you know that our babies and children are being kidnapped all over
using our government, a sinister force has been assaulting the most
vulnerable of us our children and babies.
see, there is an entire federal agency with the misleading title of
Child Protective
Services (CPS) that
is dedicated to kidnapping and then heavily drugging our children and
even our babies.
government-enforced schools of substandard education and outright
indoctrination, numerous mandated toxic vaccines, and mind-numbing TV
shows for children were not enough to effect the purpose of
destroying our youth and future.
dark ones wanted something more. With US taxpayers paying the freight
for their own demise, the dark ones designed a plan to destroy our
families by separating children and babies from their parents.
with the courageous whistleblowers from the inside, we can learn much
about the hidden destruction of America.
the brave whistleblower Carlos Morales, we get a close-up look at the
evil workings of the federal agency known as Child Protective
Services, where children and babies are stolen from hospitals, school
buses, and even their own beds.
quote from Mr. Morales’ YouTube
video entitled Why
We Must Fight Against Child Protective Services.
my name is Carlos Morales. I’m a former Child Protective Services
(CPS) investigator. And this is a case against and the truth about
Child Protective Services.
to CPS and every state in America, the child does not belong to the
parent. They actually belong to the state. The CPS is actually given
the power by law to ignore or reject the first, second, fourth,
fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and fourteenth amendments in their
on to how a case opens. A call is made to CPS headquarters of alleged
caller can remain anonymous or they can state their actual name. But
due to CPS [unconstitutional]
bylaws, the alleged perpetrator will never be given the caller’s
name … This is an infringement of the sixth amendment.
is well known by the engineers of the CPS monstrosity, such a bylaw
will allow unprincipled people to lawfully and freely imperil their
neighbors with bogus reports without any negative consequences.

alleged abuse can be that a parent is allowing the child to play
outside, that a child is being home-schooled, that the parent owns a
gun legally, that the parent smokes marijuana outside the home, even
if the patents are legally allowed to do it, that the child is being
taught anti-government sentiments. It is then that an investigator is
sent out to prove or disprove the claims.
should be noted here that many CPS caseworkers fabricate evidence and
withhold evidence and are never disciplined when caught their pay
raises and bonuses depend on such dishonestly. The majority of the
CPS agency’s employment pool always endeavors to keep taxpayers’
dollars flooding to them, irrespective of the lives they destroy.

to the California
Little Hoover
Commission Report
thirty to seventy percent of the children in California group homes
do not belong there and should not have been removed from their
parents’ home.
since the state owns the kid, and not the parents, the investigator
can then go to the child’s school (or anywhere else the kid is)
without letting the parents know that the child is about to be
questioned by some individual with terrible training.
schools are the go-to place for most investigators wanting to find,
or talk to, or remove a child [from
their home].
investigator goes to the school, takes the child into a separate room
[to be questioned].

to CPS, four-year-olds are capable of consent and are fully capable
of recalling events exactly as they occurred.
investigators barrage the child with questions regarding any sexual
promiscuity, drug use, violence, or molestation practices, and so on.
children generally have very little idea of what the hell is going
on, and this has led to countless false abuse charges across America.
happens to keep this wretched agency cranking along are financial
incentives [paid for
by American taxpayers]. CPS
allots money to the states for every allegation made, whether it’s
proven true or false. In states like Texas, the state can be given
six to ten thousand dollars for every removal of a child.
of course, attorneys and judges are also subsidized for every child
that is put through the wringer, known as the system. And foster
homes are propped up as well [with
taxpayer money].
homes are actually granted more money for every disability that a
child has. Disability doesn’t just mean they’re crippled; it can
also mean that a child has oppositional defiant disorder, mood
swings, ADHD, insomnia, or anger issues, all of which are generally
the by-product of a terrible environment. But instead of fixing the
environment, the foster home is actually given bonuses.
there are a lot of bonuses to be had, considering the fact that the
APA (American Psychiatric Association) has listed over 450 different
mental disorders.
all leads to six-year-olds being put on six different kinds of
psychotropic drugs.
there are 397,000 children now in foster homes, where they are seven
to eight times more likely to be abused than children in their normal
again, where the government intervenes in situations, conditions
worsen dramatically. Most people pass this off as merely well-meant,
well-intended incompetence. Few realize that government programs all
have a sinister design, no matter how well the agendas are cloaked in
informed of the villainy and gross malfeasance of the CPS, some
Americans will claim it is all a simple series of unintended
consequences. If that were true, serious reforms would have taken
place long ago. After all, since the late 1970s, governmental
sponsored child protection services have spanned our country.
half [of foster
children] will end up
homeless after they aged out [at
age eighteen].
[foster children] are
three times more likely to be put on psychotropic drugs, due to the
financial incentives already discussed.
are seven times more
likely to develop an eating disorder. They are more likely to have
post traumatic stress disorder than veterans of war, and less likely
to recover from that PTSD.
[foster children] are more likely to become pregnant as teenagers …
and they are six times more likely to die than if they had stayed in
an abusive household.
1998, the National
Center on Child Abuse
and Neglect reported
that six times as many children died in foster care than in the
general public, and that once removed to official “safety,” these
children are far more likely to suffer abuse, including molestation,
than in the general population.
we put it all together, we have an unconstitutional and barbaric
agency that gets away with [heavy]
financially incentivized mass removal of kids, eighty-five percent
removed for bogus reasons other than child abuse.
have terribly trained investigators, horrendous evidence and
gathering practices, families left poor just trying to disprove
claims, whole justice systems that are financed through unjust
practices, and foster homes that drug and abuse children.
that is the truth about Child Protective Services.
you, Mr. Carlos Morales, for your vital contributions to America’s
children, the protection of their families, and the viable future of
our society.
of the pieces of legislation that has resulted in today’s CPS
Agency were written in classified think tanks by unnamed and unknown
yet, all of that lengthy legislation was approved by various
Congresses, signed into law by two presidents, and upheld by Supreme
Courts all this even through it was always obvious that the CPS
Agency would become a (taxpayer funded) racketeering scam that would
legalize the kidnapping of American children and babies.
secret cabal that has taken over our government, courts, media, and
most other American institutions is attacking us all, either directly
or indirectly.
Luciferian cult has transformed many humans into being their minions,
who then mimic subhuman behavior, which engulfs us all. This depraved
influence is especially evident in large central governments, like
the one we have in America.
whole sordid CPS tale tells us of one of the many ways this satanic
cult has pitted man against man to the overall detriment of us all.
is the responsibility and God-given duty of every human being to
resist this demonic power.