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NYT Calls Trump A"Useful (Kremlin) Idiot"

By Stephen Lendman

Disgraceful stuff by a broadsheet long ago exposed as a proliferator of fake news, serving wealth, power and privilege exclusively - journalism the way it’s supposed to be entirely absent on issues mattering most.

On December 15, Times editors headlined “Donald Trump’s Denial About Russia,” shamelessly blasting his rejection of nonexistent Russian US election hacking or other type interference.

There was none. No evidence suggest it. None exists. Russia DID NOT interfere in America’s November elections, or those of any other country.

Washington does it all the time, manipulating them to assure regimes subservient to US interests take power.

Times editors repeated the Big Lie, claiming Russian US election hacking “intended to favor Donald Trump,” calling the nation “one of our oldest, most determined foreign adversaries” - instead of explaining it’s the other way around.

Times editors: Nonexistent “Kremlin meddling in the 2016 election warrants further investigation, with an eye toward preventive or retaliatory measures.”

“President Obama has asked the nation’s intelligence community to deliver a fuller report on its findings before he leaves office on Jan. 20, and a bipartisan group of lawmakers is pushing for a congressional investigation.”

“The results of that inquiry should be made public, and the intelligence community should tell Americans as much as it can about the cyberattack and its goals.”

Fact: There were no Russian “cyberattack(s).” There were no alleged “goals” sought. The whole ugly business was made up to bash Russia, delegitimize Trump’s electoral triumph, and pressure him not to normalize ties.

Times editors claim Trump’s denial of Russian election hacking “leaves him isolated…(a) useful idiot…who doesn’t know he’s being played by a wily foreign power.”

Providing press agent services for powerful interests, The Times long ago lost credibility. Following its reports assures knowing nothing but fake news, truth-telling on issues mattering most entirely suppressed.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."

Visit his blog site at

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