In the attachment
you will find the entire chapter on aspartame and autism with the permission
of Dr. Woodrow Monte. Dr. Monte has been trying to get aspartame
off the market for years. The book is incredible and you'll want a copy
but this is one of the most important chapters. You will find out
they blew up his house with him in it, and you'll find out about a deal
made between G. D. Searle and the FDA to withhold teratology studies (birth
defects) from the public. They were withheld for three decades while
pregnant women drank diet pop and aspartame in more than 14,000 foods
and in thousands of drugs. Autism, cleft palate, neural tube
defects, spina bifida, etc. spread throughout the world. One article
said by the time all autistic children get out of school there won't be
enough caretakers to take care of them. MIT said by 2025 one out
of two children will be born autistic, thinking its Round-Up, which is
a horrible poison. It wasn't until Jerome Bressler
told me about it and how they removed the information from his report
did I search for the studies and it took me 8 years. I added the records
back to the Bressler Report
The FDA knew the jig was up. Dr. Monte had tried to get them before
but now the FDA gave him 4 studies and he wrote the book this incredible
Dr. H. J. Roberts ("Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic") tried
to get what was omitted from Bressler's report and told by the FDA it
was confidential. Imagine birth defect studies showing aspartame
used during pregnancy that would cause horrible birth defects and
mental retardation too confidential for the public to have. If it
were up to me everyone responsible would be put on an island and given
nothing but food with aspartame and see how it feels to be poisoned by
this biochemical warfare weapon:
Dr. Monte took the aspartame issue all the way to the Supreme Court but
you know politics. It was on the issue of blindness from the methanol
and seizures which can be caused by all three components, aspartic acid
(an excitotoxin), methanol (a neurotoxin) and phenylalanine (as an isolate
a neurotoxin, especially at 50% of the molecule). The molecule breaks
down to DKP, a brain tumor agent.
Here is the study on autism and aspartame done by Dr. Ralph Walton and
Dr. Woodrow Monte:
Dr. Monte's web site is Be sure
after you read this chapter that you forward it all over the world and
to all your lists and family. Save a baby today. Then be sure
to get the book. I guarantee you, you won't be able to put it down.
In the documentary: "Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World",
be sure to listen to Dr. Russell Blaylock on the subject. He is
author of "Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills. Also please help
get this information to all autism organizations so they will know why
we have this worldwide epidemic.
All my best,
Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder
Mission Possible World Health Intl,,,, files on Also see
and do a search on aspartame.
Science Sleeps - PDF