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Why Are These Traitors Still Breathing?

By Jim Kirwan


The President Needs to Purge and Start Fresh:

What the hell is wrong with Trump

What the hell is wrong with Trump?

All of this has happened in an extremely public manner,

What's wrong with Trump, can he not speak openly and have them all arrested?

He needs to fire Pence, and arrest the rest of these turncoats:

That should not be difficult, unless Trump is as spineless

as he appears to be right now.

If he had allowed the public arrests to go forward from Pizzagate,

he would no longer be bothered by rebel members of congress,

But maybe he's afraid to do what must be done,

just like he failed to follow-through on

Draining the Swamp, arresting Hillary, stopping the terrorists

or any of all the other actions that he promised the nation

that he would do immediately?

It looks like he's more interested in reversing his promises

than he ever was in doing what got him elected?

This is not a game, and he has proven that so-far,

he is not acting like the man he said he ran to become.

Trump must fix this or he will lose everything he claimed to be,

before he won!