. Since "WE" didn't steal the wealth, "WE" don't need to "pay it off". Those who stole it must return the wealth to the producers, and a good start would be to bring the bankrupt US Government into bankruptcy proceedings.
  The most important information has been shared by a member of the House of Lords.  We now know the source of our trouble, the goal of the troublemakers and the  simple way we have of defeating them. 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dENl1mfwMU4  (David James is the second of two speaker in this video, begining at time 5:10 )
(transcription below)   A video of a British Lord addressing the House of Lords has disclosed the existence of seven gold monopolists who, through a secret "foundation" are approaching governments in distress and offering to provide gold backed money "with massive strings attached" - among which is adoption of a gold standard.  This group is accepting the signed agreeement of heads of state as sufficient to effect this transfer of sovereignty and freedom (the so-called strings) and impose a gold standard forever after.   Immediately with the discovery of this group, the seven, "Bullionaires," it becomes very clear what must be done.  Every righteous man -- not bent down to slavery to gold, or debt, or interest, or deflation, or taxes going to interest on the national debt -- there is an answer:  the universal human declaration that "gold is dead" and will not be offered or used in payment except as a wedding ring, an conductor of electroic current or artwork and ornamentation.  As money GOLD IS DEAD.       Item:  The Rothschilds and Corexit http://theintelhub.com/2010/06/10/corexit-linked-to-the-blackstone-group-lord-jacob-rothschild/   Item:  World Government Through Climatocracy http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=30672     Gulf Stream has lost its force and is no longer circulating enough warm water to the northern hemisphere to permit continuation of our agriculture.   Summary of the problem and a note on how to maximize mankinds chances of finding and making the best moves that remain to us.   The Atlantic nations have just lost their winter heater, perhaps for good and are staring at death.  The  GUlf Stream.   Atlantic gulf stream stopped due to Gulf of Mexico oil breaking down current boundary layers.  This stopping of the loop current since July 28 will massively impact the  northern hemisphere's  ability to grow food - tand other systems will fail as snow and coled end all of our support systems through glaciation. --resulting from end of circulation in the Gulf which was key to the geo-thermal regulatory system which has performed consistently since the last ice age.
Before you view ahead and go into despair mode  -- let me give this bit of advice:  The resourcefulness of humanity and the accumulated knowhow of science and our ability to mobilize resources are our best hope  -- but right now we are inhibited from bringing any of it into play to save us due to the fact that our ruling elites are nothing but murderers and gamblers and theives who have no idea of every doing anything right at any time -- nor the skills to do so if they wanted to since they never developed those characteristics in their class.   Whether the Gulf Spill that has caused this was deliberate sabotage against North Americans and Europeans or whether, as fewer and fewer people believe, it was a simple botch in a too hasty effort to get deep oil on the cheap  -- the fact is that all of the ruling elites need to be thrown out  -- and need to be replaced by engineers and physicists and agronomists  from our non-elite universities  -- from non-elite working people walks of life.  We need to have honest information  -- all of the disinformation systems of the elites must be torn down and replaced with decentralized -- free as the internet news that will become a giant electronic  cerebral cortex where the best thinking combines for the best answers.

If there is a solution that can stave off the death of two or three billion people that is within reach of human thinking and human technology and human resources  I can guarantee it will never be put into effect if any of the world's current ruling elite and their institutions are left in charge.

Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington

Stirling on stoppage of Gulf Stream



Mat Simmon's murdered for leaking fact of stopped Gulf Stream Current

Listen to Simmon's before his death:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwX9RXFRJD4                 The unholy of unholies has been penetrated. 
The 7 Bullionnaires, by all rules of politics and current assessments of the weaknesses of "human nature" and the rules of winning and dominating, have won hands down.

However, if we really want to we can defeat them immediately.  We can take all of the value of their gold from them in one wave of human power that can sweep around the world in a matter of a few weeks.  The answer is the simplest and most obvious thing imaginable, and the most certain of success.

In order to defeat the Bullionnaires once and for all we must all give up our worship of the Golden Calf.  The "streets of heaven" are reputed to be paved with gold because that is who worthless gold is to the righteous who love God and love their neighbor as themselves.

I can see all mankind, as they now clearly see the sinfulness of sin, the evil of Mammon, uniting in love of each other by making the sacred resolution of the Brotherhood of Mankind that never again will any man or woman or child use gold for money.  From now on it will be taboo to dispose of gold in any way other than to give it away.  Gold can only be purchased for ornament, or a wedding ring, or electronics, but never again as a medium of exchange, never as a way to store value.

No man who feels fellowship with the human race will accept gold.  In the worst calamities, including those which are now upon us, man will hold their value of the cooperation and agreement of their fellow men above their trust in gold.  We will save ourselves by creating our own [remove fiate'] medium of exchange and we will survive by using that system honestly.  Even the men who inhabit our prisons can honor this new law of human righteousness that defeats the great evil that has, until now, broken and deformed us all.  No longer will those who teach you to run to gold be heeded.  We will no longer buy gold.  To protect against bad times in the future we will create our own [Cynthia: ] [replace money with economic system from trust] and we will spend it on food production, shelter production, and any and every good thing that any of us may want without debt slavery and without having to worship the Golden Calf and its high priests, the Seven Bullionnaires.
Item:  Deepwater Horizon Sabotage was deliberate earth-physics warfare, its purpose to interrupt the Gulf Stream current inducing an Ice Age that can only be removed by total surrender of economic sovereignty to the "Bullionniares" - the seven or eight organized crime figures who, until stopped, not run the world.  
First , David James, a British peer with the title Baron or Lord James of Blackheath, addressed the UK House of Lords, November 1, 2010.  The speech is here  (David James is the second speaker in this video): 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dENl1mfwMU4  (speech begins at time 5:10)

            I'm going to have to make a very big apology to my noble friend, noble lord [James] Sassoon because I'm about to raise a subject which I shouldn't raise which is going to be one which I think is now time to put on the higher awareness and to explain to the House as a whole as I don't think they have any ?? as sorry ??? of pride is not ??in them  because it deeply concerns him also . 
For the last 20 weeks since yesterday afternoon I have been engaged in a very strange dialog with the two noble lords, in the course of which I have been trying to bring to their attention the willing availability of a strange organization which is to make a great deal of money available to assist the recovery of the economy in this country.  For want of a better description of their names I will call them Foundation X, that's not their real name, but it will do for the moment. 
Foundation X was introduced to me 20 weeks ago last week by a very eminent ah City firm, FSA controlled, thats chairman came to me and its Chairman said "we have this extraordinary request assistant doing this extraordinary reconstruction, it's mega bucks, but we need your help to assist us in understanding whether this business is legitimate."  Uh, I had the biggest put-down of my life from the noble Lord ??Strath-Clighborn?? when I told him this story first.  He said, "Why you?  Your not important enough to have the answer to a question like that."  And he's quite right.  Number one, I'm not important enough -- but the answer to the next question,  "you haven't got the experience for it"  -- yes I do.  I have had one of the biggest experiences in the laundering of terrorist money and of funny money that anybody's had in the City.  I've handled billions of terrorist money..   Not into my pocket.  Ah, the biggest terrorist client I had was the IRA and I'm pleased to say that I was able to write off about a billion pounds of their money.  I've also had extensive connections with North African terrorists but that's of a far nastier nature and I don't want to talk about that as that's still a security issue.  Um, I also hasten to add that there's no use in getting the police in for me because I shall immediately call the bank of England as my defense witnesses, they put me in to deal with these problems. 
So the point is I was in the course of doing this very strange activity -- I got a very interesting set  of phone numbers and references which I could go to for help when I needed it -- and so people in the City have known that if they want to check out anything that looks at all odd they can come to me and I can press a few phone numbers and get a reference, and so it came to me and asked me whether I would get them - reference of the clearance of Foundation X and for 20 weeks I have been endeavoring to do so. 
I myself have come to the absolute conclusion that they are completely genuine and sincere and that they are quite directly wishing to make the United Kingdom one of the principal points for which they will use to disseminate their extraordinary great wealth into the world at this present moment as part of an attempt to seek the economic recovery of the global economy. 
And so I made the phone call to my noble friend Lord ???Strath-Clyde??? on a Sunday afternoon - I think he was sitting on his lawn??pol??lan  and he did the quickest ball pass I've ever seen,  --  if England can do anything like it at ??trick??in?a?mons on Saturday we have a chance against the all blacks -- and the next thing I knew I got the noble Lord Sassoon on the phone and he from the outset took the quite right proper defensive attitude of total scepticism and said this is ?? can't possibly be right.  In the course of the following weeks I had -- first of all, the noble lord Sasoon said go and talk to the Bank of England, so I phoned the governor of the bank of England and said could you please check this out for me.  And he came back after about three days and said,   "you can get lost  I'm not touching this with a ??barge ??pole?, it's far too difficult.  Take it back to the treasury.  So I did.  I waited another day , the noble Lord Sassoon come back and said "this is rubbish, it can't possibly be right."  So I said, I'm going to work more on it.. 
And then I had another meeting with the noble lord Strath-Clyde and I brought one of the senior executives from Foundation X to meet Lord Strath-Clyde.  I have to say that as first dates go, it was not a great success.  They neither one of them ended up inviting the other up for a coffee or a drink at the end of the evening and they didn't exchange telephone numbers in order to follow up the ??col?? In fact I found myself between a rock and a hard place represented by both a rock and a hard place which were totally paranoid about each other.  Because the Foundation X people have got an amazing obsession with their insecurity -- uh, they are expecting only to be contacted by somebody equal to head of states   status or somebody who has an international security rating equal to the top six people in the world.  And this is such a strange situation. 
So that both the noble Lord Sassoon and the noble Lord Strath-Clyde both came up with what should have been an absolute killer argument as to why this could not be true and should forget it. Then Lord Sassoon's argument , first , was that  these people were offering evidence or they claimed evidence that they had lodged five billion pounds with British banks last year and they gave dates and they gave transfer dates and the details of these transfers as noble Lord Sassoon said, if that was true it would stick out like a sore thumb.  You couldn't have five billion popping out of a bank account without it destroying disrupting the balance sheet completely. 
But I remember that at about the same time those transfers were being made the noble Lord ??Minus?? was indulging in his game of rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic with the British banking community and if he had had three banks at that time which had, say, a deficiency of, say, one and a half billion each, then you pretty we have absorbed the entire five billion and you wouldn't the sore-thumb stick-out of this at that time because you would have had one and a half billion into each of three banks and you would have lost the lot -- or absorbed the lot.  That would be a logical explanation -- I don't know. 
Then Lord ?Strath-Clyde?  came up with a much different argument.  He said cannot be right this cannot be right because these people said at the meeting with him that they were still effectively on the gold standard  from back in the 1920's.  And that their entire currency holdings throughout the world, which were very large, uh, were backed by bullion.  And then Lord Strath-Clyde came back and said to me he had his analyst working on it and this has to be stuff and nonsene because he says they have come up with a figure for the amount of bullion that would be needed to cover their currency reserves as claimed which would be more than the entire value of bullion that had ever been mined in the history of the world. 
I am sorry but the noble Lord Strath-Clyde is wrong  --  his analysts are wrong --  because what he had done was tapped into the sources which are available -- there is only one definitve source for the amount of bullion that has ever been taken from the earth's crust, and that was a National Geographic Magazine article 12 years ago and whatever figure it was that they quoted was then quoted again on six other sites on the internet, on google, and so everyone is quoting that one original source and there is no other confirming authority, but if you tack in to Vatican accounts of the Vatican bank, you come up with a claim of total bullion [murmers from audience and statement from the chair saying something about 58 minutes and asking the speaker to draw to a conclusion] - the total value of the Vatican bank reserves would claim to be more than the entire value of gold ever mined in the history of the world. 
Now, my point on all of this is that we have not proven any of this.  Foundation X are saying at this present moment that they are  prepared to put up the entire five billion in pounds for the funding and creation of the uh  three ??eye?? creation -- the British government can have the entire independent management and control of it and they don't want anything to do with it -- there will be no interest charged and, by the way, if the British government would like it, if it would help, they will be prepared to put up money for funding hospitals, schools, the rebuilding of cross rail immediately, with 17 billion transfer by Christmas if requested, and all these other things.  These things can be done if wished, but we have to have a senior member of the government has to accept the invitation through a phone call to the senior to the chairman of the company concerned, Foundation X, and then we can get into business. 
And all I am asking is that this is too big an issue, I'm just an aging obsessive old peer, and I'm easily dispensible, but getting to the truth is not -- and we need to know what really is happening here.  My Lords we must find out the truth of this situation.

source:  (from second half)

Stirling on stoppage of Gulf Stream



Mat Simmon's murdered for leaking fact of stopped Gulf Stream Current

Listen to Simmon's before his death:

  To Defeat the Gold Power in the Word, You Must Break the Power of Gold over your own Soul.  We must all become Mohatma Gandhi's in our strong personal and spiritual resolve not to deal in gold for any reason. "If they right arm offends thee, cut it off" rather than pay in gold or accept gold in payment for anything.  We can render the Bullionnairs instand paupers if we unite in doing this.   Dick Eastman Every Man is Responsible to Every Other Man     Snow and Gold
Dick Eastman

Now that we know that a grand extortion is being forced upon the world by the international bullion monopolists, the Sanhedrin of the Money Power, it becomes clear that a deflationary depression mixed with monopoly pricing of household necessities  is not the only aversive condition being applied.  The have found a way to turn on and off Ice Age conditions in the Northern Hemsiphere.  This is not the first time that weather modification blackmail has been used against governments and economies in recent years.
The BP Gulf Stream Ice Age event is weaponized climate warfare, but also blackmail.  The oil was used to modify the geo-physics of the Gulf Stream in order to create this mini-ice age as further leverage and blackmail to force Atlantic nations to accept the terms of the "Bullionnaires" deal for trading all sovereignty and freedom (rights, liberal principles of government) to come to terms is heads of state signing away freedom in exchange for the reversal of the ice age and the end of the deflationary spiral -depression and the rule of gold and Zionist banker supremacy over all life on earth.  The greatest thing being signed away is the ability of anyone on earth to create fiat money or legal tender not backed by their gold.

There is but one solution, a compact among mankind in agreement  to reject gold as money, repudiation of debt to the "Bullionnaires" and adoption of social credit to replace gold, debt-money, interest slavery, deflationary economic depressions.  They will do it when they see who is behind gold and what renouncing attraction to and acceptance of gold will buy them.
Gulf Stream has lost its force and is no longer circulating enough warm water to the northern hemisphere to permit continuation of our agriculture.   Summary of the problem and a note on how to maximize mankinds chances of finding and making the best moves that remain to us.   The Atlantic nations have just lost their winter heater, perhaps for good and are staring at death.  The  GUlf Stream.   Atlantic gulf stream stopped due to G of Mexico oil breaking down current boundary layers.  This stopping of the loop current since July 28 will massively impact the  northern hemisphere's  ability to grow food - tand other systems will fail as snow and coled end all of our support systems through glaciation. --resulting from end of circulation in the Gulf which was key to the geo-thermal regulatory system which has performed consistently since the last ice age.
Before you view ahead and go into despair mode  -- let me give this bit of advice:  The resourcefulness of humanity and the accumulated knowhow of science and our ability to mobilize resources are our best hope  -- but right now we are inhibited from bringing any of it into play to save us due to the fact that our ruling elites are nothing but murderers and gamblers and theives who have no idea of every doing anything right at any time -- nor the skills to do so if they wanted to since they never developed those characteristics in their class.   Whether the Gulf Spill that has caused this was deliberate sabotage against North Americans and Europeans or whether, as fewer and fewer people believe, it was a simple botch in a too hasty effort to get deep oil on the cheap  -- the fact is that all of the ruling elites need to be thrown out  -- and need to be replaced by engineers and physicists and agronomists  from our non-elite universities  -- from non-elite working people walks of life.  We need to have honest information  -- all of the disinformation systems of the elites must be torn down and replaced with decentralized -- free as the internet news that will become a giant electronic  cerebral cortex where the best thinking combines for the best answers.

If there is a solution that can stave off the death of two or three billion people that is within reach of human thinking and human technology and human resources  I can guarantee it will never be put into effect if any of the world's current ruling elite and their institutions are left in charge.

Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington

Stirling on stoppage of Gulf Stream



Matt Simmon's murdered for leaking fact of stopped Gulf Stream Current

Listen to Simmon's before his death:

        Gold is dead.  You and I, by our own free, will are now dead to gold.  Gold was overcome and killed by the good in you.    We have outgrown faith in false god that is gold and in the lies that justify interest slavery.   Gold is dead.  And the power of the monopolists of gold is dead with it.

Spread the news.  Usury and debt slavery and the deflation depression they bring are dead too.
 Bring the dead back to life -- debt and gold and scarce money are gone forever.

Behold a better way  -- an economy without debt-money, or interest slavery, or susury: 
http://www.citizensamericaparty.org/socialcredit.htm     I can see all mankind, as they now clearly see the sinfulness of sin, the evil of Mammon, uniting in love of each other by making the sacred resolution of the Brotherhood of Mankind -- that never again will any man or woman or child use gold for money.  From now on it will be taboo to dispose of gold in any way other than to give it away.  Gold can only be purchased for ornament, or a wedding ring, or electronics -- but never again as a medium of exchange, never as a way to store value.   No man will accept gold.  In the worst calamities -- including those which are now upon us -- man will hold their value of the cooperation and agreement of their fellow men above their trust in gold.  We will save ourselves by creating our own fiat medium of exchange and we will survive by using that system honestly.  Even the men who inhabit our prisons can honor this new law of human righteousness that defeats the great evil that has -- until now  -- broken and deformed us all.  No longer will those who teach you to run to gold be heeded.  We will no longer buy gold.  To protect against bad times in the future we will create our own money and we will spend it on food production, shelter production, and any and every good thing that any of us may want  -- and do so without debt slavery and without having to worship the Golden Calf and its high priests, the Seven Bullionnaires.
You sceptics, you who say people are no good and could never all repent of a lifetime of worship of the golden calf  -- to turn to trust in each other's good handling of paper money -- of social credit -- I say your scepticism has come to an end.  There can be no scepticism against the only way you have of escaping the death or slavery that the bullionaires want of you.  If you want to live, if you want everyone to live and to live happily and well in the future  -- then you must find religion enough to have faith that all people can and will give themselves to this one new rule of righteousness to break the chains of gold that are now about to be locked around our necks.
This is the way for us.  You convert to it in a twinkling of decision -- and then you spread the good word.

  http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/TPV3/Voices.php/2010/05/10/false-flag-operations-the-crisis-route-t   http://www.rense.com/navyDamaged.html   Item:  Global Warming Charade is over:  Europe's Weather Will Be Colder from now on http://notrickszone.com/2010/12/28/global-cooling-consensus-is-heating-up-cooling-over-the-next-1-to-3-decades/    Item:  Deepwater Horizon Disaster was deliberate UN/NWO sabotage of the gulf of Mexico in order to promote more globalist control of world politics http://www.pakalertpress.com/2010/12/22/are-we-entering-an-engineered-ice-age/   Item:  Deepwater Horizon Disaster was deliberate false flag http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/TPV3/Voices.php/2010/05/10/false-flag-operations-the-crisis-route-t         From:  Our Enemy TheState, by Albert J. Nock - 1935   Chapter 2, Page 1,    Its intention (-sic: the British Merchant "STATE" and the mirror copy United States Constitution "STATE"), far from contemplating "freedom and security," contemplated nothing of the kind. It contemplated primarily the continuous economic exploitation of one class by another, and it concerned itself with only so much freedom and security as was consistent with this primary intention; and this was, in fact, very little. Its primary function or exercise was not by way of Paine's purely negative interventions upon the individual, but by way of innumerable and most onerous positive interventions, all of which were for the purpose of maintaining the stratification of society into an owning and exploiting class, and a propertyless dependent class. The order of interest that it reflected was not social, but purely antisocial; and those who administered it, judged by the common standard of ethics, or even the common standard of law as applied to private persons, were indistinguishable from a professional-criminal class.  

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