- Simplicity itself defines the truths so many of us seek
to find amid the cacophony of lies, the massive deceptions and all those
continuing diversions that try and hide the facts beneath a feather-bed
of convolutions.
- Since 2003 TRAITORS 'R' US, (The on-the-ground physical
arm of TREASON Inc.), has been hiding everything they do in broad daylight.
This was the brain-dead-child of Soros and his motley crew of fascist want-to-be's
that ran this scam in dozens of nations around the planet. This only just
became visible to us, when it began to make its way through a number of
countries in the Middle East, since the falsely named Arab-Spring began.
In this country it went by the name of 'OCCUPY.' The point and purpose
here and elsewhere was to "prove" to the various public's involved
just how futile their efforts would be if they (we) ever dared to challenge
the might and power of the Police-State in each individual country where
this became an issue.
- In the US more than 5,000 protestors were arrested nationwide
(since September): Yet not one banker, not one storm-trooper or overweight
cop was ever disciplined for any of the deaths and injuries that were inflicted.
And most important of all the public continued to lose ground against these
un-American Traitors to the point that the Constitution itself has now
been OUTLAWED, and its provisions CRIMINALIZED! Posse Comitatus, the illegal
use of US troops against private citizens has been thrown out, along with
any public voice for the public to use to challenge any of these criminal
- The government itself which owed its existence to the
US Constitution no longer officially exists; because the very basis for
having a congress, a court system or a president has been struck down by
a vote in congress of 369 in favor to149 opposed out of a total number
of 535 members of Congress. . . And yet this fact has still not even been
released in any fundamental way to the public that is now living in the
Police-State that this action created. The so-called NEWS media, in this
place, that was supposed to inform the people about what their government
is doing have buried this FRONT-PAGE, HEADLINE STORY that should have led
the news WORLD-WIDE, but which instead has almost disappeared entirely
from national reporting, thanks largely to TREASON Inc..
- While this was going on the US supposedly ended our illegal
and unilateral War-on-Iraq, in order to free up troops to begin all over
again, this time in Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Pakistan and Yemen: And all of
this is being done on orders given to us by the Ashkenazy-Zionists that
live inside Apartheid-Israel. BTW the numbers given by the US for our war
on Iraq are nothing but lies. We expended three to four TRILLION dollars
on that war, we killed between 2 and 3 million Iraqis; displaced about
the same number of those people and damaged or maimed another 2 million
or so people; and then just as we did in Vietnam; we skipped out under
a heavy security blanket because Iraq is still a place that is totally
hostile to this country, to our policies and to our mercenary outlaws.
So what was the purpose of this supposedly humanitarian intervention? Well
at least we now have the answer to the question, at the top of this article!
- We bombed Iraq back to the stoneage; they still don't
have sufficient drinking water, electricity or hospital-services. Their
infrastructure is non-existent and their society is in shreds: How is this
a humanitarian effort, by any known standard, anywhere else in the world
today? And; instead of bringing the Iraqi's the promised "Freedom
& Democracy" that this country had when that war began, we took
away what little independence they originally had and left them with a
pre-civil-war society divided into deeply guarded factions that are as
furious with each other as they are with us. In this country we now have
what Iraq supposedly had when we decided to "liberate" them from
the alleged tyranny of Saddam Hussein; only the Iraq of Saddam Hussein
was way ahead of the Police-State we are just beginning to enter!
- In Saddam's Iraq those that got caught stealing from
him (THE STATE) were arrested and assassinated. Over here our politicians,
our bankers, our political-appointees, along with our judges our legislators
are all promoted whenever they get caught during the commission of their
crimes: And virtually none of them EVER go to jail, for any reason. We
on the other hand are being forced to live in a society where virtually
every activity that we participate in REQUIRES a permit, a tax, a fine,
a fee or a waiver, all of which requires payment: And failure to follow
the artificial and illegal rules results in fines, in separation from the
rest of society and usually jail (torture, tasering and pepper spray are
not mandatory) but are becoming exceedingly popular, along with executions
carried our for attempting to escape or for supposedly resisting arrest.
- Ironically all of the massively criminal actions undertaken
by both TREASON Inc. & TRAITORS 'R' US have been done in broad daylight
from 911 all the way to the latest TREASON of murdering the US Constitution
and the Bill of Rights. Here's a video note that might throw more light
on this particular problem. (1)
- Of course the real problem throughout all of this has
been the Israeli's inside the US government and the corporations that have
been streamlining the direction of government policies for decades. Yet
because this public generally tends not to know about things that happened
before 911 and many more do not remember the life we lived before television,
just sixty years ago: Trying to clarify anything using actual history has
become nearly impossible.
- "Young people are incapable of recognizing their
own enemy. This is the essential condition required for the peaceful transfer
of political power to a world dictatorship.
- As a young man who recently received an "education"
from one of the finest schools in the U.S., I can state beyond doubt that
this condition has been met.
- In a society conditioned to champion personal ambition,
self-expression and self-empowerment, the educated youth of today are kept
intoxicated with illusions. Everyone is looking up, staring at the sun,
and unable to stop and think for even a moment out of fear of losing their
momentum up the ladder.
- Here is the script my generation sticks to.
- - Mankind lived in total ignorance until very recently.
(Proof: widespread racism, religious fundamentalism, mistreatment and oppression
of women, European imperialism, rabid nationalism, xenophobia, etc. were
all norms.) Young women and minorities are especially prone to gobble this
idea up and congratulate themselves for being an enlightened member of
a progressive society. In the interest of being liked and getting laid,
young white men follow suit.
- - All types of 'ignorance' still exist today AND represent
the primary threats to peace and stability. (Conclusion: Legislation to
protect minorities (anti-hate, anti-religion) is natural progress and shall
continue uninterrupted. Religion has become like Al-Qaeda to today's educated
youth. It barely exists, but everyone is convinced it is a powerful beast
capable of plucking a person out of his hedonistic bliss at any moment,
if not carefully watched.
- - Sexual restraint can no longer be taken seriously,
as it was an invention of religion to control the masses and women in particular.
(Conclusion: Get it when you can, while you can. It's practice for someone
you might really like someday!) There is a tremendous amount of pressure
on young women to be able to "handle" emotion-free sex. They
have been convinced, mostly through entertainment media, that taking sex
seriously is a weakness. It is a bodily need detached from the rest of
you. Combined with a social scene set around alcohol, young love is a messy,
schizophrenic story where one is very lucky to find someone on the same
- - Total Moral Relativity : there are no absolute truths;
there is no reason to believe in anything too strongly; everything is circumstantial.
(Conclusion: yes, everything is corrupt. It has always been that way. Power
corrupts. We're selfish. People are assholes. I'm an asshole, at least
I'm willing to admit it.) Result: attitudes are uniform within social groups.
- - Politics and religion are not to be discussed amongst
friends, therefore they are not. Ever. (Conclusion: agree to disagree.
Result: Even the smartest people are never exposed to ideas outside of
the mainstream media/academia, but you cannot convince them of this.)
- - Communism is a legitimate ideology, only it has never
worked. (Result: my generation leans heavily to the left. As the Republican
party has become synonymous with Christianity, pro-life, wealthy, white,
war, big business, etc., it is no wonder why.) Government involvement in
industry seems inevitable to everyone, but few are able to envision future
- With these unquestioned six beliefs alone, defenders
of humanistic internationalist doctrine are created. Good, intelligent
kids that are just trying to do their best and find their place in the
world while fulfilling their parents' expectations have been conditioned
to unwittingly serve and defend the interests of a small group of psychotic
criminals." (2)
- Since Friday, just two days ago, this country has not
had a Constitution, or a system of laws that have any basis in legality:
and yet to look at the people in the streets, you would never know that
anything has changed: Much less that we have now totally lost our country!
There have been no huge public outcry's, no demands for an explanation,
no further threats from the government because all of this happened in
a slightly premature fashion. This was not supposed to happen until AFTER
we had dealt with Iran, Russia, China, and the entire Middle-Eastern quagmire
that we just finished creating. The problem for TREASON Inc. is that it
will be much harder now to fight a protracted series of wars in several
theaters while simultaneously trying to shut down the entire nation because
the government has decided that all of the citizens here are suspected
terrorists? The troops that will be needed are also needed to make-money
for the corporate Privateers still seeking full-spectrum-dominance over
all the resources and raw-materials of the planet apparently will have
first-call upon the use of US Troops & mercenaries in order to expand
their totally illegal-coffers.
- Whatever needs the Police-State might have in this regard
must wait until we have vanquished all those other states around the world
that still need to have the boots of American-Israeli troops: Perpetually
stomping upon their faces; or dragging their women through the streets
while the troops strip and degrade them while trying to beat them to death.
WARNING, this is GRAPHIC (3)
- Our world has become a completely fractured place where
nothing is certain anymore. But if we can find the will to confront these
TRAITORS and the TREASON they routinely commit, then just maybe the wheel
can finally turn and life itself can begin again, but this time with the
passions of a free and progressive population that will have utterly destroyed
this cancer before it spreads even further. We could begin by decertifying
both political parties and canceling the fraud of the coming selection
for resident dictator. because all of that has also been eliminated
when we lost the Constitution!
- Here is how the world looked to Robinson Jeffers in 1941.
- "Be Angry at the Sun
- That public men publish falsehoods
- Is nothing new. That America must accept
- Like the historical republics corruption and empire
- Has been known for years.
- Be angry at the sun for setting
- If these things anger you. Watch the wheel slope
- And turn. They are all bound on the wheel, these people,
- Those warriors,
- This republic, Europe, Asia
- Observe them gesticulating,
- Observe them going down, The gang serves lies,
- The passionate man
- Plays his part: the cold passion for truth
- Hunts in no pack
- * * *
- Let boys want pleasure, and men
- Struggle for power, and women perhaps for fame,
- And the servile to serve a Leader, and the dupes to be
- Yours is not theirs."
- There is far too much on the overburdened plate of the
would-be owners of the world right now so it is time for us to begin
to push them back for a change; If not then the poem above will simply
have to do yet another re-run of what history is already over-full with;
when it comes to crimes against humanity and Surrender versus Freedom!
- kirwanstudios@sbcgloba.net
- 1) What If??? One minute, 27 second video
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEES4jTitQs
- 2) Feckless Young Primed for Surrender
- http://www.henrymakow.com/six_bogus_beliefs_held_by_the.html
- 3) 2 min 48 sec. VIDEO
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iboFV-yeTE&&skipcontrinter=1