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Why California Will Never Leave The Union

By Ted Twietmeyer


Let us look into the future, after public vote and state decision cause California to drop out of the United States of America and become a new country. They will now be independent like a child who runs away from home. Apparently no one who promotes the state to leave the American union is looking ahead at the serious implications. Is this a case of too much Sun exposure cooking away remaining common sense? What will happen next?

To keep this essay a reasonable length, for now we will make the assumption they will continue to obtain electric power, natural gas, water and oil from the same sources they have now. Much of the state's fresh water for high population areas comes from the Colorado river. Unlike the past, now this water will originate from a foreign country who can easily control it at will to help American farmers ­ the United States.

Consider liberalism, a country-wrecking disease that permeates California like an incurable disease. (Consider what past decades of liberalism has done to the United States.) Many people in California are unarmed and don't want guns. Why was tiny Switzerland was not invaded by Hitler? Because every citizen has been armed with machine guns and trained how to use them to this very day. Hitler did not want to get involved in fighting guerrilla warfare. California is unarmed and defenseless when compared to Switzerland.

On the day California declares independence, the state's borders instantly become the borders of a new country. California is among a handful of states on the Pacific ocean; across the Pacific is China and Russia. Every country on Earth has their own army, navy, air force, etc... Any foreign country can easily invade California along the several hundred miles of coastline without violating American airspace or crossing American land.

California covers 163,696 square miles. Now they have NO protection from invasion by China, Russia, Mexico or any other country with an army. With no military, no defense and only state and local police departments ill equipped nor trained for warfare, there is no effective resistance to any invading military force. Can you imagine any foreign country obtaining a foothold so close to the USA? China and Russia might get into a fight over who gets to invade, like two dogs with one bone. You could stand at the border with Arizona, Nevada or Oregon and throw a rock into the foreign country of California. A stray bullet while innocently hunting might be considered an act of war if it hit a foreign soldier.

According to a CBS television station in California, for every dollar they send to Washington about seventy-eight cents comes back to California. While the station is claiming Washington would be hurt most from the state refusing to pay their federal taxes, is this really true in the final analysis? California already has a severe deficit of more than a billion dollars. Hollywood tax revenue is suffering as production of movies has already moved to Canada, India and China and the Chinese have already bought distributors and production companies. Illegals have poured in straining welfare and school systems. There will be no money available to build a new trillion dollar defense system from scratch. This makes their seventy-eight cents on a dollar claim irrelevant.

Economy of scale in manufacturing states high volume reduces product cost. With defense, the cost of defending America is spread out over 50 states using economy of scale. California will have no access to economy of scale to build their new defense system.

We have hardly scratched the surface of the problems the new country would have. If rioting breaks out today in any state, their governor picks up the phone and calls in the National Guard to fix the problem. But after leaving the USA, there will be NO national guard for California to call on for help. With nothing more than local and state police departments to keep order corruption, gangs, everyday crime and uncontrolled rioting would quickly destroy the entire state.

California's problems will have a negative effect on surrounding states when criminals and disease-laden illegals migrate. Those same federal national guard troops who protected the state before succession will be moved just outside California's border into the United States - with their weapons now pointed toward California. US Army, Marines and Air Force will probably be ordered to help with US border defense.

Illegals of all kinds including human disease carriers and criminals will flood into California from Mexico and become unstoppable. Illegals will invade other US states over hundreds of miles of unprotected California/US border. Homeland Security, NIH and CDC resources will not help; these agencies belong to the US government.
There is little doubt that based on the above factors, it would be impossible for California to survive as a independent nation. Within in a month its leaders will go begging to Washington for protection.

I think we all know what president Trump will say to that.

Ted Twietmeyer



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