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Abbas Tortures Palestinians for Israel


By Stephen Lendman

Mahmoud Abbas is a longtime Israeli collaborator, an illegitimate Palestinian president, a Judas belonging in prison for his high crimes - a flagrant human and civil rights violator, the Al Haq human rights group explained.

It documented numerous PA freedom of expression violations - especially targeting journalists, human rights workers, imams and students.

On September 7, it headlined “A Failed Justice System: Torture and Ill-Treatment in Palestinian Prisons.” Muhammad Ahmad Salah was lawlessly detained for 65 days - subjected to torture and ill-treatment throughout his ordeal.

On June 21, 2015, it began. Arrested at work, he was taken to PA intelligence headquarters in Tulkarem - then transferred hours later to its Nablus facility.

He was blindfolded and shackled - then taken to a cell with no ventilation. His interrogation began at midnight while forced to stand with his arms lifted facing the wall (the Shabeh position) for two hours.

Seven interrogators ordered him to confess and “say what he has to say.” After returned to his cell, he was forced to maintain the Shabeh position until 2:00PM the next day - guards monitoring him to assure it.

He collapsed from exhaustion, revived with no medical care, returned to his cell and forced to remain standing. At 9:00PM, interrogation resumed.

He denied false charges of planning attacks on Palestinian officials. His detention was extended another 48 hours. Fabricated accusations continued. So did mistreatment.

On June 25, a Nablus magistrate court justice extended his detention an additional 15 days. The PA prosecutor general falsely accused him of organizing armed militias.

He was severely beaten in his cell, his left foot bound to his left arm tied around his neck, and forced to stand on one foot. He collapsed in extreme pain.

Beatings continued. Each time he tried standing, he fell. Ill-treatment continued for hours. The next day, he was taken to a medical center, prohibited from lying down, injected with a pain reliever and returned to his cell.

Torture and ill-treatment continued for days. On July 9, his detention was extended another 15 days. The same pattern of horrific abuse followed - then 15 more days of detention ordered.

On August 6, a Tukarem magistrate court judge ordered him released. Instead, he was transferred to a Bethlehem prison, held six days, then another 13 in a Tulkarem intelligence prison.

On August 23, his ordeal ended. He was released but not freed. All Palestinians, especially male youths and adults, can be arrested and detained any time for any reason or none at all - by Israeli or complicit Palestinian authorities.

Fundamental human and civil rights are systematically denied. Muhammad Ahmad Salah’s treatment is common practice. Al Haq said the number of tortured and abused detainees increased significantly this year.

Israeli and Palestinian security authorities are responsible for these crimes - systematically violating the Convention against Torture and other fundamental human rights laws.

Law Professor Francis Boyle accused Israel of committing “heinous war crimes…every day…against the Palestinian people,” including willful killings, torture and other high crimes.

PA officials operate largely the same way against their own people - serving Israeli interests, profiting from betraying the people they’re sworn to protect.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at

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