Royal Raymond Rife -
Corrections & Perspective
By Barry L. Lynes

(Editor's Note: The California Sun stands in great appreciation for these words of courage and truth by Barry Lynes. We are honored to have the participation of our American Heroes uncovering the truth for the people)
You may find this article hard to believe because most of us have never heard these words before. But they are all true, Royal Raymond Rife will go down in history as the greatest scientific Genius of the 20th Century and Barry Lynes a scholar and a gentlemen will tell you the true story.
Two recent articles which appeared in the May and June 1996 issues of The California Sun described the remarkable scientific inventions and discoveries of Royal R. Rife. Those articles contained a few errors which publisher and editor Nicole Shoong has graciously consented to let me correct. She has also informed me that some readers cannot believe that such a perversion of scientific and medical safeguards as occurred with the suppression of Rife's work actually happened!
I wrote the 1987 book on Rife which brought him out of the dustbin into the light of the late 20th century just as the development of 'energy medicine' began to accelerate rapidly. I examined over 800 pages of documents in preparation for that book. More than 50,000 copies of the book have been sold. I assure readers of The California Sun that the facts provided in this article are true.
I also can personally attest that since the book's publication nine years ago a number of officials in the FDA, the National Cancer Institute, the U.S. Justice Department, the former Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) of the United States Congress, the Office of Alternative Medicine (OAM) at the National Institutes of Health,the Department of Defense's Breast Cancer Research Program, the White House, and various members of the mainstream media have known about, ignored or purposely put out disinformation regarding the accomplishments and cancer-healing potential of Royal R. Rife's genius.
Why the governmental silence and in some noteworthy cases the conscious distortion of facts despite overwhelming evidence and factual documentation? I presume the simple answer is...their careers. Or their fear of rocking the boat. Or their caution concerning anything which might annoy the powerful medical interests. Or simple bureaucratic inertia. Or the terrible dilemma of unleashing millions of angry American citizens who lost loved ones to cancer because the ruling class of elite cancer scientists and cancer doctors put status, money and power ahead of innocent lives, their hippocratic oaths, and the public interest. The number of cancer victims is huge and thus the factual truth of Rife's suppression involves one of the greatest criminal acts of the 20th century.
So here is a summary of the hard facts concerning Royal R. Rife. No rumors or erroneous gossip unless identified as speculation or a matter involving unknown factors. Truthful facts with documented backdrop. I put forth here in order that the great journalistic tradition of Joseph Pulitzer may be revived: "He believed that evil lay in the evasion, not the dissemination of truth." (Pulitzer, W.A. Swanberg, © 1967.)
Royal R. Rife's 'genius' was first publicly described in the San Diego Union in 1929 and followed by an article in the national magazine, Popular Science, in 1931. By late 1931, Rife's invention of a super microscope with extraordinary magnification and resolution had been verified by Arthur Kendall of Northwestern University, one of the leading bacteriologists of America. In the summer of 1932, the microscope's tremendous power was confirmed by Dr. Edward Rosenow of the world famous Mayo Clinic.
Articles describing Rife's great scientific breakthrough appeared in the all-important scientific press for the first time in late 1931 Science magazine as well as California and Western Medicine (the medical association's publication). Here are words from the medical association journal's editorial announcing the phenomenal microscope breakthrough:
Whereas our present microscopes magnify from one to two thousand diameters, in this new microscope we have a magnification as high as seventeen thousand diameters...
(The standard light microscope of 1996 remains 'stuck' in the 2000 to 2500 magnification range!)
Following the breakout in the scientific press concerning Royal R. Rife's meteoric arrival in the scientific big leagues, the major newspapers of those years (including the Los Angeles Times and New York Times) reported Rife's astounding contribution to medical and scientific progress. By the early 1930's, Rife's name and accomplishment were being discussed by some of the most renowned men of science. They began trooping to his San Diego laboratory from all over the country.
In 1932, Rife isolated a cancer virus or a virus-sized, cancer causing 'dwarf bacteria' in his powerful microscope. He then identified a specific radio frequency or light frequency which destroyed only the virus while he watched. Forty years later (1974), Rife's accomplishment remained a distant goal of orthodox, drug medicine and drug science as the following quotation indisputably shows:
What is needed is a selective method of blocking the activities of the virus. Ideally, one would like to stop the virus in its tracks while permitting the infected cell to continue functioning as though it had never seen the virus.
(David M. Locke, Viruses: The Smallest Enemy, Crown Publishing, 1974, pg. 235)
The situation has not changed in 1996, sixty two years later! Rife's breakthrough is still being 'studiously ignored' by the cancer officials and experts who dictate what the cancer patients can and cannot have as treatment for their life-threatening disease. Meanwhile, modern science still searched for a technology that Ride showed them how to do in the early 1930's!
By the summer of 1934, top American scientists and leading Southern California doctors were ready to conduct a clinical cancer trial in La Jolla, just north of San Diego. Sixteen patients diagnosed with terminal cancer were cured using Rife's 'energy medicine' or 'wave form therapy' (a modern 1990's term of what Rife was doing). Other clinics with similar results followed in the years 1935-1938.
What needs to be clearly comprehended is that Rife's microscope used light rays to view viruses or 'dwarf bacteria' that remained alive under his microscope. Thus Rife could study and experiment with these never-before-seen microbes. This occurred in the late 1920's and early 1930's! He could also determine, through laborious trial-and-error, what frequencies killed the microbes without damaging any human cells, tissues or organs.
In 1939 and the early 1940's, the electron microscope arrived on the scene. Electron beams were employed to see viruses. Official medicine and official science today still claim erroneously that viruses were first viewed in the 1939-1943 period. This is simply not true.
But the far more significant fact is that under their electron microscopes, scientists have been viewing and studying dead microbes for almost 60 years! The reader should easily grasp the enormity of this scientific tragedy by simply considering that fact.
Also critical is that the design of Rife's microscope enabled him to pull viruses and dwarf bacteria out of the portion of the light spectrum which is invisible to the human eye. It was here that he found the deadly, cancer-causing microbe! Today's electron microscope still can't find it.
In 1935, a Special Medical Research Committee was set up at the University of Southern California specifically to oversee, develop and bring to the world in a professional way Rife's discoveries. The committee existed for the next nine years and was composed of a number of leading medical and scientific authorities.
However, the American Medical Association in Chicago was led by a rabid, anti-'energy medicine' doctor who was closely aligned with drug medicine. While some details are uncertain, it is a fact that the AMA leadership at minimum created a national culture of opposition to alternatives to drug medicine, and especially energy medicine. A series of strange events followed in which San Diego medical officials threatened doctors using Rife's energy medicine instruments, court cases involving Rife were instigated, and a leading energy medicine laboratory in New Jersey where Rife's discoveries were being confirmed was mysteriously burned to the ground at 3:00 am while its director was in California visiting Rife. Also, Rife was stopped just days before departing for England where leading scientific associations were prepared to greet and honor him.
The manufacturing and distribution of his microscopes and energy medicine instruments from London was already in the discussion stage. The world was in the verge of a medical-scientific revolution that, if it had taken place, would have brought a totally different kind of health practice and science to the human family. The twentieth century would have been totally different -- at least in the health area -- then it subsequently became.
But then World War II erupted and everything was put on hold. Tragically, by the time the war was over in 1945, Rife's moment of opportunity was gone as a new generation of war veterans appeared in the scene.
In 1944, the Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C. Published a lengthy article in its national journal. The unique design and principles of Rife's greatest light microscope -- with a magnification of 60,000 combined with appropriate resolution -- was the central focus of the article. But what was also revealed to America's sophisticated Smithsonian Institute readership was how Rife's microscope, combined with his 'energy medicine' instruments, destroyed the viruses and dwarf bacteria which Rife linked to cancer, tuberculosis and other degenerative diseases. The drug medicine cartel was seriously threatened.
Unfortunately, the head of the Special Medical Research Committee at USC suddenly and somewhat mysteriously died a few months later. All the records at USC 'mysteriously disappeared' although copies were preserved elsewhere. Some of the doctors and scientists who continued to live were rumored to have been paid off. Certainly - as documents attest - all but one lied about their involvement in the great, successful 'energy medicine' cancer therapy of the 1930's when California state hearing were held in the mid-1950's, and Rife's seeking of permission to use his energy medicine instruments was denied. The fix was in. It remained in place for the remainder of Rife's life.
Royal R. Rife did not die until 1971. By then, he was a broken, bitter, eighty-three year old man. He had been virtually invisible to mainstream medicine because of medical politics and financial interests since the mid-1940's. 'The War on Cancer,' begun in December 1971 three months after Rife's death, then sucked up 25 billion in the next 20 years for 'research' on cancer. The nationally distributed Scientific American magazine commented in January 1994:
U.S. Cancer death rates went up 7 percent between 1975 and 1990...Have the researchers and clinicians been barking up the wrong trees for the past two decades?
The cover-up continues. It is time to end it.
More on Royal R. Rife in a subsequent issue. Barry L. Lynes can be reached at:
  PO Box 4186
  Laguna Beach, CA 92652
Please include a self addressed, stamped envelope it you seek a reply.
The Cancer Cure That Worked (The Rife Report) is available from:
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