- Note - The following photos show a facility reportedly
located on a National Guard base, Camp Grayling, in the woods in Michigan
and posted as part of the information on Mark A. Smith's militia-oriented
website at: http://www.flash.net/~msmith01/
- Our thanks to Mark for allowing us to post the photos here.
- Note - On 3-30-99, Richard Smith sent in the following
email regarding the Camp Grayling facility shown in the photos below:
- From Richard J. Smith Jr.
- 3-30-99
- Back when the photos of the "concentration camps"
at Camp Grayling were first posted, I wrote to the Michigan National Guard
to get their explanation. I'm not sure it holds water, but here it is for
what it's worth.
- Thanks,
- Rick Smith
- Date: Wed, 20 Jan 1999 09:46:50 -0500
- From: "Dawn Dancer" <dancerd@state.mi.us
- To: rjsmith@msys.net
- Subject: Camp Grayling
- Dear Mr. Smith: Our web master has forwarded your question
about Camp Grayling to me.
- The "camps" you are referring to are used by
our Military Police for training. One of their war-time missions is to
process and care for prisoners of war (POWs). The photos you saw are of
that training site.
- If you have any other questions about Camp Grayling,
the Michigan National Guard or any of our training, please do not hesitate
to contact me.
- Sincerely,
- 1st Lt. Dawn Dancer
- Deputy Public Affairs Officer
- Dept. of Military & Veterans Affairs
- Michigan National Guard
- (517) 483-5813
- DSN 623-0813
