American Computer Hints
Transistor Was Alien Technology
Says Bell Labs May Have Gotten 'Gift' From Roswell
Courtesy CNI News
[CNI News thanks Jared Anderson (, Stig Agermose ( and UFO Updates ( for forwarding most of the information on which this story is based.]
Controversy is swirling around American Computer Company, a New Jersey-based manufacturing firm which posted on its web site the suggestion that Bell Laboratories may have benefited from access to alien technology in 1947, leading directly to development of the transistor.
Although the claim echoed similar allegations previously printed in the controversial book "The Day After Roswell" by Lt. Col. Philip Corso (ret.), spokesmen for American Computer said they had no knowledge of the Corso book.
An unnamed company source first posted the Bell Labs/alien technology hypothesis on American Computer's web site in early August. [see]
Shortly thereafter, American Computer's corporate headquarters building was reportedly broken into by individuals who managed to circumvent many layers of electronic security, then searched highly sensitive files but did not steal anything of value. The break-in prompted an investigation by Air Force OSI (OSI's interest in the matter has not been explained) and also set off a chain of further statements by company spokesmen, including president and chief technical officer Jack A. Shulman.
Bell Labs, predecessor to AT&T, BellCore and Lucent Technologies, was in a prime position to benefit from super-secret "foreign technology" that might have been acquired by the U.S. military during the late 1940s, Shulman said in statements posted on the internet, and in an audio interview with researcher Linda Moulton Howe heard on Art Bell's nationally syndicated radio program.
In answer to telephone inquiries from one Bob Wolf, an individual with apparent connections inside American Computer, Shulman faxed a statement during the last weekend of August which read, in part:
"Bell Laboratories developed most of the technology used by the national and Government/Military telephone networks during the century prior to 1947. Indubitably, Bell Labs had one of the most senior positions in the military research arena for a very long time and still does... However, 1947 appears to have been a BANNER year in Bell Labs history, representing an unprecedented departure from its previous focus on Vacuum Tubes and Mechanical Relays. Nearly all subsequent technological advances in communications, switching, audio, video, integrated circuitry and military components at Bell Labs leveraged, in some way, the advent of the Transistor."
Shulman says an unnamed "consultant" to American Computer was privy to information concerning Bell Labs' alleged acquisition of alien technology from the Roswell UFO incident of 1947. That information, Shulman believes, probably came directly from a man named John Morton.
"Mr. John 'Jack' Morton is the now nameless individual who headed up not only the Transistor project, but drove many of the projects that derived from the Transistor, as head of the Semiconductor Research and Development division of the Bell System, at Bell Labs, until his untimely death in the early 70's," Shulman told Bob Wolf.
Morton was actually murdered, Shulman says, and his grisly demise while still a Bell Labs executive may have been directly linked to the secret of Bell's alien acquisitions. Morton was reportedly placed unconsious in a car, doused with gasoline and set on fire. Perpetrators were eventually apprehended and tried but received mysteriously light sentences, Shulman says.
Although Shulman claims he has not read Col. Philip Corso's book "The Day After Roswell," his allegations strongly echo Corso's claim that the Pentagon purposely fed alien technology from the Roswell crash to U.S. industry.
Corso states that he became convinced, though he could not prove, that Bell Labs had been one of the first recipients of alien technology from the Roswell crash (see pages 159ff). He acknowledges that scientist William Shockley (officially named as co-inventor of the transistor) was already working on concepts that could be considered precursors to the transistor in 1946. Even so, Corso said, the sudden emergence of the transistor was a quantum technological leap that took everyone by surprise. He says he is convinced the breakthrough was based on study of Roswell wreckage.
Bob Wolf says that, with the cooperation of American Computer personnel, he was able to speak by phone with the anonymous "consultant" who claims direct knowledge of Bell's alien connection. According to Wolf, this man resides in Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, "where he is an expert on National Electronic Space Command matters for the Department of the Air Force."
Wolf quotes the consultant as saying, in part, "...there is no information about transistor research actually available nor that is bonafide nor provided by Bell Labs prior to July - August - September of 1947. It didn't exist, because the materials concepts used by Bell and the associated research resulting in the fabrication of the Transistor came from the Roswell, New Mexico crashsite of the "extraterrestrial craft" discovered jointly by the Air Force and Army there in mid 1947... All subsequent accounts of the invention were stylized publicity accounts designed to create the impression of Bell Labs research superiority."
Wolf quotes the consultant as saying, "Colonel Corso should be proud that he took the stand he did."
Wolf emphasized that "American Computer is unable to confirm nor deny or dispute any of the facts presented by the [alleged consultant] about the Roswell, NM 'space craft' or Bell Laboratories..."
American Computer president Jack A. Shulman joins a growing list of highly credible individuals willing to acknowledge the possibility of official contact with alien technology.
Among his many credits, Shulman is the inventor of ODIN, the first "overlapping windowed" display manager for desktop computing, in 1974. In the late 1970s, Shulman designed CAD/CAM and desktop computer systems for manufacturing and the office, including one of the forerunners of the IBM PC-AT. Shulman is also the inventor of the massively parallel systolic hypersystem (MPSH) also known as the "Cognition, Abstraction, Inference, Induction Machine" -- a connection machine called PROTEUS -- which in 1984 caused considerable controversy because of its potential for application in the amplification of human intellectual capability. In addition to his other responsibilities, Shulman currently heads the Sentient Machine Project (SMP) Laboratory and serves as Chairman of the non-profit American Computer Scientists Association, an organization he co-founded in 1989.
CNI News will report new developments in this story as they become available.

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