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The Silent Shock & Awe Levied On Iraq

By Karl W. B. Schwarz

Have you ever met an Iraqi? I have met many of them in the EU, especially Iraqi Christians that knew the day Bush and Blair unleashed their lies in March 2003 all Hell was going to break loose in Iraq as sectarian violence of religion against religion. Most of the Iraqi Christians fled into Jordan or Syria and sought political asylum in Europe. I have met many that went from $50,000 to $100,000 per year to less than $1,000 per month working 10-12 hours a day and all night in the small Stop & Go stores all over Europe.

You can tell a lot about a people in how they deal with hardship. Each and every one I met brushed themselves off and got back to the job of living and taking care of their wife and children.

I have also met many Iranians, too. Generally they are very well educated, friendly, and on average better manners than the typical American. These two groups also know a hell of a lot more about Iraq and Iran (their own nations) than Americans that think their sound bite education on TV is worth anything. That US MSM TeeVee education is worth about 2 dog turds put up on the Washington DC pedestal. Americans are generally about the least informed population on this planet.

Saddam was not the nicest person in the world, or the worst. However, the average Iraqi would tell you that they would rather have the peace, prosperity and stability back they had under Saddam Hussein than the POS Democracy the USA thinks it has successfully installed. Not to mention until now what is written below about the shattered economy the two Bush presidents and Blair lies produced.

Of course, almost every Iraqi knows that Israel, their DC lobby and the Fascist Zionist Neocons were behind it and they have known all along that both Israel and Saudi Arabia are behind the continued terrorism and violence. Almost to an Iraqi they admit, yes, Saddam was brutal if crossed but the simple solution was just going on about their business and not cross him. Things were generally fine in Iraq regardless of the picture that the Western MSM tried to paint. I got that report directly from Iraqis, not MSM in the USA.

The more interesting story is from Iranian Jews that know full well that Israel is lying and a bunch of psychotic blood thirsty morons. The Iranian Jews wish Israel would just sit down and shut up. Things are fine in Iran for the Islamic Shia and the Jews. The difference is Iranian Jew versus Zionist Fascist Jew.

Imagine that, Israel and Saudi Arabia are not for democracy in the Middle East if the nation is Islamic. Americans need to wake the Hell up to what extent they have been lied to, manipulated, used and abused. And, the Iraqis were used and abused, too, and the citizens of Afghanistan, South Ossetia, Libya, Ukraine, etc. and etc.

I really could not remember what the dinar exchange rate was prior to Desert Storm in 1991 and had to look it up. The following is on Wikipedia and is about what I remembered:

The dinar was introduced into circulation in 1932, by replacing the Indian rupee, which had been the official currency since the British occupation of the country in World War I, at a rate of 1 dinar = 11 rupees. The dinar was pegged at par with the British pound until 1959 when, without changing its value, the peg was switched to the United States dollar at the rate of 1 dinar = 2.8 dollars. By not following the devaluations of the U.S. currency in 1971 and 1973, the dinar rose to a value of US$3.3778, before a 5 percent devaluation reduced the value of the dinar to US$3.2169, a rate which remained until the Gulf War, although in late 1989, the black market rate was reported at five to six times higher (3 dinars for US$1) than the official rate.[2]

There is a clue in that paragraph I ask you to think about. That black market price is the type of economic warfare I discuss below and was not coming from inside of Iraq against itself. It has been done against many nations including Russia, Vietnam and other choice Fascist Zionist Neocon targets.

Iraq had a strong economy and Israel so desperately wanted it destroyed that two Bush Presidents lied out their ass to destroy it. Their strong economy was systematically undermined from outside and then crushed from the inside by the USA after 1991 with sanctions and after March 2003 with all-out regime change.

So, the USA under President George H. W. Bush dreams up a slick way to get Saddam to invade Kuwait to collect on about $6 to $7 billion in oil that Kuwait and US oil companies had stolen with directional drilling into the Basra fields in the South, some almost in Kuwait. So, as of 1991, one Iraqi dinar was worth US$3.2169. And outside of Iraq someone was shorting them so that around the world it was 3 dinars to $1. (That was a strategy to lessen their buying power.)

Then along comes the US led sanctions, No Fly Zones, and even basic necessities could not be secured for the Iraqi people like medical, dental and pharmacology needs. During those times it reached a point that $1 US dollar was 3,000 dinar due to devaluation of the Iraq currency. Quite a flip, don’t you agree? What better way to destroy a nation than add in destroying the value of their currency along with the damage done with the Shock & Awe to bomb them into democracy?

It gets better (actually worse), so please pay attention. Bush Junior has wrecked everything (company or nation) he ever touched so he even outdid Daddy Bush.

The real problem with Saddam in the eyes of the USA was he was denominating the sales of oil and natural gas in Euros. That is not allowed in an empire world where the US insists that all such sales be in dollars. Notwithstanding the simple economic realities being low value dollars equals high price of energy, and continued stupid US policies have now reached the point few want the US dollar anymore as reserve currency or petrodollar.

The USA put Saddam up to engaging in the Iraq-Iran War from 1980 to 1988. That he did have at one time chemical and biological weapons is a fact of history and that the USA provided him with those illegal weapons. They were illegal because the chemical and biological weapons treaties had already been signed. That Iraq was heavy in Russian artillery and tanks were because the US provided the money, Russia was willing to sell the military hardware. The USA could not justify providing Saddam with the latest US weapons and armaments and make it appear that the USA was the antagonist against Iran.

It had to appear that it was Saddam out to get Iran, not the USA post-1979 Iranian Islamic Rebellion that toppled the US handpicked tyrant Shah Pahlavi.

The US does not hold a monopoly or a patent on smart people, and most of the rest of the world can clearly see ‘Stupid is as Stupid Does’ in action in DC every day. For every irresponsible thing DC does, they add on top of that insanity whether the icing for the cake is economic, financial or military.

Many nations have gone to the IMF with hard documentation that the USA has waged economic warfare, another form of Shock & Awe, just to keep the constantly declining US dollar propped up. By forcing the currency values of other nations downward it makes the weak dollar look stronger and more attractive. In those particular nations it destroys their purchasing power and many bad things have happened to their citizens and their economies in general as a result of such manipulation.

Most nations are coming to the correct conclusion that US leadership in this world has become more of a burden than a benefit. It is now at the point that it has become more of a liability than an asset, so many are walking away from it. The US business model is not about building nations and democracy; it is all about building American Empire and manipulative control. If real human casualties or economic casualties happen, that is just another day at the office in Washington DC.

Even in the EU, which has an economy $2 trillion per year bigger than the USA, the strain of NATO expenditures out chasing a global Fascist Zionist Neocon empire is taking its toll. Economic declines, lack of new job creation and structural unemployment are phenomena that are surfacing in what were healthy market sectors and economies. The American economy sickness is spreading due to this lust for empire.

If you cannot understand weak dollar equals high energy costs, or how weakening the currency of other nations to make the dollar look stronger is a strategy, please go take Economics 101 at the university nearest to you.

The IMF has been weighing a global currency reset to put things back like they should be, not as the US government and Federal Reserve are manipulating it to be. That would of course hammer the US dollar into virtual oblivion and down comes crashing the USA Empire. The overall standard of living in the USA has a major tsunami headed at it, or maybe asteroid impact is a better analogy. It will not be there one day, total pandemonium and chaos the next day as the great ship starts sinking and fast.

I have said for years that it is going to take a huge shock to wake Americans up. Maybe something akin to tsunami or asteroid and watching the collapse around them will finally wake them up. That no warning signs were heeded over the past 25 years is a problem USA needs to see clear for what it was that created such destruction and come to grips with reality.

The only way the USA would recover from that is stop the quest for empire and focus on the USA and fixing the mess they have made.

I can easily envision a day when the Mexican peso will be a better currency than the USD, and the Canadian dollar the most valuable currency in the entire Western Hemisphere.

They should have done that self-assessment 25 to 30 years ago, but… DC has neither the hindsight to reflect on or learn from their mistakes, nor foresight to see any logical solution out of the mess they have created. The urgency of their ‘agenda’ and their ‘mission’ leaves little time to think about what went wrong and in every direction their empire is collapsing.

Just as IMF director Christine LaGarde was going to implement a major currency valuation reset, ‘anonymous’ tried to frame her for fraud and embezzlement. After meeting with the investigators no charges were brought. There is plenty of evidence discovered as to who is manipulating the global markets.

My sources in the US say that the Bush and Obama goons and insiders have already converted their Iraqi dinar at rates ranging from $3.26 to $3.42, but others holding dinar are not being allowed to do so. Already profiting from the chaos they created are Bush and Obama Administration officials, the Zionist Fascist Neocons in private sector and Capitol Hill and of course the banksters and elite special interests.

Why? They wanted to line their pockets quietly and let everyone else take a red shower on trying to do the same. They are the political elite!! Didn’t you get the memo? After blowing through over $2 trillion or more in Afghanistan and Iraq and losing both wars, you don’t agree they deserved a bonus??????

Conservative estimates say that Bush and Obama policy have killed 1,455,590 Iraqis. That does not deserve a bonus? Of course, that does not include the estimated 500,000 to 600,000 that perished during the Sanctions Period from 1991 to 2003 when almost every basic necessity was denied by the USA. That atrocity does not account for even 1 dead Afghan, Libyan, Syrian, Georgian, South Ossetia, Ukrainian or other places they have spread out this manure they are calling democracy.

Look into the mirror today and see if you are OK with killing 1,455,590 people just in Iraq so you can have cheaper gasoline at the pump. And come to grips with this fact, they were not terrorists; they were property owners and citizens defending their nation from robbers, thieves, invaders that lied to strike without cause, and murderers.

What was driving this is Iraq wants to peg their dinar to the value of their oil. Qaddafi tried a similar approach of pegging his dinar to gold and look what happened to him. And, remember what happened to Saddam Hussein for daring to peg to the Euro rather than the dollar.

By pegging the Iraqi dinar to their vast oil reserves, reportedly 4th largest in the world, their currency should be worth more. They have basically made the Iraqi dinar an oil credit note. The IMF set rate after the March 2003 invasion is 1170 dinar to $1 and that is harming the Iraq economy. Of course, the continued funding of terrorism from the outside is harming the economy, too.

Does Israel want the dinar back that strong? Hell no, Iraq would rebuild fast and become the democracy and strong regional power they fear.

Does Saudi Arabia want the dinar back that strong? Hell no, a strong Iraq partnered with a strong Iran and a strengthening Syria is their worst nightmare come true. Those kings and princes down in Saudi Arabia would be hit fast with regime change by their own citizens.

Of course, with all of this Saudi funded insurgency and terrorism in Iraq (and Syria) it has the ancillary benefit of causing oil to be at its highest price in the past 9 months. Most people fail to watch as ‘terrorism’ starts lining the pockets of the ones behind the terrorism.

In all candor Iraq is not going to be able to rebuild with the USA insistence that the dinar stay pegged at the artificial 1170 dinar to $1 after Bush and Blair lied to the world to start this fiasco.

There is another US temper tantrum that is part of this ongoing fiasco. The US, UK and even the Saudis feel slighted that Iraq decided to open up their oil fields and concessions. I have been watching that too, and nations like Russia, China, South Korea, India, etc. were let in and apparently the USA and UK seem to think they deserved it all after they lied, murdered over 1 million people and crushed the nation.

Amazing what warmongers that lie to start an Unjust War think they deserve… and then get exactly what they deserve.

I say reset it and let Iraq proceed forward in rebuilding what Bush and Blair wrongfully destroyed. I also say if Israel and Saudi Arabia do not like it, tough shit. If USA Empire crashes, well…. every damned one in history has collapsed because they first and foremost deny freedom and liberty. The USA does not hold the patent rights on empire either or enough insurance for the empire collapse they have in their future.

My bet is Iraq cares more about rebuilding their own country than Bush or Blair ever did.

The US has terrorist as allies, engages in terrorism directly, and even fiancés and aids and abets it behind the scenes. Any despot that has oil and gas the USA can control and profit from is quite OK with Washington DC. Terrorism is not a war; it is a strategy to achieve an end objective.

Someday Americans might wake up and understand better who the real terrorists are. That awakening will be the day America can start heading in the right direction.


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