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Time For USA To Revise
Entire Foreign Policy

By Karl W. B. Schwarz

As you celebrate America’s Independence Day take the time to reflect on the independence the United States has denied to foreign lands so you can sit back and enjoy the USA national holiday.

One has to think long and hard about what an aberration it is to have the U.S. Department of State go outside of diplomacy and engage directly in regime change, clandestine military ops and terrorism. That is not exactly putting the best diplomatic foot forward for any nation but the USA now does that on a regular basis they are so desperate to get their train wreck back on the tracks.

This article is mainly about the total disaster that US foreign policy has been regarding the Middle East, but the problem is much larger and extends to Russia, China, Ukraine, and even Africa and Central America and South America. The USA is playing a bad hand and the game will soon be game-set-match to just about everyone but the USA.

In a recent Voice of Russia Radio show ‘Burning Point’ with Ekaterina Kudashkina, she interviewed Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant to the Secretary of Treasury in the Reagan Administration. During that interview Roberts accurately narrowed down what the three principal factions are that are driving this insanity out of Washington DC. In a broad brush stroke they are as follows.

First, Neocon ideology rose to supremacy after the fall of the USSR in 1991. At that time there was no Marxist Communist ideology that was sellable and a group of people in the USA started to seize power and change the message to being one of US hegemony. As if it was the responsibility of the USA, since there was no replacement to the American economic and political system. That was not the truth but it was the basis for their error in thinking. This was in part what the PNAC objective was from the moment it was conceived. (They never mentioned that their goal was really fascism and totalitarian domination.)

It is an error in thinking that only the USA has freedom and democracy or that there is anything to emulate about the United States of America post-9-11-2001. Most of the nations in the world are free, and most are democratic, so there is really no mandate after the fall of the USSR in 1991 for the USA to exert its influence, force and subjugation on the entire world under some pretense only America was free and a democracy or even the best example of freedom and democratic process.

One faction was all about going after petrodollar hegemony and seizing de facto control of oil, natural gas and pipeline right of ways; aka: the Big Oil faction. That is a crucial element in a world where the USA demands that energy trade has to be in dollars and no other currency. The USA has in fact lost that war strategy as resoundingly as it lost in Afghanistan, Iraq and most recently Libya and Syria.

Even the USA sticking its nose into the South China Sea matters is an attempt to control that for Japan and USA and deny more energy autonomy to China. The subject has no US strategic interest whatsoever but hemming in China and pushing US militarism right into their face just as they are attempting to do with Russia.

Another group saw the opportunity for global military supremacy and hemming in both Russia and China even when the petty regional squabbles have nothing whatsoever to do with US national or strategic interests; aka: the Big Defense faction. There are factions within this US system that think nothing of lying, manipulating and pushing stupid agendas when it serves their longer range ‘hate Russia’ and ‘hate China’ agenda. Their thinking is stuck in pre-1991 ‘anti-communism’ mindset and very out of touch with how things are in 2014.

Of course, the big banks on Wall Street are all for this chaos and opportunities it creates to profit from US foreign policy, petrodollar diplomacy, and profiteering.

Secondly, the Military ­ Security Industrial Complex generates about $1 trillion annually of the US GDP of $15.68 trillion (2013) and is a powerful lobbying interest to keep that status quo in place. It should come as no surprise that in exchange for favorable policies and US government spending habits this sector of the US economy recycles the money back into lavish political campaign donations to keep the status quo in power.

The US spends more on defense than the next 26 nations combined and 25 of them are allies. Now the EU is moving to increase its share of the market in this chaos the USA loves to stir up as the Fascist Zionist Neocon agenda. Notwithstanding the fact that such expenditures misdirects money from national and societal needs, the thirst for war toys is a very short term solution to any economic problems. Such prioritization sucks the life out of economies and creates both stagnation and economic decline in terms of real growth.

It would help if the USA were making such purchases on the basis of profits and assets rather than racking up more debt to keep fueling a business plan that is sinking the entire nation. The EU will apparently have to learn that lesson the hard way since they cannot afford their economic problems as they are right now. Additional defense spending to get into the game will cripple their economies.

Of course, Big Banks and Big Oil contribute lavishly to keep this agenda in play, too.

Third, Roberts accurately cited the Zionist Jew Neocons many of which are dual citizen Israel First types. They are totally behind this insanity because it keeps the US war machine, soldiers and money focused on dismantling the Islamic enemies of Israel. If there was peace in the Middle East the Israelis could not come to DC to see how much money they can mooch for a security that is not needed.

The fact that there is no peace in the Middle East is largely due to the fact that Israel does not want peace. That would dry up their ability to whine and get huge amounts of US taxpayer money to defend a nation with a crappy attitude towards everyone else, Christians included, and American Christians included, too.

Case on point is as Iran and the Western nations strike a deal regarding the Iran nuclear energy program, Nutcase Benjamin Netanyahu is launching a media campaign to undermine resolving the problem. Anytime things are moving to peaceful resolution Israel proves to the world they are a psychotic hateful nation that does not desire peace.

Our group will explain in detail in the near future the differences between a Fascist Zionist Neocon and a Fascist Zionist Jew Neocon. That puzzles most Americans and foreigners as to why there are no apparent differences between the domestic and foreign policy of the RNC and the DNC. There are reasons for there being no difference whatsoever other than seating arrangements and committee assignments.

The worst enemy of the USA is the USA itself. The same applies to Israel in that their worst enemy is their apartheid and policies towards the Palestinians and other Arabs. Both make a mockery of the word peace when their actions are anything but peaceful. All one has to do is read and listen and the picture is clear to see that the two most warmongering nations on this planet are the USA and Israel.

The Middle East was carved up out of the remnants of the Ottoman Empire after World War I without any regards for the centuries old tensions between the Shia and Sunni Islamic peoples. Their ‘chessboard’ as they laid it out has areas with Shia majority, Sunni minority, while others have Sunni majority and Shia minority. Of course, that far back in history the ‘Israel Question’ was not on the table because there was no Israel until about thirty years later in 1948.

The lines that define say Syria and Iraq were arbitrary, not on the basis of any sound reasons that the boundaries should be like they are. That was the British that came up with that new map and it has been a typical SNAFU in Brit fashion from the outset. Said another way, the Iraq we see on the world map today was not a British plan to put the map back as it was prior to the Ottoman Empire. They just drew the lines and carved it up as they saw fit.

They did the same regarding Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Yemen, UAE and other micro-nations in that region.

The USA was not that much of a Superpower during the World War I era, but did rise to that status through and after World War II. Most of the world was so damaged during World War II that the two emerging Superpowers at that time were the USSR Communism ideology and the USA Capitalism ideology that then lasted from 1945 to 1991 as the Cold War.

The only areas that have dealt successfully with the British established borders in the Middle East have been Syria and Iran as democracies and Iraq as a dictatorship. Why is that so?

It has to do with the fundamental differences between having a secular government versus one based strictly on religious dogma or beliefs tucked in below a monarchy or a dictatorship pretending to be a democracy. The governments of Iran and Syria have managed to forego the typical sort of wars, terrorism and internal religious strife that have beset other areas solely because they chose the right form of government to deal with it. It has been provocation from the outside in attempts to destabilize those nations into what the Western nations want.

Iraq was a different sort of problem with both ethnic and religious factions. The only thing that kept the peace in that nation was Saddam Hussein. Once he was removed via the March 2003 regime change, Iraq has been nothing but sectarian and religious strife and no central authority to control it.

It is a stark irony that the two Middle East nations that were headed in the right direction and trying to introduce democratic principles are the same two that Israel, the USA and the Royal Kingdoms so desperately want to decapitate and turn them into the same form of anarchy and chaos as was done to Lebanon. At one time Lebanon was a major banking, cultural and trade center until local regional factions decided they needed to be destroyed, too.

If the truth be known, there are probably no more Islamic extremists in the Middle East than there are Far Right Christian extremists in the USA that have helped to fuel this constant hatred between religions.

That is until the USA comes in with Shock & Awe at the insistence and urging of Israel, the Saudis and a few other ‘kingdoms’ and wrecks the relative peacefulness of the neighborhood. The entire world now knows that Saddam Hussein was not a threat to Israel, the USA or Europe when Tony Blair and George W. Bush lied to launch an illegal war of aggression in March 2003.

One has to go back and study when the US puppet Shah Pahlavi was deposed in Iran during 1979 to begin the process of moving that nation from total despot under US control to being a secular government under the control if the Iranian people. The Saudis, the other kingdoms and the Israelis have dreamed up just about every way possible to keep that from happening but it is the will of the Iranian people. The idle talk of the USA about self-determination rings rather hollow when other agendas are in play.

The IAEA, the CIA and others have made it clear that there is NO WEAPONS PROGRAM IN IRAN, yet the incessant fear mongering to whip up warmongering never ceases. In fact, the uranium centrifuges Iran purchased from China are of US origin and are not suitable for production of weapons grade uranium. They are for making fuel for nuclear reactors, so 99.9999% of what has been said by MSM, USA and Israel on Iran has been outright lies and they knew it when they stated them. It is an agenda!!!!

Israel is averse to admit it but even the Iranian Jews are happy with the way things are in Iran and frankly wish Zionist Israel would sit down and shut up with their incessant warmongering.

Of course, having Iran be a functioning Islamic democracy is problematic for the Israelis, the Saudis and the other kingdoms on that area that line their pockets with the oil wealth and treat their citizens as mere vassals of the monarchies. The same applies in how they want to carve up Iraq into three religious and ethnic zones and continue to attempt regime change on Syria even after the people recently voted 82% they want President Bashar Al-Assad, not what USA, Israel or the Saudis want.

From the outside the US, Europe and MSM tied to paint the picture that the Islamic Revolution in 1979 was a threat to world peace. It was only a threat to who did and did not control the oil and natural gas of Iran. The US put Pahlavi into power with a CIA led coup in 1953 and was angry when the people of Iran put an end to the policies and the brutality, and took control of their own oil and gas assets.

The USA decided during the Reagan Administration to fund and arm Iraq and pushed a war against Iran in retaliation. About 1 million died on each side and the 1980-1988 horrible affair ended pretty much in a draw. The USA violated the CBW Convention to arm Iraq with deadly CBW weapons but still did not get its way.

After the 1991 Desert Storm, yet another war stirred up by President George H W Bush and at the insistence of the Israelis, even Dick Cheney said in a televised interview that it was not a good idea to remove Saddam Hussein because he was the only person that could keep the religious and regional factions in Iraq in line. Those are of course the Kurds in the North, the Sunni majority in the South and the Shia majority across the middle of Iraq.

One has to dig deep to understand what the real agenda was towards Iraq by the Israelis. The best statement I have found yet is from Zionist Jew Edward Luttwak as to why Iraq had to be destroyed.

"Saddam is not like the Saudi Princes who spend the bulk of their lives outside of their country, and who fritter away the Kingdom's oil profits on prostitutes and bottles of champagne in Paris. No, Saddam is building railways! Creating electrical networks! Highways and other important elements of a serious State infrastructure! After eight years of war against the Iranian regime of Khomeini, he desperately needs to demobilize his Republican Guard, which incorporates so many of this technical elite, in order to rebuild his war-devastated country. These people are his technicians, his engineers. If they are put to work in the way Saddam wishes, they will rapidly make Iraq the most advanced power in the region, and we cannot allow this to happen."

Remember that statement was made prior to the 1991 Desert Storm that was literally fabricated by the George H W Bush Administration.

Due solely to political agenda and American elections in 2014 and 2016, now Cheney is joining in the discussion about Obama’s foreign policy blunders but it was Bush ­ Cheney that set into motion what the world is seeing right now in Iraq. The ISIL, from Syria, funded and armed by the USA illegally, has spilled over the border into Iraq as ISIS and is a Sunni rebellion towards this entire nutcase foreign policy of the USA in the Middle East.

The reason Obama is asking for $500 million to continue to fund ISIL / ISIS in Syria and still attempt to implement ‘regime change’ is he is hoping everyone forgets the recent history and the fact that the funding and arming of the Syrian rebels from Libya through Turkey to Syria WAS ILLEGAL. They are really hoping no one picked up on that slight discrepancy.

Simple lesson in life!!! One cannot rob a bank at gun point, then change their mind and bring the money back hoping they will just forget about the armed robbery. Some cannot work in funding, arming and training terrorists, while pretending to be the Global Guardian against Terrorism. People are missing the point in erroneously thinking GWOT stands for Global War on Terror. It actually stands for Global War OF TERRORISM and the USA is in fact a terrorist organization.

Same was true for WMD; that really stood for ‘W’s Mass Deception’.

The ISIS terrorist group has recruited many Sunnis out of Europe and UK to join in the fight. There is a clear message that those funding and arming these people are not as pro-democracy as they pretend.

That the funding is primarily Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait speaks loudly that they do not want democracies casting a negative light against their Royal Kingdoms. That the USA has trained and armed the terrorists speaks volumes to anyone paying attention that the message via photo op and the reality are two different agendas.

That is why the Sunni Majority Kingdoms of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait are financing it because the last thing they want as a threat to their ‘kingdoms’ are functional, stable and prosperous Islamic democracies in the Middle East. That was the case in 1991 when Desert Storm was fabricated to destroy Iraq and the same remains true today.

The only way out of the hornet’s nest the USA has stirred up is going to be a total revamping of its foreign policy towards the Middle East. Rather than mold it, twist it and pervert it on the basis of the demands of apartheid Fascist Zionist Israel, or the ‘kingdoms’ that do not want Islamic democracies in their neighborhood is to face the realities of the region. The USA is going to have to face the realities and move its policy towards an absolute resolution regardless of whose nose that bends out of joint.

It will be a great day in American history when we get a President with the political balls to tell the Saudis, Israelis and others behind this terrorism to cease, desist or face the wrath of the USA. It will also be a great day for America and the Middle East when we have a leadership that refuses to fund terrorism and then pretends they are the referees on defending against terrorism.

There is no way the USA can be the terrorist and do anything constructive about ending terrorism. That is a failing idea from the outset.

That would of course require a strategic plan based on morals and what is right, just and proper. The American ‘photo op’ governing and cow-towing to Israel demands has led to this mess and it is way past time to fix it or get completely out of the Middle East.

The USA has gone too far and there is a very real possibility that most of the rest of the world is about to issue their own Declaration of Independence from the USA and its agenda.


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