committed suicide, disguised as a new and improved Artificial
Intelligence wherein we have left all personal thoughts, about
independent thought, up to the political-correct diktats of
artificial-machines that we want to have controlling us all, from
this new millennium forward...
the events began to unfold surrounding the shootdown of the Russian
bomber over Syria, what proceeded from Moscow into the world was
something fantastically beautiful and yet it was magically real to
the point where memory finally kicked in: To remind the world that
“Once Upon a Time” there were Americans' that did not run from
unfolding events in this world.
afternoon my friend reminded me of the fact that 'we did not always
respond as we have for the last few decades', It's only now, since we
surrendered our personal beliefs in any real future, that we've
become the kind of cowards that have accepted all the lies, flowing
from the top in every nation.
we need to do is review the steps that Russia has taken since the
last day in September in 2015, that seemed to hold a special kind of
remembrance for the world,
what we remembered from that time has not always been thus!
Putin went to the UN and reminded the world of the fact that what it
has been doing, since the new millennium began, is the opposite of
sanity. Then he made everything clear to the worldwide audience when
he asked us all:
you realize what you have done?”
following day, Vladimir Putin gave the order to begin the Russian
bombing in Syria, at the invitation of Bashar al Assad, the president
of Syria. That was the first stroke of pure clear action, based on
international law, and done in broad daylight without apologies to
any of those that tried to object.
world did what the world always does: It muttered and it discussed
and it had meetings and it organized conferences, but it did
“NOTHING” because
they were thunderstruck that Russia had done what no nation had dared
to do in the face of US faux-power, worldwide.
second wonder of 2015 was that Russia stepped up their already
successful attacks in October and mentioned that the operation would
probably take three months: All the while Russia continued to ask for
help from other nations, other possible coalitions almost begging
the world to pull their heads out of their collective asses and do
something beyond just holding meetings. Of course Putin was far more
eloquent than I could be, but you get the idea.
the rest of the planet was watching the clock and as the time came
when the Russian attacks were nearing the halfway point, the powers
that started this war in Syria, as well as the obliteration they
ordered and got in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan, were becoming
extremely nervous about the unchecked progress Russia was making.
Hell Russia was actually doing what all of the rest of them had
already said could not be done, at least “not from the air”.
seems that most of the creatures that love to attend conferences, had
all but forgotten the brutal lessons learned in WWII, using their own
firestorms from the skies to burn thousands of towns and cities into
oblivion in Japan and throughout
Europe; that was the 1940's version of what General Ulysses S. Grant
did during the U.S. Civil War. War-fighting has only gotten deadlier
since those hellish days. That's why the Second World War only lasted
about five years for the johnny-come-lately Americans,with their
global war-machine to supply all the allies with guns, tanks, planes
and weapons of every type: Very much like they are doing for Daesh
today and for outlaws and murderer's worldwide, under hundreds of
pseudonyms, to mask their global crimes against humanity and of
course to cover-up their own blood-covered profits, But of course the
enemy can be totally destroyed by something as effective as the
Russian Air Force, when they're working with an army that is actually
trying to defend its own country, instead of working for a paycheck
and some stolen and brutalized women.
was the unexpected outcome, that no one expected,
could ever come from a nation like Russia
that was only because
no one bothered to understand what
Russia had become a real nation
her own ethics and her own pride in her nation and the world.
the airstrikes in Syria also made possible the effective use of the
Syrian Army, and together these two forces began to clean house in
Syria: Which definitely could not be tolerated: 'Something
had to be done' because if
Russia was allowed to continue, everything they had spent the last
fifteen years building would all come crashing down around them, and
not only would they have failed; but they would all be dead soon
after Russia finished that job and who knows how much farther such
actions might then go: Hell that could undo everything the law-less
outlaws had been working on for decades!
this point Turkey's Erdogan let his rage dictate and he ordered the
attack on that Russian bomber inside Syria and that brought us up to
yesterday. So while I was wrestling with the reports this morning of
everything that kept on unfolding, the truth began to finally take
was what things used to be like in some areas of the world before the
world sold out and turned our people into slaves. It was becoming as
plain as daylight at high noon.
the beginning Putin made a plan. Then he told the world about it.
Then he implemented his plan and tried to expand it to include all
the nations that had paid lip service to the need to solve the
problems, but too few were actually willing to 'really' go along with
that which could end all the illegal profits from guns
and oil and weaponry of all kinds. Consequently when that attack came
upon Russia, in the form of the shootdown of that bomber, Putin just
moved on with the events that he already knew he would have to deal
directly with, when the time came.
forces first found and rescued the missing navigator from the downed
bomber. Then his government ordered the attack on that entire area
where the navigator had survived among the mercenaries that were
there to find and kill him. About the same time Russia released and
began to install the S-400's that Russia will use to protect all
future planes and raids within the target zones they will be working
in, to complete their work in Syria. Putin also broke off all
military ties to Turkey, while strongly suggesting that Russians
might not be safe if they continued to travel to Turkey on holidays;
equating that destination to be in the same category as Egypt (the
home of the destruction of the Russian passenger plane) that
mysteriously exploded not too long ago.
in the outside world, the yammering heads continue to yammer, the
paid for shills continue to wear out the patience of decent people
with endless lies, but underneath it all people are beginning to
wonder if we will ever return to that time, not really that long ago,
when real problems were actually dealt with, sometimes: Like the way
Kennedy stepped in with the Berlin Air Lift to save a surrounded
Berlin from the Berlin Wall and the communism of the USSR in old
there weren't many such moments, but at least the concepts took
another forty years to completely die out.: And then today I found
Germany Is Not Negotiable
the video is the transcript'. Here are the five most important
things, from that Transcript
first basic principle:
is not negotiable.
state, our nation, is not a product of chance. It is the work
of so many generations. With pride, with pride we look upon a
rich culture, civil and political freedoms and prosperity. We
are willing to help many countries in this world. But one
thing we will not do: hand over our land and our nation.
Germany is our country, dear Friends!
second basic principle:
is not a laboratory for social experiments.
reject irresponsible experiments with and on our Volk.
Only ideologues believe that a society without a family can
function, or that everyone becomes a German as soon as he has
crossed the frontier. To the dangerous ideologies which aim
to create a multicultural society and abolish the classical
family, we issue a clear refusal.
The third
basic principle:
must act along the lines of self-determination.
in the estimation of the highest ranking security
officials, is no longer in a position to guarantee her
domestic and external security. The situation is spinning
out of control. And what is the Bundeswehr doing? They
are serving foreign interests throughout the world, while
the soldiers who remain here evacuate their barracks for
asylum seekers and repair toilets in reception centres.
require, finally, a political leadership willing to make
independent decisions in the national interest.
The fourth
basic principle:
must win back her domestic freedom.
infrequently, the so-called “Lügenpresse”
[lying press] as many call it, have earned their name
honestly. In the place of objective reporting, they
propagate a fatal welcoming culture. The state
television, financed by the TV-licence fee, brand us as
adversaries, because we say what is not supposed to be
correctness lies like blight on our country. The AfD is
the guarantor of free speech and of the unsparing
analysis of our situation. Because we have gathered here
today, the domestic freedom in Germany is still alive.
fifth and last, and perhaps the most
important basic principle:
must become capable of responsible self-determination
Erfurt, the capital of courageous citizens, is the place
to speak out once and for all with the utmost clarity:
Germany, dear friends, Germany was the homeland of our
forefathers. Germany must remain the homeland of our
children. Germany is our homeland — our land — and
our nation!
you very much.”
course I can't foresee what is yet to come with the
challenges that the existence of Syria continues to
create for this criminal world. But I would look forward
to the time when most of the world will finally get up
off their knees and spit directly in the faces of the
criminal-tyranny that's taken over the old United States,
and virtually everyone in it, with any kind of position
anywhere and everywhere in this cesspool that was once a
nation that was proud of its independence” FROM this
shop-worn political whore-house where no-one seems to be
who he or she pretends to be...
much more interesting and vital we could all be if we
could ever say:
is Not Negotiable!