- Dr. Mazlen We have an extraordinary guest
who's written an extraordinary book. I say stay glued to your sets because
you really need to hear this. Our guest today is Donald W. Scott, an author
and also founder of the Common Cause Foundation, but he's significantly
in this show today the author of a book called The Brucellosis Triangle
and it's been published by the Chelmsford Publishers in Sudbury, Ontario
and the year of the publication is 1998. He published it along with his
son, William L. C. Scott, but Donald W. Scott is our guest today. Welcome
to our show, Donald. We're just delighted to have you here today as our
- Don Scott Thank you, very much, doctor.
It's a pleasure to speak with your audience and you.
- Dr. Mazlen Let me go right to the point.
You've mentioned the Brucellosis Triangle. It involves three cities. What
does it mean?
- Don Scott Well, the disease brucellosis
was a disease primarily in goats that used to communicate very rarely to
human beings. However, unfortunately, from 1942 and probably right up
until the present, the governments of Canada, Britain and the United States
agreed to try to take the naturally occurring brucellosis disease agent
and make it into a biological weapon. That's a tragic reality. All the
evidence is there. And they took brucellosis as a starting point because
as a disease brucellosis can cause neurological damage, cardiac damage,
digestive damage, several other areas of the body and of the brain can
be affected by brucellosis.
- Dr. Mazlen Now, that's the wild type
- Don Scott Yes, that's the wild type.
Now, there is very very clear evidence that the researchers who were seeking
to enhance brucellosis and make it more infectious succeeded beyond their
wildest dreams because almost 2/3 of the laboratory workers who were working
on brucellosis contracted the disease. So we began looking at what was
being done to the brucellosis bacterial toxin to make it more toxic and
to make it more infectious. And we found several factors which we set out
in The Brucellosis Triangle to demonstrate how this naturally occurring
disease was converted into a very tragic disease in keeping with a Pentagon
policy of having two types of biological weapons. One which would kill
and one which would disable and obviously the brucellosis acted as the
foundation point for the disabling disease.
- Dr. Mazlen OK, we know from the book
that you spent a lot of time in documenting this and so we're obviously
not going to be able to cover all the documentation in this one show, but
basically what you said and we're going to get you to answer this when
we come back from the break, but you had mentioned that apparently some
research work that was ongoing for a long period of time ultimately affected
some kind of a combination of what you call in the book, "the crystalline
form of the brucella melitensis bacteria" and a virus which is related
to the cause of Scrapie which is disease which affects the brain, crosses
the blood-brain barrier. So, I'm going to have us go to a short break and
when we come back I'm going to have you expound on this in some detail.
- <Break
- Donald tell us about how this cross agent
came about.
- Don Scott Well, it was evident after
the brucellosis had been initially developed that it had a lot of potential
but it lacked one thing. It did not permanently disable the individuals
who were infected and research that had been going on about a disease agent
called the visna virus. Now the visna virus, of course, is a virus of sheep,
and it is characterized by a very serious breakdown in the brain. The researchers
who were working with brucellosis found that they could mutate the brucellosis
bacteria by the visna virus. Now this sounds like very complicated business
but it turns out to be very simple actually. Viruses have DNA. That is
that they can reproduce themselves only to a degree. They can produce a
blueprint of themselves but they can't reproduce themselves unless they
have a host for the DNA. So it was found that in the visna virus--which,
incidentally causes mad cow disease--that if this virus were introduced
in sufficient quantity to a sufficient quantity of brucellosis bacteria,
the virus would plant its DNA into the brucellosis bacteria and this would
mutate to a new form of bacteria, one which had a very enhanced component
of neural damage. And then the researchers learned how to extract just
the bacterial toxin from the bacteria and they could discard the bacteria
but keep the toxin which was subviral and very easily transmitted by aerosol,
by simply breathing it in. So, with these factors together, the brucellosis
bacteria mutated by the visna virus, reduced to a toxin which was communicated
by aerosol, they had an excellent biological disabling weapon.
- Dr. Mazlen Now, is it true as you stated
in your book that somewhere in the United States government in 1986 we
sold something like this or similar or the same to the Iraqi government?
- Don Scott Yes, we did and Senator Regal,
who unfortunately retired a couple of elections ago, Sen. Regal of the
U.S. senate asked for and received a list of all the biological weapon
components that were supplied to Saddam Hussein by the United States military
and that is contained in the Regal report and I have one page of it here,
on page 41 of his report it shows that a shipment of brucellosis, brucella
melitensis they call it, biotype 1 was shipped to Iraq in 1986 and it was
a component for a disabling disease which very closely resembled CFIDS
and which is obviously Gulf War Syndrome. In other words, the people from
the Gulf War who are suffering symptoms almost identical to CFIDS are suffering
that because the brucella melitensis which was shipped in 1986 to Saddam
Hussein was fired back at allied forces in the Gulf by SCUD missiles.
- Dr. Mazlen Well, you know, this is an
exciting and important and serious thing that you bring up. I want to just
take a question from the listening audience just to let them participate
and we'll get back to you in a minute. Can we have the caller on line one.
Jim, are you there?
- Jim Yes, Dr. Mazlen. I'm so happy to
hear Mr. Scott and hear him bring these facts forward. I'll tell you why.
I suffered from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for the last 12 years, a little
bit longer. Well, I came, about 3 or 4 years into it after a lot of research
and a lot of discussions with other sufferers who had also done a lot of
in depth research that, indeed, I think that Mr. Scott is totally on track.
If you look at the constellation and the percentage distribution of symptoms
of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and compare those as Mr. Scott has very very
rightly laid out, they compare almost identically, with a couple of exceptions,
to Gulf War Syndrome and also with Lyme disease. I'll tell you why Lyme
disease is important too. The government had a biological--and it was a
restricted space biological research station out in Long Island sound off
the coast of Connecticut...
- Francis Well, I don't know if this is
related, but sometimes I have heart problems and it hurts in the chest.
Would that be in any way related?
- Dr. Mazlen Donald, is that one of the
- Don Scott Yes, very much so because you
see the brucellosis is capable of entering usually the left ventricle of
the heart and in the left ventricle it will damage the cells of the left
ventricle causing lesions and these lesions interrupt the rhythm of the
heart and consequently the effectiveness of the heart. So, many people
who are ultimately diagnosed with having CFIDS or fibromyalgia are initially
looked at as possible cardiac victims. Well, they are cardiac victims because
cardiac problems are part and parcel of the consequences of the enhanced
brucellosis bacterial toxin.
- Francis Is there anything I can do to
prevent further damage?
- Don Scott Yes, we think there is and
we're continuing research in this area and over the next six months we're
going to be embarking on a couple of programs with volunteers participating
through their own general practitioner in a couple of things we think will
be effective.
- Dr. Mazlen Let me mention for your purposes
and others who are listening that you can reach the author of this exciting
book, Donald W. Scott at his fax number which is 705-670-0180, so for further
questions stay in touch.
- <Break
- We're obviously are going to have to
have another show with Donald Scott as our guest because we can't cover
it all, but I want to ask Donald now a question he raised to me for some
explanation which is why in a family does one person come down with a symptom
such a Parkinson's and another sibling develop Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
or fibromyalgia due to this proposed brucellosis active principle.
- Don Scott Yes, doctor, I appreciate you
raising that point for me because in our studies we have found that there
will be several families, one member will have, as you say, Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome, another member will have Parkinson's disease and a third member
might have arthritis or some related disease. And in our studies of these
we have found that it appears very probable that the active agent is the
same active agent but that the people who receive that active agent respond
on the bases of different things. 1, there's a hormonal component. 2, there
is a genetic component. And 3, there is an immune system component. So
you might have brothers and sisters, the brother with Parkinson's disease,
the sister with CFIDS. The one is responding in terms of his or her constellation
of hormonal, genetic and immune system functioning as compared to the hormonal
genetic and immune system functioning of the other. But the active agent
is the same one and we have received hundreds of examples of this type
of family constellation of degenerative diseases, each different disease
apparently, but all evidently triggered by the same activation.
- Dr. Mazlen Now, I have to interject and
ask you if this also includes Alzheimer's? This is a very important point
that you raised before.
- Don Scott Yes, Alzheimer's is a critical
one because we have found that the activation, when it begins its process
of cell invasion and cell breakdown releasing the excess glutamate that
is released into the blood stream and carving then the breakdown of the
glial cells that manufacture the myelin sheath that are one of the characteristics
of Alzheimer's. You have two things, the myelin sheath is destroyed, short-circuiting
thought patterns and many, many brain cells are killed off resulting in
the other symptoms of Alzheimer's.
- Dr. Mazlen Well, that's very important.
I want to thank Donald Scott. Donald has an M.A. and an M.S. degree. He's
also President of the Common Cause Foundation and Adjunct Professor at
the Institute for Molecular Medicine which is an organization which is
headed by Dr. Garth Nicolson. You can reach him through the fax number
705-670-0180. We haven't even gotten to talk about treatment, we haven't
even gotten to talk yet about the infectious aspect of it. Is it contagious?
- Don Scott I say it is.
- Dr. Mazlen OK, that aspect and other
aspects such as treatment and treatment protocols we'll have to get back
to. Donald is going to be on a tour discussing the topic of neurodegenerative
diseases, their source, their characteristics and the hope for a cure.
You can reach him by the fax number to get details.
- Transcribed by
- Carolyn Viviani carolynv@inx.net
- Permission is given to repost, copy and
distribute this transcript as long as my name is not removed from it.