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Comey’s Firing an Excuse to
Bash Trump for the Wrong Reasons

By Stephen Lendman

The NYT is the lead player waging media war on Trump, bashing him for the wrong reasons, not the right ones.

In a Monday broadside, it accused him of “baffling, outrageous, unfathomable…bizarre behavior,” indicating there’s “something (he) knows about the investigations into his campaign’s contacts with Russia that he doesn’t want us to know.”

“These are either the machinations of concealment, expressions of a burgeoning insanity, or both.”

Responsible editors wouldn’t let this type rubbish be published. The Times features it, ignoring what’s most important to explain about longstanding bipartisan US domestic and foreign policies, serving powerful interests at the expense of most others, especially harming America’s most vulnerable, along with millions abroad.

Media-supported dark forces in Washington want easily controlled puppet leadership replacing Trump, Comey’s firing a pretext for revving up war on him.

The Times claiming it was over his refusal “to pledge loyalty to Trump,” along with intending to “intensify the (FBI’s) investigation into (his) Russia connections” ignores a scheme to set him up for heightened criticism, at the same time, disregarding former DNI James Clapper explaining in congressional testimony that no evidence of collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russia was found.

The Times lied claiming “Trump tweeted a threat at Comey that seemed like an attempt to bully him into remaining quiet,” deplorably adding:

“Legal and ethical questions abound about the impropriety and even legality of attempting to strong-arm, and then dismissing and threatening, the law enforcement official leading an investigation into your circle of associates.”

“He is talking and tweeting himself into legal jeopardy. He can’t seem to help himself. Something in the man is broken.”

“He is insecure, paranoid and brittle, jostling between egomania and narcissism, intoxicated with a power beyond his meager comprehension and indulging in it beyond the point of abuse.”

He’s “wounded…desperate and dangerous…A case for removal can most definitely be made and has merit.”

A “case” for ignoring Times rubbish is clear from these remarks!

Most likely Trump is furious about media bashing for the wrong reasons, The Times Monday ad hominem attack one of numerous examples - justifiable criticism lacking.

America’s debauched political system and bipartisan-supported imperial/neoliberal agenda are the key issues media scoundrels like The Times ignore, supporting what demands condemnation.

The solution isn’t ousting Trump. Its grassroots revolutionary change.

Nothing else can prevent America heading toward full-blown tyranny and possible nuclear war, risking humanity’s survival.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at

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