- A book review - Part 4
- In his new book reporting on the imminent decline of
America, Suicide of a Superpower, former presidential candidate Pat Buchanan
wrote a chronology as to how and why America might not survive another
20 years. We may be hard pressed to make it through the next nine years
to 2020.
- Quite often, when I write about legal and illegal immigration,
an angry Mexican living in California, who calls himself Subcomandante
Pedro, MeCha Brown Berets Infiltration Brigades, La Alta, CA, Aztlan, otherwise
known as Dominick Perez, tells me how fast his Mexican forces are taking
over America by sheer birth rates. One look at the gangs, violence and
breakdown in Los Angeles validates his charges. His scathing letters to
me exemplify President Teddy Roosevelt's greatest statement:
- "The one absolutely certain way of bringing this
nation to ruin, or preventing all possibility of its continuing as a nation
at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities
and languages."
- As you can see from this letter by Pedro, Roosevelt
hit the nail on the head and we are well along the path of our own demise.
Subcomandante Pedro mocks Americans, while, at the same time, his kids
use our free lunch programs, ESL programs, schools, medical care and other
welfare freebees. He agreed with part three of this book review of Buchanan's
Suicide of a Superpower:
- "Kudos Mr. Frosty, Kudos!" said Pedro. "You
hit the nail right on the head, especially the point you made about how
most Americans are fat and lazy. If that ain't the truth I don't know what
is! Perhaps that's the reason why so many of us are allowed in here, to
do the work your fellow gringos are too fat and lazy to do! I would also
add that most Crackers are craven cowards. Do you think we would let you
gringos come down to Mexico and take over without a shot? Hell no! We'd
cut your heads off! We're real men!
- "The solutions Buchanan calls for will never happen.
It's far too late to save yourselves from the mess you allowed to be created.
It is you, the American people, who continually vote our benefactors back
into office over and over and over again. (Examples: Senators Harry Reid,
John McCain, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Mark Udall, Mike Bennet, Charles
Schumer, etc.) Now you must deal with the repercussions of your foolish
actions. Maybe if there were more real men in this country, things would
be different. I can almost sympathize with you. I don't give a sh*t about
this country, I'm just here to suck as much out of this bloated b*tch as
I can before the collapse comes. And there are millions more here just
like me! (Illegals and legal immigrants cost U.S. taxpayers $346 billion
annually across 15 federal welfare agencies; source: www.thesocialcontract.com
with economist Edwin Rubenstein's report) On the bright side, at least
we don't want to convert you all to Islam. Have you been to Dearbornistan
- He refers to Dearborn, Michigan an Islamic beachhead
in America where 300,000 Muslim immigrants have now made that area a little
Bagdad with honor killings, female genital mutilation, arranged marriages
and women's rights degraded back to the Dark Ages.
- Buchanan says it all, "We are trying to create a
nation that has never before existed, of all the races, tribes, cultures
and creeds of Earth, where all are equal. In this utopian drive for the
perfect society of our dreams we are killing the real country we inherited
-- the best and greatest country on earth."
- Pedro continued, "Muslims in 21st Century America--Home
Grown Terrorism, Mr. Frosty, this piece really speaks to the fact that
you craven honkeys are too weak and decadent and you really don't deserve
this country. After all, Whitey is so blinded by Political Correctness
and Liberalism that he cannot see the mortal danger presented by Islam.
Truly pathetic! Don't worry, the proud bronzed peoples suffer no such illusions.
When we rise to power in this sh*thole of a nation, you can be sure that
we will cut off their (blank) and feed them to them. We despise these sand
camels even more than we do Whitey. You have my word on that.
- "Have you heard about the humane bill the Honorable
Luis Guiterrez of Illinois is spearheading with the full support of "your"
President? Once this bill is passed and enshrined into law, our reconquista
will be all but assured. God Bless America and her cowardly White citizens!
We couldn't have done it without you."
- Subcomandante Pedro provides an example of the seething
anger of different ethnic tribes in America. As their numbers grow, their
powers will grow to elect such treasonous men as House member Luis Guiterrez.
Just watch out when more and more Muslims win house and Senate seats in
the states and finally in the Halls of Congress. We can expect Sharia
Law being implemented just like in the United Kingdom.
- How will we save ourselves from our inevitable decline?
I ask why I haven't seen millions of Americans storming their House reps
and senators offices to bring the immigration issue to the front burner-and
get it stopped. Why haven't 10 million Americans joined www.NumbersUSA.org
? Just too stinking lazy!
- If we don't get relentless immigration stopped, our country
is toast. Buchanan gave these solutions on that issue:
- · Moratorium on all immigration until
unemployment drops below 6 percent. To bring in 1.2 million foreign workers
annually when 23 million Americans are still unemployed or out of work
is to put corporate profits ahead of country.
- · Reform our immigration laws to give
preferences to those from countries that have historically provided most
of our immigrants, who share our values, speak English, have college degrees,
bring skills and can be assimilated easily. We need taxpayers and fewer
tax consumers.
- · The border fence should be completed.
- · Next president should declare there
will be no amnesty. Deport all criminals including drunk drivers.
- · Stop the 14th Amendment birthright citizenship
- · Punish any businesses that hire illegal
- · Congress should enact a law whereby
English is the official language of the United States.
- In Part 5 of this series, I will cover Buchanan's other
pertinent solutions as to trade, education, business and citizenship. If
we keep importing endless millions in poverty, we will become a nation
of poverty. We cannot keep pouring the world's dispossessed into the bowels
of our educational, medical and economic systems and think we have any
chance of surviving.
- Our nation teeters on the edge of a racial, cultural
and linguistic abyss. It's going to take every American to pull us back.
If not, this country will most certainly stumble, stagger and fall into
the future-as it degrades into a third world, second class, poverty stricken
civilization from which there will be no return.
- Suicide of a Superpower by Patrick Buchanan
- Audio and books on tape: https://rcpt.yousendit.com/1257988138/ff5d35e5e0292c4c725061cddaa70c9d
- Hardcover: $27.99 , www.amazon.com
- Publisher: St. Martin's Press