Working Hard To Get |
Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum |
First of all, all aspartame is suppose to have a PKU warning and according to law must be labeled. If it says "contains phenylalanine", that's a dead giveaway there is probably aspartame in the product. I've asked the FDA many times if they allowed aspartame in dairy products and they refuse to answer even under FOIA (Freedom of Information). Others have told me the same thing. You
can go to
and get all kinds of recipes and replacements for dairy. Just
Like Sugar (
makes the best hot chocolate I've ever tasted because they use only
organic food, organic dark chocolate and pure organic vanilla bean.
You won't find a list of ingredients that are chemicals because they
don't exist. They tell me they use dark chocolate to avoid the
dairy in milk chocolate. Then they make a strawberry drink but
instead of adding milk you can use rice milk and such. It's wonderful
tasting too. They are now in the process of manufacturing gum
without aspartame. They have already received an award for doing
something great for America, making a safe sweetener. See
the Just Like Sugar story and you'll see it, and why they made this
safe sweetener. Dr. Russell Blaylock said in the Blaylock Wellness
Report, "Finally a safe sweetener", and I agree. It
was analyzed before Dr. Blaylock endorsed it. Diet
Pepsi removed aspartame and then added sucralose/Splenda instead, chlorinated
sugar if you like bleach. Dr. James Bowen stated if you go from
aspartame to Splenda you will maintain the reactions of aspartame and
pick up those of Splenda. Be warned. Pepsi couldn't spend
another dime and use something that is a safe food and won't interact
with drugs like Just Like Sugar? Shame on Pepsi. |
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