Western media misreport
what's happening in Syria and why. Propaganda substitutes for truth
and full disclosure.
Syrians are struggling to prevent Western conquest, exploitation, and
control. They're fighting for their lives to stay free.
At issue isn't whether Assad's government is democratic, despotic or
anything in between. Its sovereign independence made it vulnerable.
Washington tolerates no governments it doesn't control. Replacing them
with puppet regimes is policy. Whether Assad can hold out and prevail
isn't known. Most Syrians depend on him.
The longer conflict persists, the greater his support. Who else can
Syrians turn to for help? They want no part of becoming another pro-Western
vassal state. They know the daily horrors Afghans, Iraqis and Libyans
Syria was calm and peaceful until Washington unleashed its dogs last
year. Daily violence, mass killing and destruction followed. It's the
American way. Media scoundrels support it.
Syria's conflict isn't an uprising, revolution or civil war. These characterizations
distort reality. There's nothing civil about what's ongoing. Washington
orchestrated everything. Its bloodstained hands control the conflict.
At issue is naked Washington-led Western aggression. Key NATO allies
and regional partners are involved. Insurgents are Washington proxies.
Protracted violence and bloodshed persist.
Imperial wars are called liberating ones. Western end game strategy
calls for total war if other methods fail. Washington wages them two
ways. In Afghanistan and Iraq, US forces are involved.
In Libya, a combination of air assets and ground proxies were used.
Protracted conflict persists. Daily violence ravages the country. Media
scoundrels ignore it.
They report little about Iraq and Afghanistan. They let nightmarish
conditions pass beneath their radar. Only wealth, privilege and dominance
matter. Charnel house conditions go unacknowledged.
So far, Western proxies alone battle Syrian forces. Despite heavy weapons,
training and direction, military regulars outmatch them. Expect eventual
direct Western intervention. Electoral politics dictates timing.
Voltaire Network's Thierry Meyssan is right. Reagan's Contra war 2.0
ravages Syria. Death squads employed are today's Contras. In the 1980s,
they battled Nicaragua's Sandinista government. Washington enlisted,
armed, trained, funded and directed them.
Anastasio Somoza ruled Nicaragua despotically. He ran it like a US colony.
In 1979, the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) ousted his
regime after years of conflict.
In 1981, Reagan authorized covert CIA intervention. Sandinistas were
falsely called Moscow puppets. Contrarevolucionarios (Contras) were
recruited. Many were former cutthroat Somoza National Guard regulars.
They became Washington proxy death squads. Contra wars raged throughout
the decade. From Honduran bases they conducted cross-border terrorist
raids. Nicaraguans suffered greatly. Many thousands died.
Managua's economy was devastated. Resources needed for defense left
little for domestic needs. In 1988, A New York Times op-ed headlined
"Wrong From the Start; Reagan's Contra War, Reagan's Failure," saying:
Reagan's "seven-year record in Nicaragua is a chronicle of deceit and
incompetence in pursuit of an unwinnable war."
Expect nothing comparable today about Obama's war on Syria. Times correspondents,
commentators and editorial writers march in lockstep. They supported
Reagan throughout the decade. Perhaps Iran-Contra caused the above change
of heart.
Washington prevailed when Violeta Chamorro defeated Sandinista leader
Daniel Ortega electorally in 1990.
The FSLN remained one of Nicargua's two main parties. Washington manipulated
electoral politics until Daniel Ortega was reelected president in 2006.
He and FSLN parliamentarians prevailed again in November 2011.
They're a shadow of their former selves. They're more right of center
than left. Ortega sought alliances with the conservative Catholic Church
and Nicaraguan business interests. FSLN governance became more bourgeois
than progressive.
Washington Consensus interventionism replaced counterinsurgency belligerence.
Neoliberalism is America's regional weapon. Finance is a new form of
warfare. End results resemble military conquest without the death and
Modern-day Contras are jihadi extremists. They replicate Al Qaeda-linked
Libya Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) insurgents. In December 2004, the
US Treasury designation LIFG a Foreign Terrorist Organization, saying
"threatens global safety and stability through the use of violence and
its ideological alliance with (Al Qaeda) and other brutal terrorist
Washington strategically uses Al Qaeda fighters as allies and enemies.
They're assailed publicly while used against US enemies. They helped
ravage Libya. They're waging bloody war in Syria. They're used as long
as needed.
They're allies of convenience. They're returned to enemy status when
services rendered no longer are needed.
After Syrian officials were killed at Damascus National Security headquarters,
they launched Operation Damascus Volcano. Instead of "liberating" Damascus
as planned, they were routed.
Official reports, media scoundrels, pro-Western observers, and hangers
on proclaimed a conflict turning point. Syrian forces, in fact, have
things well in hand.
Mostly calm returned to Damascus. Fighting shifted to Aleppo. It's Syria's
largest city and commercial hub. Battles persist. Expect a similar outcome
as Damascus. Western misinformation distorts what's happening and why
it matters.
Claims about Syria destabilized and Assad fleeing the country were falsified.
Propaganda wars try to offset military failures. In confrontations against
insurgents, Syrian forces consistently prevail.
Daily State Department press briefings combine imperial arrogance and
misinformation. On July 24, spokeswoman Victoria Nuland claimed Assad
"is increasingly losing control of swaths of territory, and clearly
the opposition is trying to consolidate so it can have a base from which
to operate."
Washington is "committed to helping" them, she added. She left unaddressed
in what ways, and that so far what's been tried failed. What's ahead
remains to be seen.
Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta urges more "aggressive" international
action. On July 24, Foreign Policy contributor Josh Rogin headlined
"Conservatives call on Obama to establish 'safe zones' in Syria," saying:
A Foreign Policy Initiative/Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
letter said:
"We believe it is clear that multilateral diplomacy and non-military
pressure, by themselves, will neither compel Assad to step down nor
ensure that America's national security interests in Syria and the wider
region are protected."
"America's national security interests are intertwined with the fate
of the Syrian people and the wider region."
"The longer we wait to act, the more others with interests contrary
to ours will fill the void, limiting America's ability to ensure a multi-sectarian
pluralistic Syria."
"We therefore believe it is long past due for the United States to adopt
a strategy that will help the Syrian people to quickly end the Assad
regime and actively promote order and stability after the regime's fall."
A rogue's gallery of co-signers included Karl Rove, Elliot Abrams, Douglas
Feith, Paul Bremer, and Robert Kagan, among others.
They support war and imperial conquest. Their letter also said inaction
means "complicity in oppression."
Mitt Romney made similar accusations, saying:
"While Russia and Iran have rushed to support Bashar al-Assad and thousands
have been slaughtered, President Obama has abdicated leadership and
subcontracted US policy to Kofi Annan and the United Nations."
"Under this president, American influence and respect for our position
around the world is at a low ebb."
Safe zones are ground-based no-fly replicas. Both are acts of war. They're
belligerent and lawless. They assure full-scale intervention.
Co-signer hawks said "multilateral diplomacy and non-military pressure
(won't) compel Assad to step down nor ensure (US) national security
interests in Syria and the wider region...."
They want war. So does Obama. Only their timetables differ. Post-election,
expect the worst.
Perhaps Russia foresees it. On the one hand, Foreign Minister Sergey
Lavrov was clear and unequivocal. He condemned US support for terrorism.
He referred to Washington's failure to denounce insurgents attacking
Syria's National Security headquarters, saying:
"This is quite an awful position, I cannot even find the words to make
clear how we feel. This is directly justifying terrorism. How can this
be understood?"
"In other words, to say it in plain Russian, this means 'we (the United
States) will continue to support such terrorist acts for as long as
the UN Security Council has not done what we want.' "
Lavrov also criticized UN envoy Susan Rice's hostile comments and Arab
League leaders for pressuring Assad to step down.
Russia's Ministry of Defense said warships entered the Mediterranean.
Three vessels carry marines. They'll rendezvous with other Russian ships
off Syria's coast.
Perhaps they'll be positioned at Tartus. Moscow maintains its only Mediterranean
base there. It's strategic importance may be used. What's planned remains
Russia has vital regional interests. So does China. Hopefully both countries
will go all out to protect them and make their intentions known. Perhaps
doing so can prevent war. There may be no other way.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.
His new book is titled "How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized
Banking, Government Collusion and Class War"
Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge
discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News
Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time
and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy
Likud, Kadima, Labor, or new centrist party leadership hardly matters.
Israel remains hardline, belligerent, and repressive. Arab citizens
have no rights.
They and most Jews chafe under neoliberal harshness. Instead of improving
conditions, they're worsening.
Malcolm X once said "I see America through the eyes of the victim. I
don't see any American dream - I see an American nightmare."
Israelis face similar harshness. Remaining rights are eroding en route
to being lost altogether. Populist change demands sustained public rage.
Nothing else can work.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.
His new book is titled "How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized
Banking, Government Collusion and Class War"
Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge
discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News
Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time
and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy