A Shot Of Aspartame?
By Reigh Parker-Burch,
To explain this strange title regarding that dratted aspartame,
I want you to know that most nursing homes, including the one I’m being
held “hostage” in, are using aspartame day and night with no regards for
life. When I first arrived at this home approx. 14 months ago, aspartame
seemed to be only noticeable on the table in the blue packets and a few
desserts plus one snack offering. Now, that poison has been showing up not
only in desserts and snacks but in shot glasses of smoothies and soft drinks
to bring up low blood sugars and for digestion. Also it is being used to
encourage appetites. It shocks me when I hear of people being given so much
insulin that it can do grievous harm and produce such low blood sugar readings
as 33. Even the so called “alert” patients seem to begrudgingly reach out
a shaky hand to accept the shots of aspartame. Gone are the offerings of
natural juices such as orange juice. This occurs several times a day with
cheerful nurses smiling, giving false flattery to encourage each patient
to take the deadly shot glass full of aspartame spiked smoothies and such.
This shot glass usually has some other hidden ingredients including diet
sodas. Aspartame creates a false craving for starch and sugars but the craving
is never satisfied. I was horrified to learn that my husband has been given
diet 7-up to “sooth” his stomach. This is deplorable. At snack time
they have added a “peanut butter sandwich.” Last night while visiting one
of the other patients, the nurse came in to coax her to please have a little
of the so called peanut butter sandwich. Since when is 2 saltine crackers
smeared with peanut butter and “sugar-free jelly” a sandwich. Again, it’s
loaded with aspartame. Aspartame Weekend from Hell This particular full moon weekend at the nursing home was mind boggling. There was a lot of screaming, crying and vomiting of meal after meal from nearby residents. The old LPN in me came to the foreground when I heard the sounds from the other rooms. I went back and forth for many hours and observed their very extremely aspartame loaded trays that they were eating in their rooms. The first sweet lady in particular told me that she had never been that sick in her whole life. She said there is nothing that I eat that doesn’t come back up. I quickly looked at the sweet old lady’s tray and was shocked to find the following; a large pile of NutraSweet for her coffee, a red fortified sugar-free punch (aspartame), a half-eaten egg, and for a finale they gave her a diet soda (more rotten aspartame). They said “try this one and if your stomach is still off, you can have another one.” I looked at her weakened body still with a very bright mind and began talking about Tulsi Tea and she stated that “I’m not a tea drinker.” I quickly told her she better become one very fast. I explained what the aspartame was doing to her and told her that the herbal Tulsi Tea could counter-act the effects. Besides her other symptoms she has been having very low blood sugar readings and is on little insulin and she is very weak. After several Tulsi Teas instead of diet soda her blood sugar came up to 77 instead of 35-40. Just that little bit of something good such as the organic Tulsi Tea, brought a great result. Did prayer help? You bet. One of my prayers is that they would do something about this travesty of over dosing on aspartame. My second hit for the weekend was that the two extremely bad aides were on for a double shift. They wouldn’t answer our call lights for 2-3 hours. They just brought more diet soda for anyone who had an upset stomach. I didn’t receive my promised, scheduled bath because they were “so busy.” Most of the time they were talking amongst themselves and playing on the computers. From 5-7:30 AM, I waited for someone. One of the ladies, called for the nurse to bring her into me and they refused so I had to go to her. The patients are not eating most of the meals and creating more hostility from the staff because they are learning about aspartame. A few years back I ate at the “Green something or other” restaurant and by the time I got home I had symptoms of food poisoning and thought maybe I should go to the ER. Instead I drank Tulsi Tea and after 5 bags I was feeling much better. So for $1.50 worth of Tulsi versus an ER visit for thousands, I was back to normal. The words “death” and “hospital” are being tossed recklessly to anyone who refuses to do their bidding. For instance, my pal in the next room has had the loss of her husband and frankly needs to lose a lot of “so called weight” or toxic bloat. Instead of being positive and helping her eat, they tell her you better eat or you will have to be taken to the hospital. Then out of fear or depression, the poor victim does what is wanted including allowing mega doses of insulin which causes their blood sugar to drop too low. An interesting observation on my part was when I talked two or three friendly nurses into not giving my husband the “big shot” of insulin, he woke up with normal blood sugar levels. As always, some strange staff members come in and tell me I will need to sign a statement saying that I am risking his life and that I will be responsible for what happens. They are told that the “big shot” will help them stay stable all night so that their blood sugar doesn’t spike too high or drop too low. However, my observation is that most patients wake with their blood sugar way too low. Two at the door is “No Bueno” This title refers to whenever I push the call button I am greeted eventually by two at the door. When I questioned the girls why that is necessary they said they didn’t know but that they had to come in pairs or they would be let go. I personally have been told four reasons why this is necessary. The prime reasons I have been told is safety. When I assure them that I am not dangerous, they say that I misunderstand and that it is for my safety and because they need to understand what I am objecting to. I am not combative and I tell the truth. They also forget that I was a public speaker for years. The so called double staffing makes it difficult to get cares in a timely manner. Now for some more reasons to not end up in a “dinosaur camp” oops, I mean, a nursing home. Let’s take a look at the increased offence of taking a bath or shower at this facility. The claim from higher staff members is that they are so very short handed that all services must be done in as little time as possible. I find it so embarrassing to have 2-3 people hurriedly bathing me at once. Because the water is so gross I itch half the night note, I have offered to buy a filter for the shower but they refused the gift. We are only supposed to be allowed a bath or shower once a week and if the patient refuses they aren’t offered it again until the next week. I’ve had to fight to be able to get help with bathing 3 times a week. Another part of this “as the stomach turns” saga, is that we are all given porous plastic bowls for our morning and night time clean up. According to the nurse or aide, you get a very small amount of hot tap water with bubbles which is usually a very toxic cleanser, and a wash cloth to wash what you can reach, and then they begin to roughly scrub everywhere else and are roughly dried off. In my case, I use organic oils to not harm my skin. Then they take the dirty bowl and wash cloth and just empty the water into the toilet and wipe it dry with a quick swipe of a paper towel and put it in a drawer. Sadly put, many of us have infections because the same unsanitary bowl is brought out in the morning to wash your face. The bowl is never sanitized or cleaned in any way. To finish this mess, I was informed curtly this weekend that the bowls are being sanitized every week by the laundry room which I have never witnessed. Let’s cover the nearby physical therapy department. Really nice folks on the surface. It is unhealthy for the patients to stay in bed staring at the ceiling growing more depressed and withdrawn by the hour, or sitting unoccupied and drugged in a wheelchair staring at the walls for the convenience of the staff. So physical therapy if it was fun and appropriate for each patient would be a very welcome activity. However, physical therapy is pushed much too soon and much too fast, always pushing the patient to do more than their body can take so the patient is effectively forced to take pain medications in stronger and stronger doses and types. Many then end up hurting themselves because they don’t feel the pain while taking Vicodin and such. The head therapist is growing more aggressive and angry as more and more patients can’t continue with the “service.” Now I wish to state a major sadness that has occurred this week regarding my dear husband. My background and relationship should make me reliable with my husband’s healthcare, but it has gone down to zero here. As well as being a devoted wife, his power of attorney, and health care directive, and nutritionist, I was told that I had no rights to make any decisions for his health and care. With a sudden visit from the VA, that was reiterated as they told me again that they wanted to hear only from my husband even though he can’t understand much, read or even communicate in an effective way since his massive stroke. The exception to this “no rights Policy” is that I must quickly sign the “securing his bed” form when he is taken to the hospital, or anything that has to do with money for the nursing home. I am not allowed to recommend any dietary changes for him even though he is intolerant to artificial sweeteners and gluten. I’m not even allowed to talk to him about what they are instigating with him. Why have I not left this mess yet? My husband and I come as a package and there have been no openings anywhere better that could take us together. Although, I am considering a short term living arraignment where I return to my home with and aide before my husband is able. I am diligently working on three different books from my time with Dr. Bieler. Two of the books are nearly on the market. They are titled “Concurring the Incurables” and “Bieler, Burch, and Beyond”. Hopefully, these will help with our needs so that we can both move out of here. My prayer for you all is twofold. One is that you never have to live in one of these “dying dinosaurs.” The other is that if you know some folks who need to be in this type of home that you will keep up on their cares and help them. Stand up to the mindset of the stubborn staff that allows the patients to be overwhelmed with aspartame offerings. Which, as we all know, is capable of creating 92 disorders including seizures and death. There are many more atrocities that I could relate to you. I would not trade places with the evil ones for 5 million bucks, they have closed down their hearts to humanity and God, in my opinion. |
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