Brazilian General's "Suicide"
After Revealing UFO Truth
By Philippe Piet van Putten
Director - The Brazilian Academy of Parasciences (ABP)
Submitted by John Greenewald 10-17-97
"John Greenewald, Jr."
Dear colleagues and friends,
Most of you probably heard about the important revelations made public by Brazilian Air Force (FAB) colonel (retired) Uyrange Bolivar Soares Nogueira de Hollanda Lima, 56, on July 20, 1997.
He was interviewed during the national tv show Fantastico (Globo TV). For the first time, he confirmed his personal UFO-experiences while commanding the Operacao Prato (Operation Plate), activated by the FAB's 1st Regional Aerial Command (I COMAR) in September, 1977.
Uyrange and Operation Plate succeeded filming and photographing numerous UFOs which were causing panic in the Amazon region. He and agents of the extinct National Information Service (SNI) has a real close encounter with an enormous UFO. Operation Plate obtained HUNDREDS of photos of strange aerial phenomena which "seemed aware of the military presence" and moved in an intelligent fashion.
Colonel Uyrange was apparently healthy and had made a public lecture about the Operation. He also gave an interview for a leading Brazilian magazine on UFOs and seemed optimistic about his contribution to the revelation of the truth.
We were informed today that the Colonel committed SUICIDE on October 2, 1997 (??!!). We also heard rumours that his family has vanished (?!!). We are trying to find out if such a strange vanishing really happened. As soon as we have a conclusion we'll let all of you know about it.

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