- "Cook, Roger D. (US), Flying Saucers
U.S. Patents List - Dec 1998, (10 Kb)
- (Abstract) This report results from an
extensive survey of various Patents
- Databases, searching for all patents
relating to the Flying Saucers
- Aerospacecraft (i.e. circular-winged,
V.T.O.L. by design). Lists over 90
- Patents."
- http://personal.atl.bellsouth.net/bna/r/d/rdcook/mmfs98-0324.txt
- Original-from: rdcook@bellsouth.net
(Roger D. Cook)
- Last-modified: 30 Dec 1998
- Archive-name: Man-Made Flying Saucers
Patents: USA Only
- Abstract: This report results
from an extensive survey of
- various U.S. Patents
Databases, searching for all
- patents relating to
flying saucer type aerospacecraft
- (i.e. circular-winged
and V.T.O.L. by design).
- Compilers Notes: This bibliography,
and other spacedrives info, will
- not be automatically
posted but will be made available
- via my Home Page:
- URL: http://personal.bna.bellsouth.net/~rdcook/saucers.htm
- Up-dating will be on
a bi-annual basis, in Dec and
- June. Reports of errors
or ommissions should be sent
- to: (Email) rdcook@bellsouth.net,
or Snail-Mail to
- Roger Cook, 6430 Charlotte
Ave #1505, Nashville,
- TN 37209 USA
- Patent Info WWW: The IBM Patent Server
maintains an in-complete data-
- base of U.S. Patents
including: 1974-present with both
- text-based data &
Images, 1971-1973 text based only.
- URL: http://patent.womplex.ibm.com/
- The U.S. Patent Office
maintains a database server
- with a complete collection
of U.S. patents for
- 1976-present, text-based
- URL: http://www.uspto.gov/
- Patent Info Mail: Paper copies of U.S.
patents, irregardless of issue
- date, for delivery
within the United States, can be
- ordered from the Commissioner
of Patents,
- Washington, DC, 2O231.
- Order by Patent Number,
and include $3.OO for each
- patent copy ordered.
6 to 8 weeks delivery time.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- United States (US)
- ------------------
- 5,730,391 Miller, John A., Jr., et
al (03/24/98) Universal
- fluid-dynamic body for aircraft
and watercraft
- 5,503,351 Vass, Gabor I. (O4/O2/96)
Circular wing aircraft
- 5,351,911 Neumayr, George A. (1O/O4/94)
Vertical takeoff
- and landing (VTOL) flying
- 5,344,100 Jaikaram, Allan (O9/O6/94)
Vertical lift aircraft
- 5,318,248 Zielonka, Richard H. (O6/O7/94)
Vertical lift aircraft
- 5,303,879 Bucher, Franz (O4/19/94)
Aircraft with a ducted fan
- in a circular wing
- 5,213,284 Webster, Steven N. (O5/25/93)
Disc planform aircraft
- having vertical flight capability
- 5,203,521 Day, Terrence R. (O4/2O/93)
Annular body aircraft
- 5,178,344 Dlouhy, Vaclav (O1/12/93)
VTOL aircraft
- 5,170,963 Beck, August H., Jr. (12/15/92)
VTOL aircraft
- 5,149,012 Valverde, Rene L. (O9/22/92)
- 5,102,066 Daniel, Wm. H. (O4/O7/92)
Vertical take-off and
- landing aircraft
- 5,054,713 Langley, L. W., et al (1O/O8/91)
Circular airplane
- 5,046,685 Bose, Phillip R. (O9/1O/91)
Fixed circular wing
- aircraft
- 5,039,031 Valverde, Rene L. (O8/13/91)
- 4,976,395 von Kozierowski, J. (12/11/9O)
- disk-type aircraft
- 4,824,048 Kim, Kyusik (O4/25/89)
Induction lift flying saucer
- 4,804,156 Harmon, Rodney D. (O2/14/89)
Circular aircraft
- 4,795,111 Moller, Paul S. (O1/O3/89)
Robotic or remotely
- controlled flying platform
- 4,778,128 Wright, Herbert H., et al
(1O/18/88) Flying disc
- aircraft
- 4,773,618 Ow, Gordon J. (O9/27/88)
High speed vertical
- take-off and landing aircraft
- 4,685,640 Warrington, John E. (O8/11/87)
Air vehicle
- 4,651,953 Kim, Kyusik (O3/24/87)
Induction Lift Aircraft
- 4,519,562 Willis, Wm. M. (O5/28/85)
- 4,457,476 Andresevitz, Frank (O7/O3/84)
Wingless aircraft
- 4,452,410 Everett, Robert A. (O6/O5/84)
In-line gyro type
- aircraft
- 4,433,819 Carrington, Alfred C. (O2/28/84)
Aerodynamic Device
- 4,387,867 Jordan, Heinz (06/14/83)
Flying craft
- 4,326,681 Eshoo, Frederick (04/27/82)
Non-rigid airship
- 4,312,483 Bostan, Nicolae (O1/26/82)
Aircraft With Circular
- Wing
- 4,214,720 DeSautel, Edwin R. (O7/29/8O)
Flying Disc
- 4,196,877 Mutrux, Jean L. (04/08/80)
- 4,193,568 Heuvel, Norman L. (O3/18/8O)
Disc-type airborne
- vehicle and radial flow
gas turbine engine used
- therein
- 4,165,848 Bizzarri, Alfredo (08/28/79
Rotary thrust device
- including axially elongated
rotor rotatable in
- casting having elongated
fluid intake and
- discharge slots
- 4,117,992 Vrana, Charles K. (10/03/78)
Vertical lift device
- 4,050,652 DeToia, Vincent D. (O9/27/77)
Gryo Foil
- 4,023,751 Richard, Walter A. (O5/17/77)
Flying Ship
- 4,014,483 MacNeil, Roderick M. (O3/29/77)
- craft
- 3,933,325 Kaelin, Joseph R. (O1/2O/76)
Disc-Shaped Aerospacecraft
- 3,871,602 Kissinger, Curtis D. (03/18/75)
Circular wing aircraft
- 3,774,865 Pinto, Olympio F. (11/27/73)
Flying Saucer
- 3,75O,98O Edwards, Samuel L. (O8/O7/73)
Aircraft with vertical
- take off and landing capability
- 3,697,020 Thompson, Raymond V. (1O/1O/72)
Vertical lift machine
- 3,690,597 Di Martino, Renato (O9/12/72)
Vertical take-off
- landing aircraft having
a pair of coaxial
- counter-rotating rotors
- 3,640,489 Jaeger, Karl (O2/O8/72)
Vertical takeoff and landing
- aircraft
- 3,630,470 Elliot, Frederick Thomas
- 3,614,O3O Moller, Paul S. (1O/19/71)
- 3,612,445 Phillips, Duan A. (1O/12/71)
- 3,599,9O2 Thomley, John W. (O8/17/71)
- 3,5O3,573 Modesti, James N. (O3/31/7O)
Disk Flying Craft
- 3,469,802 Roberts, J. R., et al (09/30/69)
- 3,437,29O Norman, Francis A. (O4/O8/69)
Vertical lift aircraft
- 3,432,120 Guerrero, E. (04/11/69)
- 3,41O,5O7 Moller, Paul S. (11/12/68)
- 3,395,876 Green, Jacob B. (O8/O6/68)
Aircraft With Housed
- Counter Rotating Propellors
- 3,387,8O1 Kelsey, C. W. (O6/11/68)
Vertical takeoff aircraft
- 3,321,156 McMasters, Douglas Q. (O5/23/67)
Universally manuverable
- aircraft
- 3,312,425 Lennon, C. D., et al (04/04/67)
- 3,243,146 Clover, P. B. (03/29/66)
Vertical-takeoff-landing aircraft
- 3,237,888 Willis, William M. (O3/O1/66)
- 3,199,8O9 Modesti, James N. (O8/1O/65)
Circular wing flying craft
- 3,177,654 Gradecak, Vjekoslav (O4/13/65)
Electric Aerospace
- Propulsion System
- 3,124,323 Frost, John C. M. (O3/1O/64)
Aircraft Propulsion And
- Control
- 3,123,320 Slaughter, E. E. (04/03/64)
Vertical rise aircraft
- 3,103,324 Price, N. C. (09/10/63)
High velocity high altitude
- V.T.O.L. aircraft
- 3,O9O,58O Kehlet, Alan B., et al
(O5/21/63) Space And Atmospheric
- Re-Entry Vehicle
- 3,O72,366 Freeland, Leonor Z. (O1/O8/63)
Fluid sustained aircraft
- 3,067,967 Barr, I. R. (12/11/62)
Flying machine
- 3,066,890 Price, Nathan C. (12/04/62)
Supersonic Aircraft
- 3,O65,935 Dubbury, J., et al (11/27/62)
Vertical take-off aircraft
- 3,O62,482 Frost, John C. M. (11/O6/62)
Gas turbine engined aircraft
- 3,O51,417 Frost, John C. M., et al
(O8/28/62) Aircraft control systems
- 3,O51,415 Frost, John C. M. (O8/28/62)
Fluid sustained aircraft
- 3,O51,414 Frost, John C. M. (O8/28/62)
Aircraft with jet fluid
- control ring
- 3,O24,966 Frost, John C. M. (O3/13/62)
Radial flow gas turbine
- engine rotor bearing
- 3,O22,963 Frost. John C. M., et al
(O2/27/62) Disc-type aircraft
- with peripheral jet control
- 3,O2O,OO3 Frost, John C. M., et al
(O2/O6/62) Disc aircraft with gas
- turbine and ram jet engines
- 3,O2O,OO2 Frost, John C. M. (O2/O6/62)
Vertical take-off aircraft
- control
- 3,O18,O68 Frost, John C. M., et al
(O1/23/62) Disc Aircraft With
- Multiple Radially Disposed
gas turbine engines
- 2,997,254 Mulgrave, Thomas P., et
al (O8/22/61) Gyro stabilized
- vertical rising vehicle
- 2,953,32O Parry, Robert D. (O9/2O/6O)
Aircraft with ducted lifting fan