is much speculation whether or not Hillary Rodham Clinton, will
run for president in 2016.
former co-president with her lying, cheating husband, Bill Clinton,
received enormous support in 2008, but those who really call the
shots decided a bi-racial, constitutionally ineligible candidate,
Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama, would be the better choice
to continue the planned destruction of America. Hillary Rodham
Clinton carries a lot of old, dirty baggage. Perhaps wait eight
more years to install Comrade Clinton.
of Hillary Rodham's support comes from ignorant women who have
no facts other than the carefully polished image built to portray
Comrade Clinton as a friend of women. By championing murdering
unborn babies using clever propaganda like "protecting women's
reproductive rights", Comrade Clinton is lauded by women who kill
their unborn babies as some sort hero. By championing the filth
of sodomy and promoting AIDS/HIV by supporting sexual deviants,
Comrade Clinton assured herself a nice fat bankroll for her run
for the senate and president. Bushels of money from sexual deviants
in Hollywood.
of millions of ignorant women have been played by the one of the
most skilled, consummate liars ever to hold public office. And,
quite frankly, they don't care just as long as Comrade Clinton
continues to promise them your paycheck to pay for things like
their sexual activities. In February 2011, I wrote a column titled,
My Wallet Out Of Your Vagina. Oh, how the "feminists" squealed
on their web sites because they can't stand the truth:
many times have we heard female politicians bleat about "women's
issues" during elections? How many times have we heard the old
chant about "empowering women" from female members of Congress?
The feminization of Congress and our state legislatures is destroying
constitutional government, running America into oceans of unpayable
debt and breeding generations of helpless women, whining for mother
government to take care of them and their every need...
legions of females out there are herded in the desired direction
with promises of stealing from the people's treasury for their
wants and needs. All those "independent, strong women" are nothing
but whiners demanding the fruits of your labor. Real women take
care of the babies they bring into this world. Real women know
that family planning means keep your panties on and being a responsible
adult. Strong, independent women do not demand mother government
steal from taxpayers to fund their personal lives. Strong and
independent? Horsecrap. Strong, independent women do not demand
someone else pay their way whether it's health care, day care
or "basic family planning."
concepts are alien to millions of women under the age of 50. They
have gone through the government's indoctrination centers called
pubic schools. They "look up to" hard core feminists from the
Hollywood crowd. Female political figures are their toxic role
models. All who tell those "empowered" women it's their right
to steal your paycheck to pay for their bad choices in life. Her
success is why Comrade Clinton became so important to the masters
of the game who own Washington, DC.
nauseating accolades bestowed upon Comrade Clinton for her failed
and unlawful stint as Secretary of State is simply more propaganda
fed to ignorant sycophants who haven't a clue about world events.
I say unlawful because Hillary Rodham Clinton usurped the office
of Secretary of State. Prior to her confirmation, members (both
parties) of the joke called the Senate Judiciary Committee were
told by Judicial Watch a lawsuit would be filed to stop Comrade
Clinton from holding that office because it violated the emolument
clause of the U.S. Constitution. What
is that?
I, section 6 of the U.S. Constitution provides: “No Senator or
Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected,
be appointed to any civil Office under the Authority of the United
States, which shall have been created, or the Emoluments whereof
shall have been encreased during such time....This provision,
known as the “Emoluments” or “Ineligibility” clause is an absolute
prohibition and does not allow for any exceptions. The “Ineligibility
Clause” is interpreted by most as designed by our Founding Fathers
to protect against corruption and ensure the separation of powers
among the three branches of government. On January 29, 2009, Judicial
Watch filed a lawsuit against newly confirmed Secretary of State
Hillary Rodham Clinton on the ground that she is constitutionally
ineligible to serve as Secretary of State under the Ineligibility
Clause. The “emoluments” or salary of the U.S. Secretary of State
increased at least three times during Mrs. Clinton’s most recent
U.S. Senate term. That term, which began on January 4, 2007, does
not expire until January 2013, regardless of Mrs. Clinton’s recent
is another lawsuit that has run its course, meaning denied for
hearing by the U.S. Supreme Court, you might find of interest:
Rodearmel v. Clinton. That lawsuit was filed in January 2009 on
behalf of a 19-year veteran of the Foreign Service Officer under
the State Department, David Rodearmel, a retired Lt. Col. in the
U.S. Army Reserve Judge Advocate General Corp. While I support
and respect Judicial Watch in their pursuit of making sure no
one is above the law, I simply did not understand why they didn't
use the Quo Warranto for Rodearmel's case.
defendants (mother government) moved to dismiss and in their filing,
there is an important footnote; number 6 at the bottom of page
D.C. Court of Appeals has observed that a plaintiff who seeks
to directly attack the appointment of an official (as opposed
to attacking an action of that official) will rarely if ever have
standing. See Andrade v. Lauer, 729 F.2d 1475, 1496-97
(D.C. Cir. 1984). In the same case, the court suggested that the
only proper way to assert such a direct attack is through
an action for a writ of quo warranto. See id. at 1497
(citing cases). A quo warranto action may only be brought by the
Attorney General of the United States or the United States Attorney
or, if these Executive Branch officials decline a request, by
a private party who has obtained leave of court. See D.C. Stat.
§§ 16-3502-3503; see also Rae v. Johnson, 1993 WL 544295,
at *1"
I said, to this day I don't understand why Judicial Watch did
not file a Quo Warranto to get Comrade Clinton removed. It was
a no brainer as far as standing for Rodearmel; he absolutely qualified
under Newman v. United States ex Rel. Frizzell. In the
end, the
case was dismissed. The gutless cowards (both parties) on
the Senate Judiciary Committee thumbed their noses at the U.S.
Constitution once again with disastrous results. Benghazi comes
to mind with Rodman's now famous outburst revealing the ugliness
that has always been Hillary:
Difference Does It Make?" whether or not U.S. Ambassador Stevens
and three other Americans were slaughtered because of an act of
terrorism or some silly Internet video no know ever heard of?
here. If the U.S. Congress would ever seriously press for
the truth, Hillary's finger prints are all over what happened
September 11, 2012. Stop the tap dancing. Obama's enforcer, Eric
Holder, has been jerking around congressional committees for two
years over 'Fast and Furious'. It's now been nine months since
the disaster in Benghazi. The families are still waiting for answers.
Get a special counsel appointed and ram this down Clinton and
Obama's throats. We the people are sick and tired of traitors
walking free of their crimes.
no mistake about it: Hillary Rodman Clinton is a valuable asset
to those working to destroy this country. She is a dirty traitor
right along with that pathetic piece of work she's been married
to for 38 years. A partnership, not a marriage. Millions
who support Comrade Clinton are too young to remember Whitewater,
Fostergate and the litany of scandals that plagued the co-presidents
and destroyed lives forever.
insiders and the controlled "mainstream" media know the truth
about the Clinton's, few Americans were interested when the duo
ran for the presidency both times. It was all just a "right-wing
conspiracy" by Republicans. The Clinton duo played the American
people like a fine tuned fiddle. The FBI knows all about the Clinton's
and who they give their money to: The
Marxist Influence and the IPS:
IPS has firm ties to anti-American terrorists and militant Marxists
worldwide; and IPS has firm ties to Bill and Hillary Clinton.
IPS is described as a Washington-based 'Think Factory' which helped
train extremists who incite violence in the United States
Clinton's appointment of Derek Shearer as his top economic advisor
was no fluke. Shearer's sister, Brooke, is Hillary's traveling
companion. As this booklet shall document, Clinton's close friend
Derek Shearer has not only been a member of the subversive IPS,
but is also a prolific advocate of Marxist socialism and is ardent
in his open praises for life in communist lands. Shearer has long
proposed that America's free enterprise system be dismantled and
that businesses be controlled by powerful socialist planners instead.
Page 2: FBI Warns of IPS Infiltrating U.S. Government with Subversives.
of her supporters have no idea what happened during the phony
impeachment proceedings against Bill Clinton. It was a set
up orchestrated by prominent Republicans. One only need read David
Schippers book, Sellout:
The Inside Story of President Clinton's Impeachment:
no one came out of the Monica Lewinsky scandal looking good, David
Schippers, the chief investigative counsel for the Clinton impeachment,
wants to be sure Americans know just who contributed to the debacle
and how. A trial attorney and a Democrat, Schippers was hired
by Republican congressman Henry Hyde to lead an oversight investigation
of the Justice Department, then was redirected to handle the impeachment.
The quintessential honest man, Schippers was shocked, not so much
by Clinton's actions (which he calls a far-reaching conspiracy
to obstruct justice with perjury, lies, and witness tampering),
but by Republican and Democratic politicians who sold out the
impeachment process.
you ever want to vote again, you might not want to know what went
on behind the scenes in the Capitol Hill meat grinder leading
up to and during the impeachment proceedings against William Jefferson
Clinton.... Lies, cowardice, hypocrisy, cynicism, amorality, butt-covering--these
were the squalid political body parts that, squeezed through the
political processor, combined to make a mockery of the impeachment
course, Schippers does want you to know what happened, and he
also wants you to vote--against those who made the mess. And so
he names names--of Republican senators who refused to allow evidence
on the floor, of the five Democratic congressmen who never examined
the evidence, of the GOP senator who said, "You're not going to
dump this garbage on us," and also of the politicians who did
an honest job, or at least asked reasonable questions (such as
Joseph Lieberman). Schippers also reveals the evidence he was
building against the Clinton administration regarding illegal
INS actions and Chinagate, but that he was forced to drop. He
reviews the successful struggle to get a full hearing in the House
and the "flat-out rigged ball game" in the Senate. He discusses
the president's pattern of abuse and intimidation of women, including
some highly disturbing information regarding Kathleen Willey,
Juanita Broaddrick, and Dolly Kyle Browning."
saw Schippers speak at the Ronald Reagan Building and International
Trade Center in Washington, DC. I think it was the year 2000.
It was an event put on by Judicial Watch; Schippers was the keynote
speaker. Instead of going after Bill Clinton for treason (read
the Cox Report), the stupid Republicans went after him on
a sex charge.
old enough who has followed the Clinton duo surely knows who has
always worn the pants in that "marriage". What self-respecting
woman would get in bed with a husband like Bill Clinton who screws
anything over legal age with or without their consent? It was
reported that during the impeachment process, Democrats went into
"the vault" area and viewed documents not available to you and
me. Those reports also said a couple of the Democrats (in the
House) came out visibly upset because they now believed Bill
Clinton raped Juanita Broaddrick. Yet, that didn't bother
Comrade Clinton because her climb to power was not going to get
derailed by a serial cheating "husband."
Hillary was a Republican until she decided to attach her loyalties
to the Democratic/Communist Party USA. It would be her ticket
to fortune and fame. Her treachery has been well rewarded. On
December 19, 1998, the U.S. House impeached Billy. The gutless
U.S. Senate failed to impeach on Feb. 12, 1999. In December 1998,
Hillary visited Switzerland: "On 31 December 1998, Hillary
Clinton visited Brunnen. She arrived from the Lake Lucerne and
drives with a car to the railway station."
to press reports at the time, Comrade Clinton made one unscheduled
stop outside Zurich. Funny how you catch a blurb on the radio
news that perks up your ears. I filed a Freedom of Information
Act request at the time with the Secret Service. They refused
to release her full itinerary to me citing national security.
Bull. I believe she met with the real money masters and power
brokers who are above the Bilderberg group.
wish I had my old research from back then, but I've had two major
computer crashes since then and it's gone. Comrade Hillary moved
aside to allow the impostor now squatting in the White House to
get the Democratic/Communist Party USA nomination in 2008. How
it must have galled her, but make no mistake: Hillary Rodham Clinton
is a tough old bird who knows how to play the game of revenge.
other thing during that time period: September 4, 1998, Bill Clinton
in Ireland: "You know, by the time you become the leader of
a country, someone else makes all the decisions - you just sign
your name." The only honest thing he said while in office.
public persona of Comrade Hillary Clinton, much like that
of militant Marxist, Michelle Obama, is nothing but lies and illusions.
Hillary Rodham is a very dangerous woman who is willing to do
ANYTHING in her climb for power.
was a complete failure as Secretary of State. While the most traveled
(one million miles) and pampered in the history of this nation,
the world is more dangerous now than when she unlawfully took
over; Benghazi the worst example. One need only read this piece:
Clinton on American Leadership at the Council on Foreign Relations,
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Washington, D.C., January
31, 2013:
come to think of it like this: Truman and Acheson were building
the Parthenon with classical geometry and clear lines. The pillars
were a handful of big institutions and alliances dominated by
major powers."
would again remind people Harry Truman worked for the globalists
or he would never have become president: "When Franklin Roosevelt
died during the closing days of WWII, it fell to Truman to end
the war and formulate policies for the new world order." The Smithsonian
Treasury: The Presidents (1991), pg 72. Truman was instrumental
in founding the communist controlled UN. He signed the unconstitutional
Marshall Plan, stealing $13 BILLION dollars from we the people
for the economic and technical assistance recovery of European
countries. No where in the U.S. Constitution does it authorize
Congress or a president to steal the fruits of our labor to give
to any foreign country for any reason. But, it was just another
step in building a one world order.
Clinton goes on to say this in her CFR speech:
of course, American military and economic strength will remain
the foundation of our global leadership. As we saw from the intervention
to stop a massacre in Libya to the raid that brought bin Ladin
to justice, there will always be times when it is necessary and
just to use force. America's ability to project power all over
the globe remains essential."
global leadership? More endless wars, more sticking our military
in where it doesn't belong, like Libya. It was not our government's
job to assist in murdering a head of state. Necessary and just
to just to use force? Bullying the world is what she really meant.
Remember what former Secretary of State, the equally vile, Madeleine
Albright said?
Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have heard that a
half million children have died. I mean, that's more
children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth
it? Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: I think this is a very
hard choice, but the price--we think the price is worth it." --60
Minutes (5/12/96). And, people wonder why we are so hated in the
Middle East?
back to Comrade Clinton's speech:
also working more than ever with invigorated regional organizations.
Consider the African Union in Somalia and the Arab League in Libya,
even sub-regional groups like the Lower Mekong Initiative that
we created to help reintegrate Burma into its neighborhood and
try to work across national boundaries on issues like whether
dams should or should not be built."
created? American troops are in Africa; another mission "creep"
that will cost precious American blood. YOUR paychecks are going
to fund this global world order. Where is your outrage,
America? It would not be possible without the cooperation
of the Republican controlled U.S. House of Representatives headed
up by John Boehner. All of our money spent has to originate in
the house. The Republicans have done NOTHING to stop the funding
of a one world government where OUR country will be subordinate
to others and just another region. I do encourage you to take
the time to read all of Clinton's speech to the CFR. It is a blueprint
of what's planned; we have no say whatsoever because those in
Congress no longer represent we the people, only their global
believe Hillary has serious health problems she's trying to hide
from the world. I don't know if she will be chosen by the masters
of the game to run in 2016, but I do know, we must never let that
happen. The only way to stop her and those working to destroy
our beloved republic is to expose their real agenda - AND Hillary's
past. Americans need to have a refresher course on that evil woman.
I highly recommend the books below. If Amazon doesn't have a copy
left, use a search engine with the exact title and other vendors
should pop up:
Rodham Clinton: What Every American Should Know by Christian
Sister Is Watching You: Hillary Clinton and The White House
Feminists Who Now Control America - And Tell The President What
To Do
and Hillary Clinton have been tied at the hip for 38 years. What
he knows, she knows. I also recommend these books because what
he knows and did, she knows and approved:
Clinton: Friend or Foe by Ann Wilson
Clinton Chronicles Book
Secret Life of Bill Clinton - The Unreported Stories by Ambrose
Evans-Prichard (Among other things: the cover up in the death
of Vince Foster and Bill's connection with the underworld of drugs
in Arkansas)
Rodham Clinton is a blue blood Marxist. Those who go ballistic
when they read that either have done zero research on her entire
life or they support Marxism. It's one or the other.
House That Evil Built
2- Treasonous
agenda of the Council on Foreign Relations
3- Treasonous
agenda of the Trilateral Commission
4- David
Schippers: OKC & 9/11
5- Pelosi
& her Brassiere Brigade
6- Throw
out all female members of Congress
7- Very Important Book: The
Venona Secrets, Exposing Soviet Espionage and America's Traitors
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