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Emperor Obama - Dismantling Our Constitution

By Frosty Wooldridge


Emperor Barack Hussein Obama once again broke the U.S. Constitution this past week by illegally mandating that our laws as a sovereign country mean nothing. He illegally overstepped his office as president by using an executive order that takes the law into his own hands and away from “We the people.”

He insured that anyone who illegally jumps our borders, overstays a visa or crosses during pregnancy may become a U.S. citizen without warrant of any kind. Obama insured that millions of people expect to storm our borders in the coming years—thus rending our country—no longer a country, but a destination.

At this point in our “open borders” history, we find no purpose for the United States to maintain a military since our president and Congress refuse to secure our borders against the entry of illegal aliens and contraband.

Borders define a nation and the primary reason for our armed forces remains to keep our enemies as far from our shores as possible. Foreign nationals easily enter the U.S. today and evade the scrutiny of the CBP (Customs and Border Protection) inspectors at ports of entry. Terrorists, spies and enemy combatants easily enter our country and pose a threat to national security and public safety. But that doesn’t bother Obama or Congress. The past five presidents failed to secure our borders.

If history illustrates our predicament, the next five presidents and Congresses won’t secure our borders, either.

For America’s enemies, the goal of going behind 'enemy lines’ equates with getting past our borders and the officials whose mission is to secure the borders.   Furthermore, when aliens do manage to evade the inspections process or otherwise gain entry into the U.S. intent on violating our immigration laws, an effective interior enforcement program must stand ready, willing, and able to identify these people, locate them, arrest them, and seek their removal from the U.S. to backstop the Border Patrol and the inspections process conducted at ports of entry.

Our immigration laws do not make any distinctions that involve race, religion, or ethnicity — only to keep out aliens, such as criminals and terrorists, who pose a threat to the safety and well-being of America and Americans. Title 8, U.S.C. § 1182 provides a list of the classes of aliens who are supposed to be prevented from entering the U.S. Without such an effective and credible program in place, for aspiring illegal aliens from around the world, the 'finish line' is the border of the U.S.

This past month, Obama mandated printing of 34 million Green Cards, but he tells us only 4.6 million illegals will enjoy amnesty. Is he a bald-faced liar? What do you think?

Why does Obama call them “immigrants”?

Trying to confuse “illegal aliens” with “immigrants” must be defined instead of painted over in glossy, rose-colored glasses. Obama says Americans welcome "immigrants" - "yes" - we welcome "immigrants" because "immigrants" are ONLY people who come legally and they respect Americans by respecting our laws. 

All 20 million illegal aliens jumped our borders, broke our laws, lied about SS#’s and work and live in violation of our laws. They stole jobs from our citizens as well as shoplifting, murders, drunk drivers, driving illegally and using our welfare systems. You might give a word: Obama comment line:  1(202)456-1111 or 1414!

We now face a man in the White House who doesn’t mind breaking our Constitution, paid for with the blood of millions of men and women. In his youth, he chose to smoke pot, do drugs and lie his way through college and into Congress. He lacks any comprehension of what America stands for because he still hasn’t proved he’s an American.

History will discover his true identity at some point. History will prove where his grandmother lifted his Social Security Card number because he didn’t possess a valid U.S. birth certificate. He didn’t register for the draft, but somehow obtained a backdated draft card. He registered as a foreign student when attending Columbia and on to Harvard with grades that couldn’t get him out of high school.

At some point, the hammer of truth will descend on Obama. In the meantime, he’s violates our laws, he gifts lawbreakers with amnesty, and at some point, he better grant himself amnesty from his own larceny of the truth he keeps from the American people.

Historians will not be kind to the foremost liar in American history.


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