- The Billy Meier UFO case and the controversy that has
swirled around has been well known for more than two decades. The case
is at least as famous for all the efforts to debunk it as for the amazing
photographs that have been the primary target of such attacks. If all that
made the Meier case unique were the photos, let alone the film footage,
metal samples and sound recordings, the case could remain fodder for those
invested, for whatever reasons, in feeding off the controversy.
- However, another less well known aspect to the case which
in and of itself is quite remarkable, when combined with the totality of
the other evidence, makes the case absolutely unique and worthy of serious
consideration. Information was given to Meier by his alleged Pleiadian
visitors, and published by him over 20 years ago, "which" has
proven to be true and accurate by independent scientific sources with the
highest levels of credibility. Such proof is all the more compelling since
there is no evidence whatsoever that any of those scientific sources had
any knowledge of Meier's information, or that their work "would"
validate the contents thereof.
- I wish to first acknowledge my own bias and also present
a little background as to my involvement with this material. When I saw
the book "UFO...Contact From The Pleiades, Volume 1" in 1979
after it first hit the bookstores in Los Angeles, I was fascinated by the
apparent authenticity, high quality and clarity of the photos. I was likewise
fascinated by the purported existence of highly advanced space-traveling
humans and the quotations attributed to them.
- There was also a strange sense of familiarity with the
material that resonated back to early childhood memories, or perhaps daydreams.
I do not know if this was because of the influence of the space hero TV
shows I grew up with in the late '40s and '50s, past lives, future lives,
cellular memories or simply very wishful thinking. I loved that book and
it inspired me.
- In 1986, I was in Sedona, Arizona, with a delightful
group of women on a kind of New Age field trip. While having lunch in a
little cafe with one of the ladies, I noticed the only other customer in
the place dining alone, and invited him to join us. Ralph was a former
IRS agent who, as it turned out, was also very fascinated with UFOs. As
our lively lunch and otherworldly discussion were coming to a close, he
invited me to contact him at his Malibu, California, home when I returned
to the city.
- It turned out that not only did Ralph have the famous
"Contact from the Pleiades. . .Volume 1" he also had "...Volume
2 and the "Contact Notes," an 1800-plus page copy of a document
the existence of which was previously unknown to me.
- The "Contact Notes" purported to be the verbatim
transcript of the conversations Meier had had with his alleged Pleiadian(1)
visitors. The translation was in somewhat fractured English by way of Swiss-German,
with each contact dated, each sentence numbered, a challenging but totally
engrossing read. Ralph, whose last name was "Amagran" (or similar,
it's been over 12 years) was a great aficionado of the case and generously
loaned me the whole transcript.
- We became friends and occasionally spent evenings outside
his home in the hills overlooking the Pacific Ocean, scanning the star-studded
sky for UFOs. We probably spent more time getting excited by the distant
approach of incoming Cessna"s" and seagulls than any two people
ever have, before or since. It's a toss-up as to who had the biggest imagination
at the time, but Ralph may have finally edged me out. He's since changed
his name to Alex Collier and declared himself to be a long time Andromedan
contactee. Apparently the Andromedans told him an awful lot of the exact
same stuff that the Pleiadians told Meier, which he's suddenly remembered.
What a coincidence!
- Now, let us at least temporarily abandon the primitive
state of mind I call Cargo Cult Consciousness, a reference to the New Guinea
islanders who, having built vine replicas of the mysterious gods (airplanes)
they saw flying overhead, then worshipped them. We've spent too much time
chasing and worshipping lights in the sky (like the two idiots mentioned
above) and pondering dubious abduction scenarios (here come the letters!)
and too little exploring the significance of not being either alone in
the universe or the most advanced beings in it.
- There is no way to prove that the Billy Meier UFO photos,
or any other ones, are either genuine or fakes if you firmly believe each
respective opposite to be the case. When the first photos in discussion
were taken in 1975, very few people had access to the then very expensive
equipment necessary to determine their authenticity. Still, that equipment
was far more sophisticated than the technology available then, to even
the average Swiss farmer, to effectively fake such photos. This was all
the more true for the equipment used to analyze the films, metal samples
and sound recordings Meier submitted.
- Meier Photo
- Nowadays, not only is the equipment necessary for such
evaluations even better, it is far more accessible as, indeed, is the equipment
necessary to produce highly convincing fake photos. As a matter of fact,
equipment available at your local computer store can probably be used to
alter a genuine UFO photo enough to make it appear as a fake. This is one
reason why I am less impressed with the critics of the Meier case who can
now "prove" that any photos are fakes. Unfortunately or otherwise,
because of ever-improving technology, from here on all UFO photos may be
dismissed as fakes.
- I'm sure by now you would agree that real cases require
not only pictures, but also other evidence and substantial content, if
they're to be taken seriously. In order to compare cases (apples-to-apples)
one "should also" get all the hard evidence ready from any other
case of choice. This should include the professional/scientific evaluation
of the metal (or other) samples and the sound recordings, as well as the
film (or even video) footage, so that we can see how it compares with Meier's.
Let us assume for a moment that there are real UFO photos, perhaps Meier's,
or Ed Walters', Carlos Diaz', whomever's--take your pick. Once we accept
that, what is the next important issue to consider? For starters: who's
flying them, where do they come from, what do they know, what do they want,
etc.? The Meier case offers answers to these questions, which we will want
to compare with those provided in other UFO case(s), but far more importantly
it presents specific, accurate information found in no other case to my
knowledge. I am referring to the information I alluded to in the second
paragraph of this article. That information is contained in the "Contact
Notes," the document which contains the essence of the Meier/Pleiadian
- So just what is it that sets Meier, this politically
incorrect, one-armed, well-armed (.357 magnum), bearded, pro-environmentalist,
pro-genetic engineering, anti-Greenpeace, anti-vegetarian, anti-religious,
anti-pacifist, conservative, prophesying, meditating farmer and his material,
apart from all other purported or self-proclaimed contactees, channels,
etc. and their information?
- Making The Case
- Let's start with a reference to his seventh recorded
contact with Semjase (his female Pleiadian ET contact) on February 25,
1975 (sentences 17-43) as well as his 34th recorded contact on Sept. 14,
1975 (sentences 887-932) and 35th contact on September 16, 1975 (sentences
907-921). During these contacts Meier was informed of the dangers facing
humankind from the consequences of the human-caused damage to the ozone
layer. Acknowledging that terrestrial scientists already knew that emissions
from internal combustion engines and gases from spray cans were among contributing
factors, Semjase emphasized that of even greater concern was the (at that
time unknown to us) damage from the atmospheric atomic testing of the 1940s,
1950s and 1960s as well as bromine gases.
- She told Meier that the explosions of the atomic devices
released certain "elementary radiations" that, while our scientists
didn't even have a means of detecting, were rending holes in the ozone.
This was allowing deadly UV rays to pass through, killing off microorganisms
in the upper atmosphere as well as microorganisms in the seas (plankton),
with which they were in symbiotic relationship. Meier was told that this
would ultimately lead to problems with the food chain as well as genetic
mutations. Semjase said that bromine gases were also contributing to the
destruction and, along with her warnings about these contributing factors,
also provided figures on the increased percentage of damage to the ozone
layer (6+ percent).
- Meier was encouraged by her to contact a Prof. Michael
McElroy of Harvard University with this information, which he did but received
no acknowledgment or reply. He also disseminated copies to scientists,
governments and foreign embassies in Switzerland, receiving only one response,
a thank-you from the West Germans. Again, all this was in 1975 when no
one else seemed to be publicly discussing these contributing factors, certainly
no one-, two- or three-armed farmers (Swiss, American or otherwise), or
politicians, professors, scientists, meteorologists, contactees or channels
that I've ever heard of.
- The first public mention, which I offer as the first
example of corroborating information from the scientific community, was
found in the following article is from the Santa Monica, California *Evening
Outlook" newspaper, dated Nov. 29, 1988, 13 years after Meier's conversation
- The next example is from an article in the Los Angeles
Times February 24, 1992:
- Ozone Hole Damages Food Chain
- Semjase also warned Meier that our extraction of petroleum
and natural gas from the Earth, and damming of waters, (45th contact February
25, 1976; sentences 60-63), was a major contributing factor to the increase
of earthquakes and volcanic activity, much of which we would be experiencing
later towards the end of the century. Well, wouldn't you know it, some
wise guy professor at Stanford (he's probably the one who helped Billy
fake several hundred UFO photos, films, metal samples, sound recordings,
etc., in his spare time) comes out with the following:
- The Good Life-Independent Journal Newspapers Week of
June 21 thru June 27, 1990
- Earthquakes, Oil Inter-act
- There also was a scientific report aired on National
Public Radio, around 1991 or so, during which the "discovery"
of the connection between bromine gases and the ozone damage was announced.
The report made mention that bromine gases were used extensively in wood
treatment, especially woods prepared for export to Japan, fumigation and
also for agricultural applications. Bromine gases are now well recognized
as damaging to the ozone layer.
- The above-mentioned examples bear serious consideration,
unless, of course, all one wants to do is go back and argue about whether
the photos Meier took are "real." Set aside all the hard evidence
for a moment if you wish, the hundreds of photos (only a small few of which
have ever been well scrutinized), the films, the metal samples and the
sound recordings. Please explain the above information ending up in the
remaining hand of a . . . farmer . . . with a sixth grade education, living
in the hilly countryside 50 miles outside of Zurich, Switzerland, some
13-17 years before it was first publicly announced, published and attributed
to the aforementioned reputable scientific sources.
- Perhaps we should compare it to the information from
one of the other "real" UFO contact cases, or some channeled
information, or maybe the information from some of the brilliant debunkers.
Actually, before going any further, maybe we should stop here until we
have a real good explanation for these questions:
- How do you successfully hoax information, in scientific
areas outside of your expertise (as a farmer), that will be corroborated
in the future by reputable sources? Will the argument now become: We don't
know how he did it but it's unfair, and highly irresponsible","
to make your critics look stupid in the process.
- There was other information of a scientific nature given
to Meier that pertained to the temperatures, topography and terrain on
Venus, percentages of different gases in the Venusian atmosphere, speed
and direction of winds, etc. This could arguably have been obtained from
other sources, it could also be inaccurate, though I am unaware of any
debunking of it to date. Then there are the figures he was given on the
age of the Earth and the universe, both so much greater than what terrestrial
science recognizes as to make the point irrelevant for discussion. As well,
the Pleiadians gave him their chronologies for global ice ages and other
subjects that we cannot yet evaluate as to their accuracy. They also included
a lot of information about the origin of some of the planetary bodies in
our solar system and about comets with great destructive potential, such
as the one that the Pleiadians say caused the Great Flood nearly 11,0000
years ago.
- Stuff You Can't Prove--Yet
- While we're at it, let's touch upon some other areas
of information contained in the "Contact Notes" and other Meier
papers that, if nothing else, provide food for thought and, again, a chance
for us to compare to material in the other cases. As they come to mind,
then, in no particular order:
- The Man-Monkey Connection: Semjase confirmed Meier's
presumption that the Darwinian model of humans descending from monkeys
was nonsense. She added that the monkeys were actually the result of a
"coupling" between early existing humans (degenerated descendants
of earlier extraterrestrials) and another animal. Semjase said that the
"intermediate mutations, partly human being/partly monkey," are
known to us as "Africanus," "Peking Man" and "Neanderthals."
She claimed that, as of 1975, descendants of four different kinds of these
mutations existed and are what we call "Yeti." "(Seventh
Contact February 25,1975 Sentences 117-136)"
- Abortion: Meier asked if the Pleiadians allowed abortion,
and Semjase answered that they did, with natural substances, only up until
the third week because that was when they knew that the human spirit was
present. Because they had the scientific ability to know that with certainty,
they considered an abortion after that time to be murder. Imagine if we
knew when the (as yet unrecognized or debated) human spirit was present,
wouldn't that put an end to the polarizing pro-/anti-abortion conflict?
Or would we still figure out a way to war with each other over it?
- Origins of Humans on Earth: Meier was told that human
history actually goes back billions of years with origins in the Lyran
and Sirian star systems. Many Earth humans are descendants of highly technologically
advanced but warlike humans who, long ago and far away, explored the deep
reaches of space. They colonized, they plundered, and in some cases such
as here, they genetically upgraded the existing primitive human "stock."
In other cases, humans brought here had been deliberately genetically engineered
to be aggressive fighters for more advanced races in the Sirian system
with deliberately genetically limited life spans of less than 100 years.
- So limited, Meier was told, as to protect the much longer
lived "creator gods" from being overthrown through an uprising.
Ultimately that genetic manipulation, which they call the true "original
sin" was spread to every terrestrial human inhabitant, and conditions
us to this day. They say that our scientists are within reach of finding,
and reversing, this limiting aging gene. Meier was told that we will regain
the multi-hundred year life spans in the near future. Much more about this,
and other matters, can be found in the three-part "251st Contact "on
Meier's website (www.figu.ch).
- Atlantis: According to the Pleiadians, not only was
there a continent of Atlantis, but also a continent of Mu with whom the
Atlanteans co-existed until inevitable human conflicts interfered. They
claim that the sudden destruction of Atlantis came about in a brief but
violent war that also destroyed Mu. Meier was told that scientists from
Mu actually mounted a propulsion system on a chunk of asteroid and, on
a suicide mission, piloted it down towards Atlantis. Apparently a sudden
devastating attack from Atlantis had killed all the inhabitants who couldn't
flee in time and virtually melted the surface of the land of Mu. However,
as the asteroid entered the Earth's atmosphere above Atlantis at very high
speed, it began to break into many pieces which attained tremendous temperatures
due to the friction of entry. These huge, hot chunks rained down upon the
continent, hitting it with such force as to crack the earth's crust in
many places, causing the Atlantean land mass to sink into the ocean, amid
great quakes and eruptions. Bizarre as this may sound, satellite photographs
have revealed huge indentations, as if made from the impact of giant rocks,
off the coast of the eastern seaboard of the U.S. in an area rumored to
have been part of the lost continent. In a talk in Los Angeles in 1996,
space scientist David Adair spoke of mounting engines on asteroids as a
means of diverting their trajectories. History repeating itself? The Pyramids:
Built by advanced extraterrestrial intelligences, the true date of the
pyramids according to the Pleiadians is over 70,000 years. As scientists
have been pushing the date of the Sphinx back, perhaps we'll also see reconsideration
of the age of the pyramids.
- Crop Circles: Strangely enough, in a conversation from
1994, Meier and another contact named Ptaah dismiss the authenticity of
the crop circles, and attribute them all to hoaxers. This seemed quite
ridiculous to me, as the sheer intricacy, complexity and large number of
crop circles appearing in sparsely populated areas in a variety of countries
eliminates the likelihood of that kind of conspiracy, let alone the immense
coordinated skills necessary to fabricate most of them. It should be pointed
out that the photographs of the famous "landing tracks" of the
Pleiadian ships presented the first close-up look at the "technology"
of the crop circles. Semjase told Meier that the landing tracks were created
by their beamships' anti-gravitational fields which swirled the grasses
down without breaking them.
- It seems to me that "somebody" must have said
to themselves, "Hey, let's use this technology to create deliberate
patterns for the Earthlings to contemplate. We can incorporate different
mathematical and symbolic messages and at the same time demonstrate how
to use tremendous power creatively without killing anything!" I could
be wrong, but it is ironic that Meier--himself having suffered such abuse
from accusations of being a hoaxer--should be so adamant about the crop
circles being hoaxed!
- For many, another troublesome area of his material is
his and the Pleiadians' insistence on his being virtually the *only authentic
contactee in the world. All others are regarded as cheats, liars, frauds,
charlatans, profiteers, etc. I can't prove it either way, though I feel
that the Ummo, Itibi-Ra, Carlos Diaz and William Hermann cases seem authentic.
Some would add Whitley Strieber, perhaps Robert Morningsky and others.
Not so, according to Meier.
- Overpopulation: Emphasized over and over in the material
are warnings about the numbers of humans on our planet. We are informed
and reminded of the tremendous damage we do to our environment and our
ourselves by not drastically reducing and then maintaining a manageable
population. The point is developed and expanded upon in thought-provoking
ways. It involves illegal immigration, mass exoduses and enormous problems
that lead to wars, food shortages and other dreadful consequences. The
culpability of the religions is clearly pointed out.
- Capital Punishment: The barbarism and shortsightedness
of "killing the body" is juxtaposed with the solution championed
by Meier and the Pleiadians: Permanent, lifelong removal and exile of killers
from society. The case is made that our bloodthirsty lusting for vengeance
is spiritually inappropriate, as real isolation accomplishes the goal of
protecting society while giving the spirit of the offender time to suffer
the loss of freedom, perhaps to contemplate and feel remorse as well.
- The Pleiadians say that inflicting death on the killer
eliminates the opportunity for the spirit to develop in its understanding
while alive and, as they believe in reincarnation, is actually worse for
society as the reincarnating killer may repeat murderous tendencies.
- The Zetas: Semjase told Meier that the beings that abducted
Betty and Barney Hill were from Zeta Reticulum. She described them as highly
advanced human types with a scientific agenda and no malice intended towards
humankind. Remember, Meier was hearing about, and publishing, this in the
mid-1970's, before the Grays were getting much press (good or bad) elsewhere.
- The above represents but a very small sampling of the
different areas of information contained in Meier's material. Now that
he has a website, you can go and check out the material for yourself. I
highly recommend the three-part 251st Contact that deals with human history,
genetic engineering, etc. Apparently Meier has irritated a lot of people;
he's had a lot of potshots taken at him, figuratively and literally, some
17 actual assassination attempts reported to date.
- Lee and Britt Elders and Wendelle Stevens, aficionados
and commercial representatives of the Meier material, were with Billy sitting
on his porch one day when Billy's head suddenly jerked awkwardly to one
side as a rifle bullet hit the wall where his head had been a millisecond
before. Clearly it wasn't possible for Billy to have deliberately reacted
that fast, leading to the possibility that he was afforded some form of
protection against assassination, at least for a time. How many "professional"
channels, contactees and publicity seekers would still be in business if
they had to deal with this level of harassment?
- So why all the gunfire directed at a guy who's faking
UFO photos? Could it have anything to do with the almost endless criticism
of organized religion that peppers the pages of his booklets, tracts, newsletters,
publications and "Contact Notes?" It's not only Meier but also
Semjase and her father, Ptaah, a Pleiadian leader, who lambaste all the
terrestrial religions. Actually, they're pretty much equal opportunity
offenders, with something bad to say about virtually every group on the
planet, with second helpings for the lowly and contemptuous Americans.
- What's It All About, Ralphie?
- To say that the Meier case is about UFOs is as accurate
as saying the Columbus case was about the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa
Maria. They were only the ships that brought the elements of immense change
to the New World. The tremendous emphasis that Meier and the Pleiadians
place on spiritual reality and development could well be the *raison d'etre
for this whole matter.
- For those who've never been exposed to the philosophy
the Pleiadians espouse I'll attempt a condensed version based on my current
level of understanding. (For the most direct and accurate understanding
refer to Meier's material.) The Pleiadians say that our term, God, actually
refers to the various technologically advanced extraterrestrial human beings
that came here eons ago.
- These beings represented themselves to the far more primitive
Earth humans as the Creator, or Creators, of all things, like the Biblical
God. This has been touched upon in other works by von Daniken, Sitchin
and others, but not to the highly detailed extent of the Pleaidian chronologies.
- The Creation
- The Pleiadians use the term "the Creation"
to refer to the all-pervading spiritual energy and intelligence which they
say is the living body of this universe (they also say there are literally
billions of universes.) The Creation is the all-sustaining force of life
that permeates, and is permeated by, all things. Nothing exists that is
not created and sustained by it. It is all love, wisdom, logic, knowledge,
understanding and compassion and more.
- The Creation has no chosen people and no "only begotten
son;" it bestows no special dispensation or obligation upon anyone
and no intermediaries are necessary for us to direct our attention to it.
It doesn't take sides in wars, political elections or football games, and
has never, ever demanded the blood of any person be shed, for any reason,
in its name. Its laws are immutable and we are meant to learn and live
by them in a process of ever-greater evolution.
- Within each human being is an element or piece of the
Creation, the human spirit, whose purpose, through countless millions of
incarnations, is to evolve to a high spiritual state of ultimate reabsorption
and co-creation with the Creation itself. We are encouraged to see the
Creation in all things and to perceive its existence through the observation
of nature as well.
- Immanuel: Last, but certainly not least in this sampling,
and probably the main reason Meier looks like a walking bulls-eye to a
bunch of folks, is his self-proclaimed connection to Immanuel, which entails
a revolutionary alternative to Christian history . Meier and the Pleiadians
claim that the man known to us as Jesus Christ was never known by that
name during his lifetime, a lifetime that did not, despite crucifixion,
end on the cross. The man was named Immanuel and he was indeed conceived
by Mary with the help of Gabriel, a Pleiadian stationed on Earth at the
time, for the purpose of bringing the true Creational teachings to humans
who had been spiritually led astray. Immanuel is said to have lived to
be over 100 and ultimately died and was buried near Srinegar, India. Interestingly,
there is corroboration from other sources, including a book by a German
author unknown to Meier that tells a similar story and shows photographs
of the tomb. Carved into the tomb are the feet of a person who had once
been crucified.
- A red flag for many is Meier's apparent claim that his
spirit and Immanuel's, as well as that of Enoch, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah
and Mohammed, are one and the same, and that he therefore has incarnated
many times in the past as a prophet. This is certainly the last straw for
many and provides the ultimate opportunity to throw the whole case out.
- Meier is not a prophet who profits greatly from his labors.
Clearly, many others have done much better financially as a result of his
reported experiences than he has. Where would the arch skeptics and other
poor critics be without him? Why has this man, who for nearly a quarter
of a century has been at the center of the greatest UFO controversy in
history, not capitalized on this and taken it all the way to the bank?
He probably has a Swiss bank account--he is Swiss, after all- -but I mean
a *real Swiss bank account. Lee Elders once told me that he was with him
when Steven Spielberg (speaking of real bank accounts) called Billy and
asked how he made those neat UFO films. According to Lee, Billy told Spielberg,
in his inimitable Swiss-English, "Well, when the ships come I point
my camera and press the button."
- Of course, such an apocryphal story is unprovable. Yet
the resources necessary to create all the evidence, the money, the manpower,
the sheer immensity of the undertaking seem to far exceed the capabilities
of the known participants.
- Still . . . Let's face it. Everybody knows at least one
half-educated, barely self-supporting one-armed farmer, thousands of miles
from Hollywood, who dabbles with beyond-studio-quality special effects,
sophisticated futuristic metallurgical alloys and irreproducible sound
effects, publishes volumes on environmental and atmospheric sciences, convoluted
human genealogies, social sciences, genetic engineering, human-machine
hybrids, hyper-space travel, time travel, tachyon and light emitting beam-drive
propulsion systems, sacrilegious claims and lofty spiritual information
. . . in between milking cows.
- Jesting aside, the one certain thing in the Meier case
is that the main emphasis of the Pleiadian message is spiritual development,
truth, individual responsibility, environmental responsibility and population
control. It is loaded with warning signs and predictions of the dire consequences
of irresponsible human behavior. It seems to have several built-in safety
valves, like the Immanuel connection, that seem to function to prevent
us from having to believe it. It isn't about worshipping UFOs, space brothers,
ascended masters, saints, saviors, blessed virgins or charismatic leaders.
- The Four Possibilities
- Here are the only possibilities in this case: What Meier
is telling us is either, all, mostly, partly or not at all true. There
it is. I can truthfully tell you that no body of work I've encountered
has had as much of an effect on me as this case--and I don't agree with,
or even believe, all of it. I do believe UFO interested people owe it to
themselves to find out what the case is about for themselves.
- Questions
- Don't believe the skeptics and the debunkers, and don't
believe those with a bias towards the case like me, but *do ask yourself
a couple of questions, among them:
- What if there is a case whose purpose is not simply to
provide opportunities to debate UFO photos, but actually to inform and
assist humanity without directly interfering with its evolutionary development?
Will we have missed an opportunity to explore, with openness and curiosity,
the possibility that there's at least one group of slightly more advanced
beings out there who may know more about life's mysteries, and us, than
we know ourselves? Or will we insist on proving that we have cornered the
market on acquisitiveness, ignorance, egotism and arrogance, fighting to
dominate each other, destroying our home and trying to "get somewhere,"
while we float through space on our cosmically barely significant little
piece of lint? ______________
- *Author's note: I assume that the reader has some knowledge
of the facts, as well as the controversy surrounding, this case. I refer
to the other evidence, the film, metal samples and sound recordings, because
they were evaluated scientifically with the best available technology at
the time. The 8mm film footage, where the ship is seen to disappear within
one frame (1/25th of a second) and later reappear within one frame (1/25th
of a second) was analyzed by Nippon Television. They found no evidence
of hoaxing, but the way the ships moved in one sequence or another bothered
some people because it didn't fit their expectations. The late Marcel Vogel,
at the time a scientist at IBM in Switzerland, evaluated the metal samples.
The sound recordings were evaluated at two sound labs, one in Hollywood,
California, the other at the Groton Naval Undersea Base in Connecticut.
They were deemed in all cases to be not duplicable with the technology
available to any of the examiners in any of the facilities at the time.
The results were published and, in the case of the metal samples, a videotape
was made which is available from Genesis III. Also, I wish to emphasize
that the above article conveys my personal understanding of the material
contained in this case, and may or may not coincide completely with the
precise body of information the Pleiadians purportedly transmitted to Eduard
"Billy" Meier. For more information on all aspects of the Billy
Meier case, go to www.figu.ch .
- (1) Now referred to by Meier as Plejarans or Pleiadians/Plejarans
for reason of identifying the authenticity of information that purports
to be from the same sources as Meier's.
- *Michael Horn is the co-producer of "The Pleiadian
Connection" videotape, the associate producer of "Technical Remote
Viewing Home Study Course," composer of "Spaceship On The White
House Lawn," "The Ballad of Roswell" and other irreverent
New Age songs.