have been writing about vote fraud since 1993. And yet, despite the
overwhelming evidence, electronic and human fraud has been stealing
our elections for more than four decades, Americans continue to go to
the polls every two years using easily hacked machines. There is a considerable
movement in my estimation regarding vote fraud but not enough Americans
have said enough is enough to their state legislatures.
enough candidates and general population voters have stormed their state
capitols and demanded ALL forms of electronic voting get scrapped and
return to hand counted PAPER ballots in front of selected precinct watchers
from all parties. Not enough voters have stormed their state capitols
and demanded a crack down on absentee ballots AND purging voter rolls
of illegal aliens, deceased and any other category that bars someone
from voting. Not enough voters have demanded Congress repeal the Motor
Voter Act of 1993 which opened the flood gates to vote fraud.
result has been good, decent, qualified candidates losing against congressional
incumbents for decades. I know. I ran for Congress and what happened
on primary night in 1996 was nothing short
of fraud big time:
1996 even though I was only 7% behind the incumbent right up to "election"
night with all it's fraud in my race. At one minute after the polls
closed, Peter Jennings (deceased) called all 52 house seats in California;
none of the numbers changed when they quit counting votes at 4:13 am
- including my race. What a remarkable feat.
in most districts are so far ahead - by 40% to a challenger, it's not
likely it will turn around. Gee, isn't it strange the old 81% to 18%
for an incumbent popped up? I voted for Shannon Thomason to replace
the state rep shoved down our throats because of redistricting; he's
a real dog, Rep. Darby. I know Shannon from local community meetings.
He's allegedly losing 81 to 18.
my Blind Loyalty booklet of nothing but vote fraud, check these winners/losers
that night (primary March 26, 1996): 85-15, 81-18, 85-15, 81-18, 85-15,
86-14, 87-13, 81-18 and 81-14 which was my race. Those were the results
for incumbents vs challengers for the U.S. House throughout the state.
Every incumbent voted for NAFTA, all challengers including me were opposed.
Wonder why we allegedly lost?
house seats were scattered all over the state of California. Unless
you're specifically looking at a particular race, in a state the size
of California or Texas, people don't put together the pattern, but it
sure as hell is there."
Paul Ryan should never have won his primary earlier this month. Ryan
who is owned by the anti-American U.S. Chamber of Commerce and mega
anti-American corporations who want to replace American workers with
cheap foreign labor. Ryan is one of the slimiest pieces of excrement
in the U.S. House and currently the most powerful as Speaker. Low information
voters in his district apparently have NO clue about Ryan and his traitorous
voting record and how he wields his power.
opponent wasn't exactly a constitutionalist but he most certainly was
on the right track. He ran a solid campaign with both ads, public appearances
and bill boards. Yet, like my race and so many others, Paul Nehlin allegedly
was crushed 84-15.
There's that old number again that pops up every time a heavy in Congress
is challenged. Why such a landslide? The answer is easy - to send a
message. Voters in Ryan's district approve of everything Ryan has done
while selling them and America out to special interests and protecting
liars, cheat, thieves, murderers and rapists. That would be illegal
aliens. Voters sent a strong message they support everything their incumbent
has done to them. Ryan's destruction of not only his state because of
his votes on 'free' trade but the rest of America. Well, I can tell
you that a whole lot of people in his district literally hate Paul Ryan
and worked like warriors to throw him out of office.
you go look
at his voting record, Paul Ryan wouldn't know what the U.S.
Constitution says if James Madison stood in front of him and read it
word by word. But, his district sent a message to the people
of America: 84% of us want Ryan back in Congress instead of someone
who would work to stop the other Paul Ryan's who are going right back
to Congress. I don't believe it for a second. Powerhouse
Eric Cantor's loss in 2014 took everyone by surprise. There would be
no repeat in Ryan's race. Did Nehlin challenge the vote? No and that's
the problem I have written about until I'm blue in the face. Challengers
just walk away after an alleged loss against an incumbent and so the
fraud continues - for decades.
I have covered in so many prior columns, John
Kerry won the election in 2004, not Bush, Jr. That is a fact. Vote
fraud in 2008 and 2012 absolutely put the criminal impostor Barry Soetoro
aka Obama in the White House. Despite the best efforts of thousands
of people, the fraud was allowed to stand. That is a fact.
used to analyze the outcome of a few dozen key states during primary
season but I finally gave up as few were interested, least of all challengers.
Demorats say vote fraud doesn't exist and Republicans seem oblivious
to mountains of evidence to the contrary. As long as they keep their
seat in Congress or a state house they could care less. At least the
poor, misguided Comrade Bernie Sanders supporters got it about how their
candidate was cheated:
Report on the Fatally Flawed 2016 Democratic Primaries, July 26, 2016.
"On April 19th, a judge in New York grudgingly agreed that someone
may have tampered with Alba Guerrero's voter registration. Judge Ira
Margulis changed his decision from moments earlier that Guerrero would
be denied the right to vote in New York's Democratic primary, after
evidence emerged that Guerrero's signature had been forged, switching
her to Republican without her knowledge or consent.[1] Had she not been
willing to take several hours to appear before a judge that day, Alba
would not have been able to vote for Senator Bernie Sanders. Video evidence
available online confirms the forgery. [2]" More than one in that
Clinton voter fraud in NY, April 19, 2016. "According to a
recent emergency lawsuit filed in a Long Island federal court, there
have been “reports of thousands of NY voters being erroneously
purged from the rolls."
of these purged voters seem to be Bernie Sanders supporters, leading
to fresh questions about whether Hillary Clinton’s campaign is
trying to steal the New York primary. Under state laws, only registered
Democrats can vote in today's Democratic primary. That has led thousands
of Sanders supporters in recent months to register as Democrats so they
could vote. Now, many of those voters are learning that their registrations
have been misfiled or have inexplicably gone missing. This is eerily
similar to what happened in at least one other state where Clinton ended
up eking out a victory."
is just a tiny sampling from the massive file I keep on vote fraud:
There's Smoke, There's Fire: 100,000 Stolen Votes in Chicago. "Chicago,
however, is known for its fires, and there was a roaring one there in
1982 that resulted in one of the largest voter fraud prosecutions ever
conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice. The telltale smoke arose
out of one of the closest governor's races in Illinois history; and
as for the fire, the U.S. Attorney in Chicago at the time, Daniel Webb,
estimated that at least 100,000 fraudulent votes (10 percent of all
votes in the city) had been cast.[2] Sixty-five individuals were indicted
for federal election crimes, and all but two (one found incompetent
to stand trial and another who died) were convicted. [3]"
Administration Plotting to Usurp Control Over Elections
• Mississippi
NAACP leader sent to prison for 10 counts of voter fraud, July 29, 2011.
A real eye opener.
• Democrats
Vote the Mentally Disabled, November 22, 2012
• This
County Had 124% More Registered Voters Than Eligible Voters
Counting Dead People and Felons, September 5 , 2013
• Arapahoe
DA charges four after voter-fraud investigation in Colorado, November
22, 2013
• Non-citizens
caught voting in 2012 presidential election in key swing state,
December 18, 2013
one: CONFIRMED by Experts! Voting Machines in Maryland, Illinois Rigged
to Support Democrats
• Programmer
Testifies About Rigging Elections With Vote Counting Machines, May
23, 2014. "Clinton Eugene Curtis testified under oath, before the
Ohio State legislature, that he wrote a program to rig elections. This
program would flip the total vote from the real winner to the candidate
who had been pre-selected to win by the electronic vote counting machines."
• McDaniel:
We've Found 1,000 Examples of Ineligible Voters in One County, June
27, 2014 - That's more than enough to throw an election
Chicago, a Voting Machine Was Pre-Wired to Vote for Democrats Only,
October 21, 2014 - SCHAUMBURG, Ill. " Admitting his confidence
in Cook County ballot integrity is shaken, State Representative Candidate
Jim Moynihan (R-56), was shocked today when he tried to cast a vote
for himself and the voting machine cast it for his opponent instead.
While early voting at the Schaumburg Public Library today, I tried to
cast a vote for myself and instead it cast the vote for my opponent,”
said Moynihan. “You could imagine my surprise as the same thing
happened with a number of races when I tried to vote for a Republican
and the machine registered a vote for a Democrat.”
Voting Machines Have ‘Calibration Issues’ (i.e. Rigged
for Democrats) October 9, 2014; Maryland and Illinois
• EXCLUSIVE: Undercover
video shows North Carolina poll workers offering ballots to ineligible
impostor TWENTY TIMES putting voter ID battle on the
front burner, November 3, 2014. "'Of all of the undercover
investigations I've conducted, this was by far the easiest, 'he said
Monday. They were willing to pass out fraudulently obtained ballots
like it was Halloween candy."
• Voting
machine password hacks as easy as 'abcde', details Virginia state report,
October 15, 2015
• Undercover
video exposes eye-popping ease of voter fraud, August 2, 2016
• America's
Electronic Voting Machines Are Scarily Easy Targets, August 2 , 2016
• Illegal
Aliens Caught Stealing US Elections Via Felonies In New Studies
O’Keefe Obtains Eminem’s Ballot, August 4, 2016
• Princeton
Professor Shows How Easy It Is To Hack An Election In Just 7 Minutes,
August 8, 2016
• Can
the 2016 election be rigged? You bet, August 16, 2016. "Europe
has rejected electronic voting machines because they are untrustworthy.
This is not a secret. The media continues a drum beat insisting voter
fraud is non existent without ever addressing the more ominous question
of manipulation of the voting machines. It keeps those in control in
• If
they can't even speak English, how do we know if they're even U.S. citizens?
Federal judges across this country are blocking voter ID laws; they
should be thrown off the damn bench because what they're doing is putting
out the welcome mat for illegal aliens and non-citizens to vote and
we know they vote Democrat.
• Nevada
Voting Machine Auto-Selecting Obama, October 25, 2012
• Early
NC voters complain ballot cast for Romney resulted in vote for Obama
Voting Machines Can Be Hacked Remotely
• Voting
Machines Flipping Votes Caught on Video - West Virginia
• Vote
Fraud - Diebold Whistleblower Speaks Out
• e-Voting
Company Could Intercept and Change Ballots Without a Trace, October
22, 2012. "The Free Press has previously reported, Scytl, a Barcelona
based e-voting company will be counting votes in 26 states. They will
be doing so through something called the Federal Overseas Voting Program
or FVAP. FVAP is a program designed to allow military personnel and
other overseas Americans to vote in their home districts seamlessly
through electronically delivered absentee ballots.
and changing these ballots, as well as voting electronically on behalf
of service people that have no idea such a thing is happening, is something
that Scytl is uniquely positioned to do because of their cellphone spyware
sister company, CarrierIQ. These stolen votes, distributed throughout
jurisdictions across the country, could become a critical component
of any scheme to defraud the 2012 presidential election. By means of
changing a relatively small number of votes, and laundering those stolen
votes in the correct places, the net effect would be a near silent theft."
one is a MUST read by Jon Christian Ryter. It's lengthy but tells
the true story about vote fraud and machines. Please bookmark
and read over lunch or after dinner or on the weekend because there's
no question powerful forces behind the scenes are going to try to pull
off a Clinton win using those damnable machines.
to do?
off, the election starts mid-October with early voting. Second, Reince
Priebus who is head of the RNC needs to put out a memo to every Republican
precinct captain in this country warning them vote fraud is very real.
That memo needs to be specific about what needs to be done in testing
every electronic gadget before anyone votes. If you read Jon's article
highlighted above you'll understand why. Third, we need a virtual army
of volunteers to not only be precinct watchers, but day after the election
if Trump allegedly loses.
will those volunteers do? Get the list of registered voters from the
county clerk. Next, get a copy of every precinct sign in book that shows
how many people voted in that precinct. Get a copy of the count for
early voters. Compare the number of registered voters to the number
of people who voted. You'll have to check to see how it's done in your
county, but it's critical to get those registered voters even if they're
allowed to vote without declaring a party. In this case you want the
number of registered Republicans vs the Republican vote as well as indpendents.
If 350 people are registered and 471 voted that day, you've got them.
my research over the years and I listed a hundred examples in my Blind
Loyalty booklet of the number of votes cast in a county were greater
than the number of registered voters in the county by party. I can tell
you the most egregious I found were both tiny precincts where there
were 8 people who signed in but 12 votes cast to precincts with 20,000
or more voters. I can tell you that in some precincts I investigated
registered voters appeared as A. Martinez, B. Martinez right through
the alphabet, then A. Gonzalez repeats for about 60 voters all with
the same address. Those were in the LA area.
have signed up on Trump's web site to be an election volunteer. If he
allegedly loses I will take the time, hopefully with a couple of friends,
to go through the voting rolls, votes counted and more, but it HAS to
begin the day after the election. Votes have to be certified usually
within 30 days to become official so no time to waste. There's more:
are the Ballots? Laura Pressley's Election Lawsuit. Laura ran for
office in Austin, Texas. "Number of Ballots exceed the number of
reported voters in Early Voting, Corrupt Mobile Ballot Box errors occurred
during vote tabulation on election night, Missing data log entries in
the vote tabulation systems, Mathematical patterns and anomalies observed
in the Runoff Election results that show them to be erroneous and not
credible, Travis County instructing election officers to not print and
retain election records listing specific vote results for each candidate,
Voting equipment security seals were improperly sealed, subsequently
unsealed and replaced, Not producing, counting and retaining statutorily
required ballot images, Obstructing official poll watchers after the
polls closed."
question of chain of custody of ballots is very important. In my 1996
primary a precinct worker came forward and was willing to sign a sworn
affidavit: When she got to her precinct as a volunteer the ballots were
spread all over a table in the back room which was against the law in
California at that time; don't know what it is today. She was told to
butt out and go work in the main area. Ballot boxes are supposed to
stay sealed and turned over to the sheriff once voting closes and transported
to the county clerk for counting.
name also wasn't on the ballot in the biggest precinct in the biggest
county in the district! Imagine my surprise when I went to vote. The
Republican Secty of State didn't have a problem with that. After my
alleged loss I said (despite the wonderful encouragement from so many)
I would never run for office again as long as any electronic voting
and/or counting machines were used. That's also when I walked from the
Republican Party and became no party.
if you're going to volunteer, go to www.blackboxvoting.org
which is run by the wonderful Bev Harris because she has a virtual gold
mine of information on stopping vote fraud and how to recognize it.
Contact your precinct captain and hold meetings to go over how many
volunteers you have and what needs to be done (security of those early
voting ballots or machine data is a priority). True
The Vote - Free & Fair Elections for All Americans are serious
Americans doing a fabulous job and can greatly help you. Just click
on their site and hit the boxes front and center.
Trump and his people are fully aware of vote fraud. I am not privy
to what goes on in his campaign so I don't know what ground work
is being done on this. Democrats every four years (prez election)
have hordes of lawyers all over the country just waiting to jump
on any perceived vote fraud, altho' corpses voting is something
they covet. Don't get me wrong. Republicans are dirty, too, but
it's people and machines who count the votes that determine the
outcome of our elections.
we going to allow the dark forces to steal yet another presidential
election from we the people? What good will all the work by volunteers
and Trump be just to see everyone's hard work go down the crapper because
vote fraud once again rules the ballot box?
you are going to vote for Donald Trump then please volunteer to stop
the vote fraud we know will happen - especially in these critical states
which are the worst documented for vote fraud: Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania,
Virginia and California. Sign
up here. I'm sure in the not too distant future you will be contacted,
but WE have to take the initiative. Show the crooked scum controlling
those machines we are NOT going to sit back this time and allow the
election to be stolen.
- I
forced myself to watch this video released by Anonymous. Anyone
and I mean those Never Trump people and prominent Republicans like Charles
Krauthhammer who refuse to vote for Trump watch this video, how on earth
could they look themselves in the mirror knowing they contributed to
her possible election?
2 - 5
times Obama Supported Voter Fraud
3 - Clinton
Cash Official Documentary Movie in full
people in Louisiana are hurting. The flooding there is far worse
than people realize. FAR WORSE. It's not to late to donate.
Trump haters in the media, parroted on social media by fools, accused
Trump of doing nothing more than a photo op when he visited the other
day while Obama played golf (Obama
Squeezes in Tenth Round of Golf Before Louisiana Trip) and Hildebeast
rested up for
a fund raiser with Cher on Sunday in swanky Nantucket. They neglected
to tell people that in
the video that big 18-wheeler truck full of all kinds of stuff was paid
for by Trump and he, true to form, never said a word. Please, if
you can, even a $5.00 donation will help our fellow Americans in so
much pain. See horrific photos here,
and here.
Samaritan's Purse, any other organization you know of and while
I don't particularly like the Red
Cross they are there and on the ground. Please don't forget the
critters; they mean so much to families. Here,
here and here.
One is the LA SPCA trying to help with flooded animal shelters. Make
sure when you call to designate your donation to the LA flood victims.
If doing it on line, that's what is being collected for right now. Thank
hot new book, Taking
Politics Out of Solutions is now available. The most important issues
destroying America are presented along with constitutional solutions
neither the Republicans or Democrats will pursue. Get your copy now.
Excellent discounts for 2 or more books, or bulk orders.]
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