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Senate Committee Votes to
Cut Off Aid to Palestinians

By Stephen Lendman


Washington has provided annual aid to the Palestinian Authority since the Oslo Accords were signed in September 1993.

Much of it goes for funding Palestinian security forces, serving as Israel’s enforcer.

On Thursday, Senate Foreign Relations Committee members overwhelmingly voted 17 ­ 4 to cut off aid to the PA unless it stops providing financial assistance to families of Palestinians killed by Israel ­ through what’s called a Palestinian Authority Martyr’s Fund. Families of Palestinian political prisoners are also aided.

Israel and Washington consider Palestinian victims of Israeli violence “terrorists.” The so-called Taylor Force Act is named after the former US army veteran, killed while visiting Israel ­ violence there spawned by Israeli state terror, wrongfully blamed on Palestinians.

The family of accused Force attacker, killed by Israeli security forces, receives PA financial aid. Force was Vanderbilt University graduate student in neocon Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman Bob Corker’s home state, Tennessee.

He co-sponsored punitive anti-Palestinian legislation, saying “(w)hat has happened here will hopefully, when passed, prevent other people from having the same fate: an innocent person going about their activities in an innocent way, being murdered by someone who’s being incented to do that by their own government” ­ a disgraceful statement.

Force’s parents live in neocon South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham’s home state, chairman of the Senate subcommittee overseeing foreign aid.

He disgracefully called PA aid to families of Palestinians killed by Israel “pay to slay” payments ­ ignoring its apartheid viciousness, murdering and brutalizing Palestinians unaccountably, virtually all other congressional members supporting what demands condemnation and firm action to stop.

Corker expects House and Senate passage of the legislation, perhaps in the fall. Cutting off aid will create enormous hardships, increasing Palestinian suffering under a ruthless occupier.

Separately, bipartisan Senate Foreign Relations Committee members urged neocon US UN envoy Nikki Haley to lead an international effort, pressuring other countries to cut off PA aid.

Its officials said they’ll continue aiding families of Palestinians imprisoned or killed by Israel for wanting to live free from oppressive occupation.

Israel considers legitimate resistance “terrorism.” Its own extreme harshness is called “self-defense.”

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