This is extracted from the internet post PizzaGate Persons Of Interest.
This investigative report is highly-recommended...
James Achilles Alefantis
Mr. Alefantis is the owner of the Washington DC pizza parlor Comet Ping
Pong. There are disturbing indications that Mr. Alefantis is running some
form of pedophile ring that involves quite a few public figures in Washington
D.C. It would appear that he is the "Achilles heel" for all these people
of stature.
Since the investigation began, Mr. Alefantis has deleted many of his posts
and set his social media to private. We have archived the entirety of
his online presence however. Links posted here are both archives and screenshots
I took while helping to investigate.

Brock and Alefantis
Power LIst 2010 - DC Power Couples

Alefantis appears to have some form of relationship to spirit cooking
"artist" Marina Abramovic as he references her in his instagram:

Here he posted a photo featuring a man wearing a shirt that says “I love
children” in French:

Made all the more disturbing when you break down James's name like this
anon writer did. It could be a pseudonym and just another way he's
been openly bragging in plain sight.

For the whole story of PizzaGate and many of the key players and evidence,
visit PizzaGate Persons Of Interest.
This investigative report is highly-recommended…