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Israel Attacks Jerusalem Palestinian Hospital


By Stephen Lendman

Israeli viciousness has no limits.  No high crimes are too heinous for its forces to commit - reflecting longstanding institutionalized racism, treating Palestinians brutally, the reason for courageous intifada resistance.

Palestinians have no safe havens. Fair game are attacks on schools, mosques, residential neighborhoods, fishermen at sea, farmers in their fields, children at play and hospitals, treating sick, wounded and dying patients - depraved acts committed by a ruthless regime unaccountably.

Its daily high crimes are so numerous, it’s hard keeping up - a recent one, involving an attack on Jerusalem’s Al-Makassed Hospital.

Soldiers rampaged through its wards, firing tear indiscriminately. Children, intensive care and other patients, as well as medical staff and visitors suffered the effects of toxic tear gas inhalation, potentially lethal at times, the sick and weak most vulnerable.

The hospital administration issued an emergency press release, calling on international human rights and legal groups to intervene against Israeli lawlessness - stressing its forces attacked the facility six times since October 1.

Instead of respecting the hospital’s sanctity, searches are conducted for stone-throwers and others resisting regime high crimes, part of Israel’s unrestrained state terror.

Palestinians are longstanding victims of its viciousness, showing no restraint, murdering them in cold-blood daily, injuring many thousands, children treated as brutally as adults.

The world community consistently turns a blind eye to their suffering - siding with extreme criminality against long denied justice.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at

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