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Resistance - The Only Option for Palestinians

By Stephen Lendman

Years ago, two states were possible. No longer after Israel stole most West Bank territory for settlements, other exclusive Jewish development, and closed military zones.

Trump’s pronouncement for Israel put a nail in the coffin of a moribund peace process as long as Ziofascists run America and the Jewish state.

For nearly 70 years, Palestinians have been isolated on their own, waging a valiant liberating struggle, hoping one day resistance will bear fruit.

Their only option is continuing to resist Israeli viciousness, their only chance to one day achieve what’s so far been unattainable.

Passivity assures endless persecution, occupation, impoverishment, slow-motion genocide, and perhaps total loss of historic Palestine - Israel’s goal, wanting maximum Jews and minimum Arabs on land it wants exclusively for itself.

In a Thursday address, Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah called Trump’s pronouncement for Israel a “new Balfour Declaration.

He expects most Arab leaders to downplay his action - notably Saudi Arabia, allying with the Jewish state against Iran, throwing Palestinians under the bus for a greater objective.

“Israel does not care about what the Arab states, Europe, Russia or China would say, and it is only concerned with the US stance,” Nasrallah stressed, explaining:

Settlement construction will accelerate. Jerusalem holy sites are endangered. Israeli hardliners  yearn for another Jewish temple where the Al-Aqsa Mosque now stands.

“Do not be surprised if one day we wake up to find (Al-Aqsa) demolished,” Nasrallah warned. He urged Arab League member states and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation “to issue a binding resolution, declaring Jerusalem as the eternal capital of the State of Palestine.”

He called for a new intifada, resisting what he said was “very dangerous American aggression.”

The Global BDS Movement reacted sharply to Trump’s pronouncement for Israel, saying he “reverse(d) decades of official US policy regarding Jerusalem and contradict(ed) the international consensus.”

His “appalling” action is an (attempt) to give legitimacy to Israel’s illegal control of the city by a xenophobic and racist US administration…”

Ahead of his Thursday announcement, PLO executive committee member Hanan Ashrawi issued a stinging denunciation, saying:

His “message to the world (is)  that the language of power and diktat (not that of justice and legality) will prevail.”

“The legal and political status of East Jerusalem defines it as occupied territory, and Israel’s annexation of the city is a violation of international law, conventions, signed agreements, and terms of reference of the peace process.”

“Altering the status of Jerusalem would be a unilateral, extrajudicial and illegal act and would disqualify the US from having any role in peacemaking.”  

“It will give Israel a free hand to persist in the total annexation and isolation of Palestinian Jerusalem and enable it to continue the deliberate historical, political, cultural, demographic, and geographic transformation of the occupied city, erasing its Palestinian presence and identity.”

On December 7, Ziofascism triumphed over international and US constitutional law - hopefully one day to be a pyrrhic victory, overturned by eventual Palestinian liberation.

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