is important that all of the facts surrounding President Kennedy's
Assassination be made public in a way which will satisfy people
in the United States and abroad that all the facts have been told
and that a statement to this effect be made now.
The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that
he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that
the evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial."
other words, the American people must be treated as sheep and
fed lies in order to prevent any real investigation into who was
behind murdering a U.S. president. Everyone has an opinion or
theory about JFKs assassination, but personally, I do believe
it was miltiary-industrial complex players; that would include
the CIA. (Just a note: JFK was not assassinated because he was
going to 'abolish the FED' based on Executive Order 11110 he issued.
is an old, discredited conspiracy theory that continues to
get passed around because people don't do any research.)
this? November 10, 2001 - President
Bush Speaks to United Nations G.W. Bush: "We must speak the
truth about terror. Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy
theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th; malicious
lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists,
themselves, away from the guilty...."
other words, according to Bush, Jr., no questions should be asked
about 9/11, the scientific and construction impossibilities sold
to the American people or anything else about that day. Wave the
flag, spill more American blood and shut up. The same thing happened
in the cover up of TWA Flight 800 [1]
and the Oklahoma
City bombing of the Murrah Building.[2]
Americans are to come to grips with how they've been lied to over
and over by the WH, Congress and the controlled dominant media,
is it possible their churches are lying to them, too or simply
lying through omission?
years ago, quite by accident - although I believe the hand of
God touches people in 'mysterious ways' - I opened a book at the
big West Coast book convention in LA. That book started me on
my journey of learning about, not just the unconstitutional "Federal"
Reserve, but plans for what George Bush, Sr., promoted
162 times while in office: a 'new world order'. That
being one world government, a one world religion and UN Hessians
to replace the military in sovereign nations. It scared me to
death and at that point in time I made the decision to give up
my career and paycheck to do what I could to educate my fellow
Americans on the diabolical blueprint being executed around the
the first decade of my learning experience I read more books than
my floor to ceiling book cases could hold on when and who started
this lunatic quest for world government and how it's being played
out. One thing I do know: the U.S. government has been complicit
in achieving that goal for along time - and that includes high
ranking members of our military over the decades.
of Seduction: Beguiling Americans Into Slavery and Self-destruction
the Sixth Party Congress held in Moscow in 1928, Communists wrote
and approved “The Program” to bring in the New World Order. What
most Americans don't know is the real nature of this diabolical
criminal scheme. The Program of the Third International called
for a global environmental program and for the transformation
of all human beings on earth to accept the New World Order. These
and other facts are brought to light by General Benton Partin
in his videotape, Globalism: The Program.[3]
Communists planned to use the global environmental program as
a means of eradicating national sovereignty and creating a world
dictatorship. All nations, nationalities, and national boundaries
were to be replaced by an omnipotent, one-world government and
regional governances. The Communists did not want the American
approach to liberty, with individual God-given rights protected
by a government with limited powers. The Communists did not want
the American concept of rule of law. They wanted unrestrained
despotic government, power without limit, a world without laws—a
brutal, terror-inspiring global totalitarian police state which
could smash all laws of justice, launch campaigns of enslavement
and mass murder, and eliminate opponents of the New World Order.
Twenty delegates from the U.S. voted for the 1928 Program of the
Third International." (Do read the entire 20 pages)
last month, globalist, America-hater, Bill
Gates has called for the U.S. to surrender our sovereignty in
favor of a world government to fight the big hoax called 'global
warming'. Does anyone want to put more money in his pocket?
in September 2009, I wrote a column titled, The
Destroyers Who Control Congress, the White House & Media.
Again, I urge you to take the time to read it because it contains
information most Americans have never heard of - including the
very real 'New States World Constitution' which was exposed back
in 1947. A 'new' constitution to replace ours. It also covers
open support for a 'new world order' by Joe Biden and the criminal
impostor in the White House.
Patru is a lady I first became acquainted with way back around
1992. I soon found Jackie was a meticulous researcher. On her
web site she has a posting titled, The
Greatest Hoax. It contains an excerpt from TIME - The
Weekly Newsmagazine - March 16, 1942 - Pg. 44. Not a particularly
long posting, but you
must read it and then come back to this column.
know you will find it as shocking as I did when I first read it,
but it answers so many questions about why the silence by America's
churches. It's not just fear of losing their 501(c)(3) tax exempt
status, it's that America's churches were betrayed by their leadership
a long time ago and in turn have betrayed their faithful flocks.
They sold their souls to the Devil and are taking their congregants
with them. Those national leaders embraced world government where
our God-given rights will be taken away and substituted with a
world government. Yes, they did and still do today. I'm not talking
here about the 'independent' churches and pastors across America
who are trying to get the truth out, so please don't think I'm
lumping in all 'men of the cloth'.
I read that posting I had to find out what was the Federal Council
of Churches? Through that research I discovered it was re-branded
and became the National Council of Churches. You
can read the history here.
is another piece that I highly recommend you read, if not today,
please come back to this link and read it: APOSTASY:
The National Council Of Churches. The author has delved deeply
into the players and their agenda delivering a concise and accurate
account of how the American people who belong to churches throughout
America have been badly deceived. Americans must open their eyes
and see how they've been manipulated into promoting the destruction
of our beloved republic by the very people they believed were
there to shepherd them into Heaven through the teachings of Jesus
Christ, son of the one and only true God.
let me go back to the that TIME piece. 357 appointed representatives
of some 30 denominations got together; included were from the
Catholic Church. As listed in some of the goals take note of this
one: World -wide freedom of immigration. Those keeping up on the
illegals invasion know the Catholic Church has simply said the
hell with American immigration laws and in
violation of federal immigration laws have aided and abetted
illegal aliens by providing food, shelter and financial aid- all
with the blessing of the WH and many members of the U.S. Congress.
The current Pope stepped on a land mine last December which shocked
Catholics in this country, but not me:
Francis's edict on climate change will anger deniers and US churches:
"In recent months, the pope has argued for a radical new financial
and economic system to avoid human inequality and ecological devastation."
Do go read all of his comments; they are in lockstep with the
goals of the Communist International. Quite honestly, I think
the Pope should stick to saving souls and leave issues like the
environment to sane scientists and here in the U.S., the great
stewards of our lands - farmers and ranchers.
let me move onto 9/11, churches and religious leaders in this
country. A dear friend of mine has spent a boat load of money
in an effort to get not only the American people to open their
eyes about what really happened on September 11, 2001, but also
religious "leaders" in this country - Christians as horrified
as you and I about what happened that day. Robert has funded about
six months of radio ads on hundreds of main stream stations around
this country.
has teamed up with Richard Gage and his folks at Architects
and Engineers for 9/11 Truth by paying a very substantial
amount of money to purchase many thousands of their excellent
newspaper edition and getting it sent in lots of 50 or 100 to
firefighters and law enforcement.1,241 architecture and engineering
professors at Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Yale and UVA received
packets from A&E. A lengthy cover letter, A&E's 9/11:
Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out and a DVD of A&E's-Richard
Gage's media interviews - all paid for by my friend who has not
forgotten those who died that day.
purchased two hundred copies of that newspaper and passed them
out from W. Texas were I live to my mother's in No. California
and back this past November. That 9/11 broadsheet newspaper, the
Investigator, is packed with facts, not speculation; see
here. If you click on the 50-pack, you'll see where you can
read it on line and even print it out if you want. Here
is a full image.
is a letter sent by AE 9/11 for Truth in October 2014. It
professionally lays it on the line about why the government's
fairy tale is just that. Not speculation, but cold hard facts.
As you can see, the letter was mailed to ministers - 50 ministries
to be exact. Richard Gage opens by reminding those ministers the
truth shall set you free. The response is the same as from deceitful
politicians and scaredy-cat law enforcement: near total silence.
One question all those 'men of the cloth' might ask themselves:
Do more than 2200 architects and engineers - including the ones
who comment on the last page - have a screw loose? Are they all
unpatriotic? Do they all hate Bush, Jr.? Are they ALL 'tin-foil'
nuts as brown-nosers like Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, other anchors
and including their "experts" at so-called 'fair and balanced'
crew at FOX spew?
friend, Robert, has also spent a ton of money sending out The
Great Deception DVD as well as newspapers to religious leaders
in this country besides the list below. He's sent the packages
out to law enforcement who refused to accept them from the post
office! Like Richard Gage, he is sincere is asking all those influential
people to just look at the facts. Not pointing any fingers, but
examine what we know to be factual - LIKE - how does the U.S.
government explain military grade nanothermite found and tested
in the rubble? The government refuses to explain how Building
7 was wired for a controlled demolition - not the BS fed to the
American people that it collapsed as collateral damage from the
twin towers.
me give you the list of names of the individuals who received
the materials that simply cannot be ignored if one just takes
the time. My, God. What can be more important than getting to
the truth about what happened on September 11, 2001? Our whole
lives have been turned upside down, a massive police state has
been thrown over this country that would shame the KGB. More than
$1 TRILLION borrowed dollars and the lives of thousands of American
soldiers have been given to fight a damn lie. Draconian legislation
like the phony "Patriot Act", the NDAA, snooping on our emails,
our bank accounts and tracking damn near every move we make -
ALL a result of 9/11.
Graham; Good Samaritan's Purse; Dr. Charles Stanley, In Touch
Ministries, Bill Gaither; T.D. Jakes; The Potter's House; Bobby
Schuller, Shepherd's Grove - Home of the Hour of Power; Karen
Wheaton Ministries / The Ramp; Joyce Meyer, Enjoying Everyday
Life / Joyce Meyer Ministries, Kerry & Chris Shook Ministries;
Andrew Wommack Ministries; Dr. Creflo Dollar Ministries; John
Hagee Ministries; Benny Hinn Ministries / World Healing Center
Church; Kenneth & Gloria Copeland Ministries; Hal Lindsey
Media Ministries; Frederick K. Price, Jr., Crenshaw Christian
Center, Leon Fontaine, Spirit Contemporary International; Darryl
L. Hill, Powerful Praise Tabernacle;
& Wendy Prince Ministries, Inc.; Joel & Victoria Osteen,
Lakewood Church; Jimmy & Karen Evans, Marriage Today; James
MacDonald, Walk in the Word; Father Michael Manning, Wordnet Productions;
Greg & Cathe Laurie, Harvest Christian Fellowship; Michael
& Dee Dee Freeman, Temple Hills; David Jeremiah, Turning Point;
Keith Craft, Elevate Life Church; Jesse Duplantis Ministries;
Mark Anderson, Call2all; Jerry Falwell, Jr.; Liberty University;
Greg Smalley, Focus on the Family; Tony Evans, The Urban Alternative;
Dr. James Merritt, Touching Lives;
Franklin Ministries, Free Chapel; Ron Carpenter Jr., Redemption
World Outreach Center; Jack Graham, Prestonwood Baptist Church;
Tulian Tchividjian, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church; John Bradshaw,
It Is Written; Barbara Yoder, Shekinah Church; Bayless Conley,
Answers with Bayless Conley; Carlos L. Malone, Sr., The Bethel
Church Miami; Guillermo Maldonado, King Jesus International Ministry;
Reinhard Bonnke, Christ for all Nations; Michael Youssef, Leading
The Way; Robert Morris, Gateway Church; Gregory Dickow Ministries;
Dr. Jim Reeve, Faith Community Church; Dr. Caroline Leaf
the words written and scare tactics about martial law being imposed
the next day and on and on and on doesn't solve the problem because
the truth is still hidden from a hundred million or more adult
aged Americans. Yet, the genesis of that day and what really happened
seem of no importance to people who should care because they are
the spiritual leaders who allegedly help Americans through 'events'
like 9/11 and trying to cope with all that has been happening
to our country. Seems to me too much emphasis is placed peddling
Jesus full time for donations which add up to mega millions every
year. Why are they not truth seekers?
pitiful number did respond if you can call it that. The usual
boiler plate thank you for your letter and DVD, blah, blah, blah.
Why continue sending money to individuals who are afraid of the
truth? Is their wealth, fame and public image more important
than the truth? I think they need to search their hearts
and decide what's more important.
October 19, 2007, David Ray Griffin gave a lecture titled: '9/11
and Nationalist Faith - How Faith Can Be Illuminating or Blinding'
at the Iliff School of Theology in Denver, Colorado. For those
of you unfamiliar with Griffin, his series of books on 9/11 are
some of the very best I've read and believe me, I've read just
about everyone put out since that day. (For a list of his 9/11
investigative books click
here. Read them oldest to his last one.) Griffin has some
powerful words in his presentation:
of these truths is the truth about 9/11. “The evidence that 9/11
was an inside job,” I said at the outset of my book Debunking
9/11 Debunking, “is overwhelming. Most people who examine
this evidence with an open mind find it convincing." The only
real problem is to get people to examine this evidence, at least
with, in Richard Falk’s phrase, “even just a 30-percent open mind.”
is it so difficult for many people, including journalists, seriously
to examine the evidence? There are many reasons, especially when
we are talking about journalists. But one of those reasons, probably
the main one, I will suggest, is the blinding power of the dominant
faith of Americans. I will then suggest that Christian faith at
its best opens us to the truth about 9/11 by allowing us to look
at the evidence without flinching."
closes with some other very powerful words. The old saying, 'those
who ignore history are doomed to repeat it' is staring us right
in the face. Americans who ignore the history of September 11,
2001, need to understand it's just a matter of time before we
are again hit because it is necessary for the evil doers to continue
hammering on us and stripping us of our rights, all in the name
of the nebulous "war on terror". (ISIS
Escapee Says That They Want To Do Something Bigger Than 9/11)
ISIS aided by whom? By exposing the truth, no matter how
painful, then and only then can Americans reject the
agenda of those who are hell bent on destroying America.
for all those religious leaders who ignore the truth, they will
never be free and they do a terrible disservice to their faithful
followers - but then again, go back to that TIME magazine
piece. Always look behind the curtain to see who is pulling
the strings. All those churches under the 'leadership' of the
head honchos for all those denominations. Lambs to the slaughter.
Are you one of them?
the Katzenbach memo I opened with? TWA Flight 800. OKC bombing.
9/11. Thousands and thousands of deaths of Americans and other
innocent human beings from other countries. The truth covered
up; the guilty rewarded for their treachery and lies. Will you
or your family member be one of the next victims because as sure
as I'm sitting here typing this, hell is coming our way. We cannot
defeat our enemies unless we know who they are and how they are
manipulating the American people into their own destruction.
Downing of TWA Flight 800: The Clinton criminal-cabal cover-up.
James Sanders ties high-court justice to attempt to conceal shoot-down
Second Trial. That is a multi-chapter series I wrote with
factual information most Americans know nothing about regarding
that day.
I have know Ben Partin since 1993; a true, dear friend and extraordinary
patriot: Globalism:
The Program
- From
Architects & Engineers: An Army of Truth-Tellers
2 - If
You Model It They Will Come - WTC 7
3 - 9/11
Eyewitness rare unfiltered amateur footage- 50 minutes into
the film you will see proof of massive sound - those are explosions
a short note about 9/11. The cost of America's
undeclared "war" (invasion) in Afghanistan has now reached $1
trillion borrowed dollars - massive debt heaped on us all based
on what happened on 9/11. Regular readers of my column know I
continue to press for the truth about the events of 9/11. Military
grade nanothermite is not a conspiracy theory. It was found and
tested from the rubble at the twin towers. A new, powerful film
has been released: The
Anatomy of a Great Deception. For full disclosure I receive
no compensation, but I want you to get a copy (or a few) and share
it with others or give a copy as a present. I've purchased half
a dozen copies and given them to individuals I believe seek the
truth. It's very powerful simply because it's one 'ordinary' man's
story who ask a simple question that led him to a not so simple
journey. There is factual information in this film that many have
never heard about but everyone should.]
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