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NYT Ridicules Rejecting Election Rigging |
Stephen Lendman |
A weekend article said America’s presidential election was stolen for
Hillary before polls open on November 8. US electoral rigging is longstanding at the federal, state and local levels - revealing sham democracy, the nation no different from despotic Gulf States and numerous others worldwide run by tyrants, not legitimately elected officials. No one should support regimes assuming power by rigged elections. A process giving voters no say demands overwhelming rejection. Not according to The Times, disgracefully promoting Hillary’s candidacy, relentless attacking Trump, quoting “scholars” for her like its editorial board, correspondents, columnists and contributors. Harvard Professor of Government Steven Levitsky called rejecting November’s election “shock(ing),” saying “(t)his is the stuff that we see in Russia and Venezuela…(not) in stable democracies anywhere.” Fact: Since Putin’s first presidential victory, independent monitors called Russian elections open, free and fair. Jimmy Carter calls Venezuela’s electoral system the world’s best - polar opposite America’s money-controlled sham process. The Times: “In weak democracies around the world, scholars warned Friday, political leaders have used the same language to erode popular faith in democracy - often intending to incite violence that will serve their political aims, and sometimes to undo democracy entirely.” “…Mr. Trump’s language, the scholars say, follows a similar playbook and could pose real, if less extreme, risks.” Fact: If he and others don’t reject a rigged system run by power brokers for their own self-interest and their cronies, who will? Fact: As long as “democracy” in America is spectacle, not legitimate, it’s no different from Stalinist Russia - the former despot once saying “(t)he people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.” Monied interests usurped power in America from inception. After its 1787 Constitutional Convention, elder statesman Benjamin Franklin was asked if we had a republic or monarchy. “A republic, if you can keep it,” he replied, knowing how easily and often freedoms are lost. Given America’s deplorable state, he’d likely say I warned you, if alive today. Tyranny threatens to become full-blown with Hillary’s ascension to power next year. Perhaps constitutional suspension and martial law are coming following a major false flag she may have in mind once in office - a repeat of what Bush/Cheney did in 2001, this time attacking adversaries with nuclear weapons. Mass rejection of November’s rigged election may be the only way to stop what may doom us otherwise. Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III." Visit his blog site at Listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network. |
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