Morgellons Special #7
Material compiled by
©2007 Project FMM Research Team

Project FMM - Phase IA -  Initial Specimen Examination
Project FMM - Phase IB - High Density Polyethlyne Fiber
Project FMM - Phase II - Chemtrail Fallout
Project FMM - Phase IIIA - Morgellons Fibers Tested and Compared
Project FMM - Phase IIIB - Raman; Morgellons & Meteorite
Size Matters - Dr. Hildegarde Staninger

PROJECT FMM ­ Fiber,  Meteorite & Morgellons
PHASE IA ­ Initial Examination of Several Dozen Samples
March 29, 2007
Principal Researcher Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, RIET-1
© Saturday, March 27, 2007

12235 Centralia Street, Lakewood, CA 90715    
Tel: 562-402-7300 Fax: 562-402-7308 Direct: 213-382-2786
Project Contract Labs: AMDL, Inc., ACS, Inc., MIT, and Lambda Solutions, Inc.
PHASE IA Samples from Sept. 1, 2006.
Results Received February 5, 2007
Subject Samples of Unknown Fibers Collected form Many Sources and Delivered to Laboratory.
Report of: Examination, Microscopic Measurements and Spectrographic Analysis of Several Dozen Fibers Sent from IHI, LLC, Lakewood, CA.
Several batches of unknown suspect fibers were sent to the laboratory over a period of several weeks. We were asked to examine them, study them microscopically, determine some physical properties, and run elemental analysis by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and chemical groups by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Also some samples would be analyzed by Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy (FT-Raman).
Laboratory personnel would also compare the fibers with some other nanofibers reported to be carbon-silicon fibers with photoluminescent and other properties.
NOTE: All Samples were compared to the "Goldenhead" as found by Dr. Rahim Karjoo and Dr. Hildegarde Staninger (October 28, 2006) and a fiber that was identified as High Density Polyethylene Fiber (HDPE). 
1) Visually a few of the fibers resembled the carbon-silicon fibers previously studied by Integrative Health International, LLC.
2) Close-up photos and photomicrographs (1,000 x) were taken of most samples.
3) Many strange shapes and lumps were seen and some could not be identified.
4) Identification of the photomicrographs were identified to contain a "foreign fiber" or not. These fibers were then selected for further testing and melting points.
5) A FTIR spectrum of one spot on the fiber indicated the presence of high density polyethylene fiber plus a trace of another material (brown gel).
6) EDS and Raman results will be discussed in Phase II and Phase III of this report.
The fibers identified, gel material, and gel shaped materials had no cellular integrity with no eukaryotic cells.  The materials identified in the fibers were of a manufactured nano technology to form a specific structure with an undetermined function. The chemical composition of fibers that had EDS and Raman did not match the chemical composition of the human body nor were they any part of the human body (nails, hair, skin, nerves, etc.).
Special features as identified by Los Angeles County Fire Department, Los Angeles, CA personnel are the following: 1) skin melts or burns at above 165 degrees F; 2) fibers from a human body that do not melt at 1,400 degrees F or above 165 degrees are not made of human cells; and 3) human tissue does not secrete gels nor would they be of known human cellular composition that melt above 300 degrees C (i.e. approximately over 600 degrees F).
All samples that did have a fiber that matched nanotechnology as compared to the original "Goldenhead" was identified as a "Morgellon Like Fiber": 1) discarded Morgellon Goldenhead; 2) fully formed Morgellon Goldenhead; or 3) deteriorating Morgellon Goldenhead. The structured material/fibers identified were ones that would have properties to self assemble, enlarge, and/or fold/expand. They were identified as nanotechnology (man-made)1 and were not identified in any way to be composed of eukaryotic cells, animal, plant, nor composed of any live biological form. Some specimens had "biological artificial" appearances that are known as artificial life or pseudo-life forms. These types of artificial life forms are known to use DNA/RNA/siRNA or sRNA plasmid templates of viruses, microorganisms, animal/plant proteins and/or enzymes to build the artificial technology structural form at nano level. Furthermore, they are not limited to only these referenced life forms plasmids, enzymes, and/or proteins.
Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, RIET-1, Principal Investigator, IHI, LLC Dept. Research & Dev.
Industrial Toxicologist/IH & Doctor of Integrative Medicine
1 Man-Made means not made by nature or found in nature.
Morgellons Photos, Special Program #6, Page Three of Five

 L/N 12938/1
(See Phase III B for detail)


L/N 12938/2



L/N 12938/3



SEM/EDS Elemental Spectrum
(Image Scanned at 100X ­ missing from online file)
 Atomic %  Conc    
 Na  Ka 16.145   12.273 wt.% 
 Al Ka 18.274   16.304
 P  Ka 18.961   19.420
 S  Ka   33.403  35.419
 Cl  Ka  6.098  7.149
 Ca  Ka 7.120   9.435
     100.00  100.000 wt%

L/N 12938/4


(No Data)

L/N 12938/5


Negative for specific fiber configuration.


L/N 12938/6

Morgellons Tissue Samples in Alcohol

New lesion on left breast. Many particles were of gelatinous glowing blood.
Fiber samples including striated strands.


(No data)


L/N 12938/6

Morgellons Tissue Samples in Alcohol

New lesion on left breast. Many particles were of gelatinous glowing blood.
Fiber samples including striated strands. One particle


L/N 12938/7 - PR FRESS (Meteorite) See Phase III ­ B  Report for detail

L/N 12938-B1 thru L/N 12938-B10 - Ten more specimens were examined,
photographed and found negative for specific fiber configuration.



(Fibers, Meteorite & Morgellons)

Phase I - B Identification of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Fiber from
"BB" a patient at IntroCell, Pensacola, FL. Specimen collected by a Health Advocate.
Samples From September 1, 2006





SAMPLES FROM "BB", 8-14-06 ­ Caution:
Biohazard Threat. Not sure (if there's fiber) but it fell off of her leg



L/N 12938A ­ FT-IR Spectral Overlay


L/N 12938-1 (square slides) for comparison  


L/N 12938-3 for comparison


PHASE I-B ­ High Density Polyethylene, & Further Analyses

Phase I-B
Principal Researcher: Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, RIET-1
© Saturday, September 1, 2006

12235 Centralia Street, Lakewood, CA 90715    
Tel: 562-402-7300 Fax: 562-402-7308 Direct: 213-382-2786
Project Contract Labs: AMDL, Inc., ACS, Inc., MIT, and Lambda Solutions, Inc.
PHASE I (Part B) Samples from Sept. 1, 2007.    
Results Received:  February 5, 2007
Subject: Samples of Unknown Fibers Collected form Many Sources and Delivered to Laboratory.
Report of: Examination, Microscopic Measurements and Spectrographic Analysis of
Several Dozen Fibers Sent from IHI, LLC, Lakewood, CA.
Several batches of unknown suspect fibers were sent to the laboratory over a period of several weeks. We were asked to examine them, study them microscopically, determine some physical properties, and run elemental analysis by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and chemical groups by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Also some samples would be analyzed by Fourier transform Raman spectroscopy (FT-Raman).
Laboratory personnel would also compare the fibers with some other nanofibers reported to be carbon-silicon fibers with photoluminescent and other properties.
NOTE: All Samples were compared to the "Goldenhead" as found by Dr. Rahim Karjoo and Dr. Hildegarde Staninger (October 28, 2006) and a fiber that was identified as High Density Polyethylene Fiber (HDPE). 
The following results specifically address the tests performed on the High Density Poly-ethylene (HDPE) fiber from a patient of Dr. Staninger's whom she consulted with at IntroCell, LLC, Pensacola, FL. The specimen sample was from a piece of skin that fell from "BB's" foot Sample No. 12938-A. Sample No. 12938-1 and 12938-3 will be addressed for SEM/EDS data.
1) Visually a few of the fibers resembled the carbon-silicon fibers previously studied by Integrative Health International, LLC.
2) Close-up photos and photomicrographs (1,000 x) show the pink fiber to the left of picture of Sample No. 12938-A.
3) A FTIR spectrum of one spot on the fiber indicated the presence of high density polyethylene fiber plus a trace of another material (brown gel). Fiber size 0.8 um and a melting point of 115 degrees C.
4) SEMS/EDS results show various concentrations as stated below
Sample Number 12938, % composition
 1 3   
 Element Found  "BB"
Square Slides
Sodium (Na)
Aluminum (Al)
- 18.961   19.420
Sulfur (S)
Chloride (Cl)
 Ca - 7.120   9.435
 Copper (Cu)  -
 Calcium (Ca)  -  0.980   9.435
 Phosphorous (P)  -  19.420 
 Carbon, C yes   yes  yes
 Oxygen (O) yes   yes  yes
HDPE, fiber  yes   carbon/silica No 
 Melting Point, oC  115  None Stated  None Stated
The fibers identified, gel material, and gel shaped materials had no cellular integrity with no eukaryotic cells. The materials identified in the fibers were of a manufactured nano technology to form a specific structure with an undetermined function. The chemical composition of fibers that had EDS and Raman did not match the chemical composition of the human body nor were they any part of the human body (nails, hair, skin, nerves, etc.).
Special features as identified by Los Angeles County Fire Department, Los Angeles, CA personnel are the following 1) skin melts or burns at above 165 degrees F; 2) fibers from a human body that do not melt at 1,400 degrees F or above 165 F degrees are not made of human cells; and 3) human tissue does not secrete gels nor would they be of known human cellular composition that melt above 300 degrees C (i.e. approximately over 600 degrees F).
Sample 12938-A "BB"
The specimen shows carbon and oxygen present with the EDS test. The other elements were to minimal to be detected. The specimen was tested with Raman Test and found to be High Density Polyethylene Fiber (HDPE) with a trace of another compound. The other compounds have not been identified. Its Melting Point is 115 degrees C with a 0.8 um length.
Sample 12938-1 "Square Slides"
The specimen had no calcium present but did have high amount of sulfur with trace copper. It did contain sodium, aluminum, and chloride. These are all used as a battery or catalyst in creating a battery similar to the Edison Cell or Lead Cell. Edison cell type batteries utilize iron, potassium hydroxide, and nickel oxide, while a lead cell type uses
Lead, lead oxide, lead sulfate and hydrogen sulfate. Note copper in this sample. A compound known as chalcopyrite, CuFeS2 is roasted in an air process to create copper sulfate, iron oxide and sulfuric acid. When sand (silicon dioxide, SiO2) is added a low melting point occurs and produces iron silicate. Copper is very oxidative with various stages, but in its cupric copper stage a blue color is obtained when it is contained within 4 to 5 water molecules (CuSO4 . 5H2O. The blue color of this solid is due to the Cu+2 ion hydrated by four of the five water molecules in a surrounding square planner arrangement.
Specimen 12938-3 "JS"
JS has submitted previous samples and did have the "Goldenhead" identified in her samples with a melting point of above 1400 degrees F by Toxicological Pathology studies of Dr. Hildegarde Staninger and Dr. Rahim Karjoo.
Sodium is present with significant aluminum, phosphorous and primarily sulfur. Chloride is present with calcium. Calcium was not present in 12938-1, while copper was present.
Sulfur was 35.419 % in this specimen and 72.331 % in Sample No. 12938-1 ("Square Slides"). All of the transitional elements and other halogens are reactive or establish various valence stages when exposed to water. It is believed that these elements using the bio terrain they are in as their resource for building materials utilize various to develop into various fibers and other artificial nano life forms. It is very important to note any amount of cupric ion is toxic to lower organisms, so it is used to suppress the growth of algae in ponds and fungi and molds on vines. Bordeux mixture used to spray grapes and potatoes is made of copper sulfate and lime. 
Calcium carbonate (which has been made into double walled nano tubes with carbon), CaO3, decomposed upon heating to form carbon dioxide gas, CO2 and calcium oxide (lime), CaO: + under a vacuum at 800 degrees F. If not done under a vacuum other compounds can from such as methane, oxygen, carbon dioxide and water. It may be noted that in ALL of the samples (ChemTrail, 12938-A, and -1) any sample with calcium and oxygen may have originally been calcium carbonate and lime. The samples with copper, sulfur, calcium and oxygen may have been similar compounds such as Bordeux mixture but at a nano scale level. These statements are based on the data received and history of a burning glass needle injection feeling by some Morgellon individuals.
A future question would be what is keeping these nano materials at equilibrium and what is their life expectancy under "normal" and "varying" conditions.
Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, RIET-1, Principal Investigator, IHI, LLC Dept. Research & Dev. Industrial Toxicologist/IH & Doctor of Integrative Medicine
1 Man-Made means not made by nature or found in nature.
Silica Nanotubes Based on Needle-like Calcium Carbonate: Fabrication and Immobilization for Glucose Oxidase, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 46 (2), 459 -463, 2007. 10.1021/ie060935+ S0888-5885(06)00935-3,
Web Release Date: December 15, 2006, Copyright © 2006 American Chemical Society
Nanocyl 9000 Series Datasheet,
High Density Polyethylene Nanocomposite Powder


Principal Researcher Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, RIET-1
© Saturday, March 27, 2007
12235 Centralia Street, Lakewood, CA 90715    
Tel: 562-402-7300 Fax: 562-402-7308 Direct: 213-382-2786
Project Contract Labs: AMDL, Inc., ACS, Inc., MIT, and Lambda Solutions, Inc.
PHASE II Samples from January 8, 2007.
Results Received March 20, 2007
Subject: Three Samples of Unknown Suspect Fibers Delivered to Laboratory.
Report of: Visual and Microscopic Examination and Spectrographic Analysis of Suspect
Fibers Collected by Integrative Health International, LLC.
Phase II consists of a second batch of unknown suspect fibers were sent to the laboratory. They were asked to examine them, study them microscopically, take photomicrographs, and to determine some physical properties, and to run elemental analysis by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). They would also compare their properties with those of other fibers such as nanofibers, nanotubes, carbon-silicon nanowires, meteroritic particles, Morgellons and carbon-silicon fibers.
1. The samples were a collection of three specimens collected by an individual in Texas. These specimens were falling from the sky after a Chemtrail spraying in the area. The specimens streamed from the sky like spider webs and landed on the plants, grass and back yard of the individual.  A stick was used by the individual to collect the specimens. They were then placed in a plastic ziplock bag and saved for future analysis. These specimens were submitted to IHI, LLC for analysis under Project: FMM. The specimens received appeared to be like a clump of 3 white spider webs or white cotton candy. Meteorite fibers findings reported in Phase III of PROJECT: FMM.
2. These fiber samples resemble some of the previously submitted fibers but not the Morgellon's "Goldenhead", which we will call a primary reference figure. They do resemble a Morgellon's "Goldenhead" that is either 1) not fully developed; 2) being discarded or 3) deteriorating. Note the shape and the SEMs picture of the standard silicon based nanotube/wire that has the "memory" shape of a tongue that is bent down/up (due to position of reference).
3. EDS data for the three fiber samples show the presence of six elements: sodium, aluminum, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur and chlorine, which could be due to natural mineral fibers. Further testing by Raman in Phase III shows they were nanotechnology (man-made structures).
4. EDS data does have carbon and oxygen present for all samples.  The carbon and oxygen was taken out of the total percent composition so a total percentage of trace elements could be identified. The elements identified were transitional elements. Transitional elements are known for their high magnetism and valence charge. They are used in making electro-magnetic batteries. (Further discussion of batteries in separate document.)
5. Sample 13263-1 has within its nanotube an outline of a pre-Morgellon like structure known as "Goldenhead". Note the extremely high amount of calcium 69.994%, sulfur
1.517 %, chlorine 18.129%, potassium 5.559% and iron 4.801%, and NO silica. Note the outline of a "Goldenhead" with distinct features of a muzzle like a wolf at 3 o'clock. SEM is at 1,500x and scale of 20 microns.  
6. Sample 13263-2 (no SEM picture). Note the extremely high amount of potassium 30.222%, calcium 12.905%, iron 18.442%, sulfur 11.117%, chlorine 21.567% and silica 5.767%. A general question of these EDS data as compared to Sample 13263-1 is that the calcium makes the nanotube, thus when it breaks down by the surrounding bio terrain, it will produce a carbon-silica nanowire or a silica wire.
7. Sample 13263-3 (no SEM picture). Note the extremely high amount of iron 41.515%, silica 12.999, sulfur 8.791%, chlorine 16.403%, potassium 13.406% and calcium 6.885%. If silica percentage rising 12.999% as compared to Sample 13263-1 then a more defined carbon-silica or silica wire is being formed. The high value of iron 41.515%, sulfur, chloride, potassium in the presence of oxygen to form iron oxides and other transitional oxides/ -OH an electro-magnetic continuous electrical cell could be formed which would be commonly known as a "battery". The higher developed pre Morgellons "Goldenhead" would then not need a nanotube but would be allowed to move within the body freely, especially under the skin. A paper written by Marcus Mighty, Nanorobot Mechanocompatibility, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Energy Processes, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale © May 5, 2005: 
( clearly states that the problem with nanorobotic devices is that as they pass through the skin they cause excessive bruising, itching and other disturbances. . . . Nanorobots must be mechanically able to withstand interaction not only with other tissues and cells, but also other nanorobots interacting within the body. . . . Nanorobots used in medical monitoring are made of diamond and diamonoids (if zirconia or liquid zirconia melting point 1,500 degrees C to 3,000 degrees C). . . . . With nanorobots performing various duties around the body, there would be reasons to consider whether these nanorobots would cause irritation around different areas of the body. One irritation that the nanorobot could cause is excessive itching. This could happen around areas such as the ears or the mouth (or other orifices).
8. Specimen 13263-1 contained 36.167 % Carbon and 51.501 % Oxygen.
Specimen 13263-2 contained 48.486 % Carbon and 39.943 % Oxygen.
Specimen 13263-3 contained 47.267 % Carbon and 47.139 % Oxygen.
Note when carbon is in these ratios and in the present of transitional elements with oxygen present electro-magnetic cells are made and a reverse micelle reaction could occur due to the interaction of the human cell and the water present outside a cell (fresh) inside the cell (salt) water. If this is occurring in these specimens once in the body a high conductivity value will be observed.
The specimens were collected and submitted to IHI, LLC by an individual in Texas. The SEM images resemble a Morgellon like "Goldenhead" within a nanotube. These three specimens were from fiber particulate fall out after a Chemtrail spraying. These materials once on the ground surface may be broken up into smaller pieces which may be classified as nano arrays, if each section functions as an individual unit. These nano materials can self-assemble, replicate and enlarge.
Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, RIET-1, Principal Investigator Project: FMM
Industrial Toxicologist/IH & Doctor of Integrative Medicine
1 Man-Made means not made by nature or found in nature.
Texas Respondent, Chemtrail Droppings
Summer, 2006 (specifics on file)
L/N 13263-1
L/N 13263/2
L/N 13263/3






PHASE IIIA - Morgellons Fibers Tested and Compared
Principal Researcher Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, RIET-1
© Saturday, March 27, 2007
12235 Centralia Street, Lakewood, CA 90715    
Tel: 562-402-7300 Fax: 562-402-7308 Direct: 213-382-2786
Project Contract Labs: AMDL, Inc., ACS, Inc., MIT, and Lambda Solutions, Inc.
PHASE III-A Samples from Jan/Feb 2007.    
Results Received:  March 20, 2007
Subject: Fourteen Samples of Unknown Suspect Fibers Delivered to Laboratory.
Report of: Visual and Microscopic Examination and Spectrographic Analysis of Suspect
Morgellon Fibers Collected by Integrative Health International, LLC.
The laboratory received a third batch of suspect Morgellon fibers associated with skin problems (and other health problems) in individuals. They were asked to examine them, study them microscopically, take photomicrographs, to determine some physical properties, and to run elemental analysis by energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). We would run several tests using Samples 13354-1 A & B, 13354-4 and 13354-10.
Laboratory personnel would also compare their properties with other structures such as Morgellons "Goldenhead", nanofibers, nanotubes, carbon-silicon nanowires, meteroritic particles, polyethylene and polyester fibers.
1. A majority of the 14 samples resemble the previously submitted fibers as discussed in Phase I and Phase II PROJECT: FMM Reports.
2. Some of the photomicrographs suggest that the fibers are nanotechnology based as seen in SEMS and 4,000x 3D lens as used in Pathology.
3. Sample 13354-1 A and Sample 13354-1 B these samples were take from skin surface.   Average specimen size was 2 inches long by 1/8th inch wide.
These two specimens were next to each other and from "Anna".
Sample 13354 ­ 1 A percent composition was aluminum 1.558 %, sulfur 70.670 %, chloride 21.086 %, calcium 3.308 % and iron 3.378 %. Carbon and oxygen were present, but extrapolated out to determine concentrations of trace elements. Elements were transitional elements. See Phase II Report.
Sample 13354 ­ 1 B percent composition was sodium 0.959 %, silica 8.352 %, sulfur 11.219 %, chloride 6.568 %, calcium 4.200 %, iron 3.635 % and zinc 65.066 %.
When one compares these results to the Chemtrail results we note that zinc and sulfur are extremely high. Aluminum was present while sulfur was high in Sample 13354-1 A and sodium/silica was present with high zinc in Sample 13354- 1 B. These results again confirm the various stages of Morgellon "Goldenhead" like nano structures. No nanotube was observed due to low calcium levels. Since the specimen sample was from the surface and being pushed length wise out of the body are these total percent compositions by weight reflective of the various stages or life expectancy of this nanotechnology.
4. Sample 13354 ­ 4 were skin samples with fibers from "Lily". Percent composition by weight was sodium 4.276 %, silica 3.595 %, sulfur 4.088 %, chloride 27.828 %, potassium 26.843 %, calcium 16.494 % and iron 16.877 %.
When comparing this sample to "Anna's" there is no comparison. Shape as shown in the SEM images are in various stages of structural development. The transitional element percent by weight composition is very different. "Lily's" has the above 10% calcium, chloride and potassium present while "Anna's" had the extremely high sulfur and zinc levels. Lily's were either newly developed while Anna's were older and expelling from her skin horizontally vs. vertically. "Lily's" had 3.595 % silica while "Anna's" had no silica.
5. Sample 13354 ­ 10 were skin samples with fibers from "Lily". Percent composition by weight was sodium 3.133 %, silica 0.889 %, phosphorus 8.142 %, sulfur 29.393 %, potassium 12.909 %, calcium 10.709 % and iron 17.492 %. This sample has the presence of phosphorus, less silica and potassium and similar levels of iron. The explanation may be that the material that coats the carbon-silica or silica nano wire may be covering the wire, thus EDS could not penetrate the specimen or that different substances found in the bio-terrain will produce various building materials for nanorobotic assembling machines to perform their designed tasks.  
It must be stated that in the Chemtrail samples, Anna's, Lily's and previous samples from Jan Smith (pathology reports and 4,000 x 3 D photomicrographs all have the same "Goldenhead" shape. The molecular nano composition of the elements used to make this structure has a distinct smart technology or "memory" for that structure. The principal being expressed with these specimen samples are the same as the NASA designed memory foam. The foam maintains its original shape and form. Therefore, the original designer of this nanotechnology designed the technology to maintain specific structural characteristics.
Note in Sample 13354- 10 at 12 Noon there is a distinct image of a silica tongued nano tube.
6. Sample 13354 ­ 7 was a sample of hair from "Lily." Dr. Staninger took the sample herself along with a "pseudo hair" that popped out of the skin after spraying das Wasser on the surface of Lily's right leg. The "pseudo hair' grew 1/2 inch in less than one could count 1, 2, 3. The importance of these specimens is that after core hair analysis by the laboratory it was determined that both samples were not human or animal hair. 
Animal hair has a core, while filaments or hair like structures from certain plants do not have a core. The core diameter varies for a male, female and a child. This method of determining whether a specimen is human, animal, or plant is done under Forensic Analysis parameters. These specimens analysis was performed to these criteria.
7. Sample 13354 ­ 13 was a specimen submitted by a Lady from Oregon. The specimen did not appear to have fibers but was composed of cream colored granules. These specimens did not match any of the others discussed in Phase III-A.
8. The melting point for Anna's Sample 13354 ­ 11 was 200 degrees C and Lily's Sample 13354 ­ 10 was 198 degrees C. The melting points are over 400 degrees F and definitely above the melting point of the skin of a human being. This also confirms the composition of these two types of specimens are similar but in various stages of nano structural development.
Phase III of PROJECT: FMM clearly demonstrated the various stages that a Morgellon- like "Goldenhead" could be at within the body, externally and in transitional stages. It can be at a stage of being disregarded, active or decomposing. All samples except 13354-13 (Lady from Oregon) matched all other sample specimens ­ Morgellon like "Goldenhead" or pre-"Goldenhead."
The samples of Anna and Lily had relative similar melting points that were three (3) times greater than the temperature to burn or melt human skin. SEMs and EDS confirm nanotechnology. It must be noted that a second degree burn to human skin is at 165 degrees F. The melting point of both Anna's and Lily's specimens were over 400 degrees F.
Lily's sample of regular and "pseudo" hair were determined to be non-human or animal hair. Both specimens were "pseudo" hair.  Future research will determine the life expectancy or degradation properties of nanotubes, nanofibers, and nanowires within humans, plants, and/or animals as related to their environment. In addition, the mechanism of "pseudo" hair and/or the general properties of nanotechnology structures found within humans, plants or animals may be may also be expressed as nanorobotic machines. Further investigation as to the comprehensive bio-nanotoxicological effects of any nanotechnology when exposed to the life forms discussed in this paragraph must be tested not only for their mechanocompatability properties, but for their acute, chronic and systemic toxicological effects upon the human body.   The samples discussed in Phase I, II, III-A and III-B are made from man-made nanomaterials and are definitely nanotechnology. The specimens that were from individuals who have the disease Morgellons, do have various forms of nanotechnology (nanotubes, nanofibers, nanowires, or silicon gel/shapes) within their bodies. These materials were designed for a specific purpose and function, which is currently not known but will be understood by all in the near future.
Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, RIET-1, Principal Investigator PROJECT: FMM
Industrial Toxicologist/IH & Doctor of Integrative Medicine
1 Man-Made means not made by nature or found in nature. 
L/N 13354/1
#1 'Anna' -  Fibers+Skin Received 1/18/2007
L/N 13354/1.1
'Lily' -  #1.1- 01/18/2007
L/N 13354/3
'Lily' - #3 - 01/18/2007
L/N 13354/4
'Lily' - #4 - 01/18/2007
L/N 13354/10
'Lily' - #10 -01/18/2007
L/N 13354/7
Regular Hair received from 'Lily' ­ Jan. 11, 2007- - #7 - 01/18/2007
L/N 13354/8
'Lily' - #8 - 01/18/2007
L/N 13354/9
'Lily' - #9 - 01/18/ 2007
L/N 13354/11
'Anna' - #11 - 01/18/2007
L/N 13354/12
'Anna' - #12 - 01/23/2007 Sample from left thigh
L/N 13354/13
Female ­ Oregon - #13 - 01/23/2007


PHASE III ­ B ­ Raman
Morgellons Fiber and Meteorite Fibers
Principal Researcher Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, RIET-1
© Saturday, March 27, 2007
12235 Centralia Street, Lakewood, CA 90715    
Tel: 562-402-7300 Fax: 562-402-7308 Direct: 213-382-2786
Project Contract Labs: AMDL, Inc., ACS, Inc., MIT, and Lambda Solutions, Inc.
PHASE III-B Samples sent Sept. 2006.    
Results Received  March 20, 2007
Subject: L/N: 12938 ­ A series of specimens. These are the RAMAN TESTS.
Two Samples of Unknown Fibers were Collected from Two Sources and Delivered to Laboratory.
Report of: Examination and Fourier Transform-Raman Spectra of Two Suspects
Morgellon Fibers Sent by Integrative Health International, LLC.
Method: Fourier Transform Raman Spectroscopy (FT-Raman).
Two similar samples (No. 12938-1 and No. 12938-7) of suspect fibers were previously studied and reported in Phase I PROJECT: FMM Report. In the present report various laboratories (Lambda Solutions, Inc. and MIT's Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) would analyze these two samples by Fourier Transform Raman Spectroscopy to learn more about their chemical structures. Both fibers were suspect Morgellons and would be examined for Raman structural groups to attempt identification of the material(s). Sample No. 12938-1 would be sent to Lambda Solutions, Inc. and Sample No. 12938-7 would be sent to MIT's Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Sample No. 12938-1 is described in Phase I Report as being square slides with different particles. All specimens on slide appears to be similar but do not appear to be carbon-silicon fibers. Raman Test will confirm carbon-silicon or silica fibers. RI < 1.55 Dichroism: Negative.
Sample No. 12938-7 is described in Phase I Report as a container with fibers in rubber band and Labeled INC-7-19-06 PR FRESS. The sample is from a meteorite. Specimen was tested for melting point. No melting occurred but it darkened at 200 degrees with no dichroism.
1. Microscopically both fiber samples have head and body features resembling typical Morgellon fibers. 
2. The FT-Raman spectra provided by Lambda Solutions, Inc. (No. 12938-1) and MIT (No. 12938-7) have vibrations from aliphatics and aromatics. In addition, 3.5 % silicon was present in one area.
3. The Raman spectra indicate the presence of an organic polymer but did not identify it.
4. Lambda Solutions, Inc. gave a verbal opinion that the plastic may be a copolymer of a polyester and an aromatic.
LAMBDA Solutions, Inc. Specific Results
Samples were received on Friday, March 9, 2007. The samples were fibers adhered by "tape" to the bottom of a glass slide and backed with white paper. In order to analyze the samples, the white paper was removed and the tape removed from the bottom of the glass. This was necessary so that the silica in the glass did not serve as an additional reflecting surface or to have the silica confound the analysis. The samples were flattened by adhering the tape and fibers to the non-glossy surface of Heavy Duty Reynolds Aluminum Foil.
Analysis was carried out with a Dimension-P2 785 Raman Spectrometer utilizing a Dimension-M1 micro Raman Adaptor mounted on a Nikon L150 microscope equipped with 10x and 50x Plan Fluor Epi Objectives. Video images were captured with a Luminara CCD mounted on the Nikon system. Illumination was by minimum light and laser beam. The sampling of the laser with the "head" and "fiber" of the fiber samples was performed.
The tape appeared to be Magic tape which is a form of Mylar polyester. No silicon was found from the tape on the specimen.
The specimen's results had different compounds at different areas of its structure.
1.  Head ­ small amount of silicon present in head area of specimen, 3.5 % When compared to crystal silica the "head" had little or NO silica.
2. Fiber- body adjacent to "head" showed polyester-like substances that did not match the Magic tape composition of Mylar polyester.  Results suggestive of a co-polymer when Lambda Solutions, Inc. was contacted by primary laboratory.
3. The "head" and 'fiber body" are composed of different materials.
MIT ­ Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Raman Laser System used was a 532 nm (Nd YAG (green) laser and a 10X microscope objective with a power of approximately 20 mW which slightly melted the fiber head (top edge). The laser power was reduced to approximately 5 mW for all of the spectra obtained. Spectra was collected from the shaft (spectrum 03120004), the edge of the head (spectrum 03120005), and the middle of the head (spectrum 03120006). All of the spectra were dominated by fluorescence. (Attempts to collect spectra in other locations resulted in overwhelming fluorescence.)
1. The Raman bands that were identified for Sample 12938-7 were:
*       C-C (aromatic ring chain vibrations)
*       C=C vibrations
*        Si-C vibrations
2. No silicon was present.
3. MIT could not make "guess" as to what the fiber is made of per staff.
Raman Tests performed by Lambda Solutions, Inc. determined that the fiber from Sample No. 12938-1 was composed of silicon ("head") with little or no crystal silica present. The fiber ("body") was composed of a polyester material. This material may be a co-polymer. No fluorescence was stated for this sample. MITs Raman analysis utilizing a different laser determined Sample No. 12938-7 was dominated by fluorescence and was composed of aliphatic and aromatic compounds. It also determined that a vibrational rate for Si-C was present, which stands for silica carbide or silica-carbon. The fluorescence is from the fiber and not from another source. The fluorescence would be made of substances that fluorescence, which is very similar to the way something glows in the dark.
Sample 12938-7 was composed of fibers from a Meterorite. The fiber on the Meteorite did not match Sample 12938-1, which was from a Morgellon's. The fibers identified in Sample 12938-7 do match current nanotechnology that utilizes multilayer nanotubes that are made of plastic co-polymers and silica-carbon nanotubes. Sample 12938-7 results do not match the composition of a meteorite nor does a Meteorite fluorescence. The Meteorite sample appears to be contaminated by a person who has Morgellon's or has been exposed to nanotubes made of silica-carbon or nanotechnology.
Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, RIET-1, Principal Investigator PROJECT: FMM
Industrial Toxicologist/IH & Doctor of Integrative Medicine
1 Man-Made means materials not made by nature and not found in nature.

L/N 12938/1


L/N 12938/1 ­ SEM Image Scanned at 30X


L/N 12938/7

1NC-7-19-06 PR FRESS


L/N 12938/7




See detail in Dr. Staninger's report above.



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