Dear Doctor Thomas:
This letter to you and the other part of the imminent health hazard
petition listing studies together were sent to you certified mail, two
day priority.
These two documents makeup the imminent health hazard petition.
I want to remind you that according to your own laws this must be answered
immediately. Since the first petition to ban aspartame in 2002
was sent, and the imminent health hazard petition in 2007 more and more
independent scientific peer reviewed studies have been done. All
of them have shown aspartame to be deadly, from cancer to dementia.
FDA as usual ignored them. FDA did not answer the first petition
until 2014 even though FDA has only 180 days to respond legally.
The imminent health hazard petition sent in 2007 was never answered.
The National Law Review is also being copied.
I want to point out for years you simply send letters stating you have
more important priorities. Before you try this again explain to
me anything that is more important than stopping the mass poisoning
of the US public by aspartame. Countries have rubber-stamped FDA's
approval of aspartame through Don Rumsfeld's political chicanery,
without doing studies, worldwide. FDA is responsible for doing
nothing claiming they have to see science and then when sent ignoring
it. FDA has claimed they need to know the mechanisms by which
aspartame triggers or precipitates disease. When an entire 1000
page medical text (" Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic",
by H. J. Roberts,M.D.) was sent, you personally denied the mechanisms
were there. It was written to list those mechanisms. All
you have done is approve another aspartame product to poison more of
the public. Enough is enough. As I write this I'm asking
everyone who reads it to send a copy to their Congressman and Senator.
Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder
Mission Possible World Health Intl (warning the world off aspartame
for 28 years)
Joseph M. Thomas, Ph.D.
Consumer Safety Officer
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
Office of Food Additive Safety
Dear Dr. Thomas:
"The FDA Food Code Section 8-404.11 states that if an
"Imminent Health Hazard" may exist, then the permit holder must
immediately discontinue operations. As written, even if immediate
corrective action is taken, the operation must cease operation. In
fact, if immediate corrective action is needed, then the facility
must cease operation because by definition an "Imminent Health
Hazard" exists. "
I have written some of the reasons aspartame is an imminent health
hazard in the attached petition in letter form and this is a
continuation. I wrote it as an article so the public can read
what has been the modus operandi of the FDA. In 2015 when the
"US Right To Know" petitioned FDA because of deceptive advertising
(calling soda "diet" when aspartame is known to trigger weight gain)
the answer was you needed more time. Here it is 2018 and
therefore, I want the public to see that FDA simply postpones so as
not to answer. I'm glad to see attorneys do have time and have
filed six class actions, 3 in New York and 3 in California.
Besides deceptive advertising you can clearly see there have been
decades of scientific peer reviewed studies showing everything from
the metabolic syndrome to cancer. The studies were outlined
for FDA and the public, the point being FDA ignores them all, since
USRTK wrote FDA there are many more studies. There have been over
900 studies published on the dangers of aspartame.
This time I've done it a little differently from the first and
second filing. I've gone through some of industry's studies as
examples and shown FDA they are invalidated because of the way they
were done. FDA always says its the most tested product in
history. Maybe so since Jana Marie Kincaid who shredded the
studies for G. D. Searle and sent one copy to France, admits
aspartame killed everything it touched. In order to keep some
animals alive they obviously had to do a lot of studies.
The point is FDA asked for science so for years we have sent
science. All independent scientific peer reviewed studies have
been ignored. FDA asked for the mechanisms by which aspartame
triggers or precipitates disease. I sent a 1000 page medical
text giving the mechanisms by aspartame. You won't even admit
"Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic" has the mechanisms. I had
to quote the book so the public would know FDA lies. Dr. Thomas do
you think after aspartame being on the market since 1981 researchers
don't know what diseases and symptoms are responsible from
Aspartame? Immediately, when it was marketed the public started
complaining. Senator Orrin Hatch prevented congressional
hearings until 1985 and he was given money by Monsanto. FDA's
own list of symptoms list 91 and the ultimate symptom (!!) - DEATH.
What is required by FDA to remove aspartame from the market?
Medical texts on aspartame have killer titles such as "While Science
Sleeps: A Sweetener Kills" by Dr. Woodrow Monte and "Excitotoxins:
The Taste That Kills" by Dr. Russell Blaylock. Even books
written by victims such as Reigh Parker Burch let you know what
aspartame does. Her book is "Aspartame: King of Toxins".
Aspartame Detox Clinics like Dr. Ken Stoller's San Francisco
Aspartame Detox Center to take care of the victims.
Congressional hearings were exactly as expected. Physicians
and researchers explaining how deadly aspartame is and the trade
organizations funded by the manufacturer giving their loyalty to
industry. The bill by Senator Howard Metzenbaum would have
done exactly what was the morally right thing to do - put a
moratorium on aspartame until independent scientifically peer
reviewed studies could be done on what was being seen in the public
and these problems burst in immediately after it was marketed.
The bill included what aspartame does to the fetus, behavioral
problems especially in children, seizures, interactions with drugs,
etc. Tell me Dr. Thomas what honest human being on this planet
wouldn't want to sign a bill to find out if aspartame is a killing
machine. Yet, the bill never got out of Committee.
Monsanto money and power took care of everything.
Thirty seven years after the 1985 congressional hearings those
problems are still going on in the population. Aspartame still
damages the mitochondria and interacts with drugs and vaccines. One
doctor told me all generic gastrointestinal drugs have aspartame in
them. Physicians don't know to check generics because FDA lies
to them and says aspartame is an additive when its an
excitoneurotoxic drug. I stopped breathing three times.
Lies by FDA to physicians who actually see the victims is a health
hazard because they don't know to get the patient off of the product
triggering their symptoms or diseases or interacting with their
drugs. Because of the chemical hypersensitization of aspartame some
victims carry epi-pens to prevent themselves from reacting, like
going into anaphylactic shock.
Aspartame still causes birth defects. The vileness and heinous
crime of sealing the teratology studies from the public is
unforgiveable and everyone responsible should have been
prosecuted. Right across the FDA papers it says "Aspartame
causes birth defects!" As you know, I've added them back to
the Bressler Report. I will never forget the sorrow in Jerome
Bressler's voice when he said, "The public doesn't know Betty the
horror of what aspartame causes or what I've had to live with since
FDA sealed the information. I would see pregnant women
drinking diet pop and know the baby will probably be born with birth
defects." They had to be horribly bad for FDA to seal them,
and they included neural tube defects, spina bifida and cleft
No, Monsanto would do anything to keep the studies from being
done, The way I found out about aspartame was seeing a man
just diagnosed with Parkinson's who appeared to be dying with his
arms uncontrollable and his feet flaring out, the interaction of
L-Dopa with his Diet Coke. They stopped immediately on his
abstaining from aspartame. His case is in the medical text you
Consider Michael Fox who is addicted to Diet Pepsi and was their
spokesman. He asked, "How can a 30 year old man get Parkinson's, an
old man's disease? Aspartame knows no age. Seizures
continue with no anti-seizure medication working. As Dr. Ramon
Sanchez, neurologist in Atlanta, told me: "I tried every
anti-seizure drug in the PDR and nothing would stop the patient's
seizures. Then I found out she was drinking Diet Coke.
The withdrawal was so bad she went crazy. I put her in a
mental hospital and two weeks later the mental problems stopped as
did the seizures,"
Consider at the time of Metzenbaum's bill they were already seeing
behavioral problems in children. It's gotten so bad today
children are medicated instead of educated. It's so bad that
at one time the Governor of Georgia mentioned wanting to pay
teachers based on what the children were learning. How bad is
it? There were front page articles of "teachers" going to jail
for cheating because they couldn't get students to learn sufficient
to get them through school. Here is the Atlanta Journal
Constitution about what was going on:
In the documentary "Sweet Remedy" the ADD people, Feingold,
said before aspartame was approved they hardly even used the term
ADD. In order to notify schools and parents we have the Report
for Schools:
Ritalin is what is being prescribed to the children with ADD and
what do you think is in it? methylphenidate hcl
(methylphenidate hydrochloride) extended-release chewable ... -
_... "Dec 7, 2015 - Pfizer Receives U.S. FDA Approval of New
QuilliChew ER (methylphenidate hydrochloride) extended-release
chewable tablets CII .... QuilliChew ER contains phenylalanine, a
component of aspartame, and can be harmful to patients with
(PKU). Thats right - aspartame, With over 30 years of horrors
FDA has the audacity to keep approving drugs with aspartame and even
for newborn babies,
Further, Dr. James Bowen told me aspartame can actually
precipitate phenylketonuria.
The FDA was on the side of the people before Rumsfeld called
in his markers and caused the mass poisoning of the public around
the world. Back then, they told Dr. John Olney that they would see
to it that no child ever got aspartame. Now FDA sacrifices
Tell me, Dr. Thomas, how can the FDA ban aspartame twice and still
tell people its safe? Here is a short article on that fact,
and the Board of Inquiry decision is on my web site, Here is that article:
G. D. Searle originally dealt with the reality aspartame is a poison
by cover-up. Aspartame breaks down to diketopiperazine a brain
tumor agent so Searle would simply excise the tumors, put the rats
back in the study, and when they died resurrected them on
paper., This is just one of the reasons FDA chief scientist,
Dr. Adrian Gross, asked for an indictment based on fraud. You
know the rest of the story. Both US Prosecutors hired on with
the defense team and the statute of limitations expired. This is a
very repetitive story but FDA has yet to address it.
FDA toxicologist, Dr. Jacqueline Verrett told the Senate in 1987
aspartame was never proven safe and they were working up to a
whitewash. Yet aspartame was approved in 1981 and this was 6
years later.
There is an entire 1000 page medical text on why aspartame is an
imminent health hazard, and you have a copy: "Aspartame
Disease: An Ignored Epidemic" by H. J. Roberts, M.D. Naturally
the #1 reason is it causes cancer. How can FDA employees tell
the public aspartame doesn't cause cancer when the chief scientist
in the FDA investigation, Dr. Adrian Gross, told the Senate on
8/1/85 that it was illegally on the market because it violated the
Delaney Amendment which says you can't market anything you know will
cause cancer. He went so far as to admit that because it
causes cancer FDA should not even have been able to set an allowable
daily intake. He said beyond a shadow of a doubt it causes
brain tumors and brain cancer. How could anyone forget Dr.
Gross' final words, "And if the FDA violates its own laws who is
left to protect the public?"
Do you think when someone throws a diet soda 6 pack in their
shopping cart or any of the other more than 14,000 products they
know aspartame was never proven safe? They put their faith in
the FDA who has betrayed the public - not only in knowing aspartame
is not safe but even lying about it. FDA has never addressed
the fact aspartame is not even an additive, but an excitoneurotoxic
How can FDA ignore three Ramazzini Studies proving beyond any shadow
of a doubt that aspartame is a multipotential carcinogen?
Excuses like "the rats were sick" just makes FDA look foolish since
this was a lifetime study and the rats had respiratory disease
because that's the dying process and they were dying. Dr.
Morando Soffritti answered industry and governmental agencies with
eloquent rebuttal.
So FDA has at least four studies proving aspartame is a carcinogen
and against the law. Besides the study from Harvard which I've
sent, you have the admission of cancer by your own late chief
scientist who headed the investigation on aspartame, Dr. Adrian
Gross. How can FDA ignore its own investigation? Twelve
toxicologists petitioned the FDA to ban aspartame because it causes
cancer in 2007. FDA ignored it.; Dr. Woodrow Monte took the
issue all the way to the Supreme Court on the fact aspartame
triggers seizure and blindness. Because of politics the
Supreme Court didn't hear it. Pediatrician Dr. Kenneth Stoller
filed for ban, and I've filed twice. Romania has already
banned aspartame because it causes cancer. If it causes cancer
in Romania, it causes it in the US.
Aspartame is an imminent health hazard because it interacts with
drugs. The medical text sent has a chapter on it. Do you think a
neurologist knows when he has a patient having aspartame seizures
that the drugs he will prescribe will interact, and FDA has known
about it for years?
You, Dr. Thomas, who writes you have the medical text but there are
no mechanisms, needs to read it. You know fully well aspartame
is a drug and here are the MECHANISMS for interaction you seem to
have overlooked:
Page 469:
"Aspartame may either reduce or potentiate drug action by various
MECHANISMS. A few of the possibilities are listed.
* "Alteration of the blood proteins to which drugs attach.
* Alteration of drug receptors on cell membranes.
*Changes in the sites at which impulses are transmitted along nerves
and to muscle.
*Metabolic abnormalities in the elderly that are known to enhance
their vulnerability to drug reactions (Weber 1986). This
problem increases in the case of persons taking multiple drugs
("polypharmacy") prescribed by several physicians.
*Interference with drug action by amino acids and protein. An
example is the erratic therapeutic effects when patients with
parkinsonism who were controlled on levodopa began to use aspartame
products (Chapter VI-J) The antagonism of levodopa by dietary
protein presumably reflects impaired transport from serum across the
blood-brain barrier by neutral amino acids (Pincus 1986)."
On page 471, you can read how anti-seizure medications interact with
aspartame. The physician has no idea unless he has been
educated on this addictive, carcinogenic excitoneurotoxin.
Think how many thousands could be dying from this alone? Dr.
Roberts gives the case of a 51 year old man who drank considerable
diet cola. He said on page 471, "When his physician increased
the dose (Depacote), he became comatose and required
Aspartame is also an imminent health hazard because of bone marrow
and blood changes. Dr. Roberts stated, "Aspartame disease may
be evidenced by changes involving red blood cells, white blood cells
and platelets. The aspartame reactors reported below and
elsewhere evidenced either anemia, a striking elevation of the white
blood cell count suggestive of leukemia or markedly decreased
platelet counts (thrombocytopenia)"
You can continue reading on page 475. When I was given
aspartame, my hemoglobin went down to 5. When generics of
Zofran and Raglan were given to me they had aspartame in them.
So when given pain medication I stopped breathing on three
occasions. Multiply this by the millions using aspartame and
also using prescription drugs.
Aspartame is not only an imminent health hazard because it has been
documented to interact with drugs but the fact it causes birth
defects. It is a vile crime by the FDA to have sealed the teratology
studies for decades. It took me 8 years to find them after
Jerome Bressler, the FDA Compliance officer at the time of the
aspartame investigation, pleaded with me to get them back in his
report when he retired. Dr. H. J. Roberts
who wrote the medical text tried to obtain them.
Here is what the FDA did. Dr. H. J. Roberts spoke with Jerome
Bressler and then wrote his senator to acquire these studies and FDA
information that they thought to seal. Jane Kirby for Melinda
Plaisier, Associate Commissioner for Legislation wrote Senator Bill
Nelson on April 8, 2002 and said: "Additionally, some
documents are considered confidential under FDA's FOIA regulations
and in some instances the Agency cannot acknowledge the existence of
such documents."
I find this appalling. Had there been a pregnancy warning on
aspartame thousands of babies wouldn't have been born with neural
tube defects, autism, cleft palate, spina bifida, etc. This is
a heinous crime of such magnitude the FDA ought to be shut down
based on Title 18 of the Federal Genocide law:
A serious element is the fact FDA uses industry propaganda which
ties the hands of the physicians .and tells them aspartame is an
additive when its a drug., When a physician prescribes
Coumadin as an anticoagulant there is the need for continually
monitoring the prothrombin time. The likelihood of
interference by aspartame was raised in patients who had been
maintained on coumarin for extended periods without difficulty.
Unexpectedly, their prothrombin time approximated the control values
meaning loss of anticoagulant effects coupled with recurrent
thrombophlebitis or angina pectoris.
Fred Friendly, former president of CBS News once made the statement
"What the American people don't know can kill them."
A physician apologizing to me for giving me generic drugs with
aspartame in them said, "We just didn't know." Dr. Thomas
that's the job of the FDA, to protect the public not assist Big
Pharma in selling more deadly drugs.
As in the attachment aspartame has been a killing machine for
decades with independent scientific peer reviewed studies
identifying the problem.
The consumer public shouldn't have to do FDA's job of alerting the
public what is truth and what is propaganda so physicians can treat
patients appropriately.
FDA has received everything they have asked for - over 900
scientific studies on the health hazards of aspartame, listed by the
National Library Medicine Index, documentation on the mechanisms by
which aspartame triggers or precipitates disease, thousands of case
histories of the sick and dying. If Dr. David Kessler is
right, that only about 1 % report to the FDA then we are talking
about millions which it obviously is from the cancers,
neurodegenerative diseases, drug interactions, brain tumors,
seizures, SIDS deaths, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and such.
When is enough enough? When will you address aspartame was never
proven safe and the chief investigator, Dr. Adrian Gross admitted
aspartame causes cancer and is on the market illegally violating the
Delaney Amendment because it was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt
aspartame causes cancer.
An imminent health hazard petition has to be answered
immediately, No letters stating you have more important things
to do accepted.
Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder
Mission Possible World Health Intl
9270 River Club Parkway
Duluth, Georgia 30097
770 242-2599,,
( files on