we speak of freedom‚ as part of our law or what used to be our government
or just as individuals ˆ FREEDOM has never been "free" to those who
seek to profit from her embrace.
There is a price for this very special adjunct to life that is contained
in Freedom's direct relationship to personal RESPONSIBILITY.
The light from her torch not only illuminates the shadows of our lives,
but it must always resonate through the unshielded forms that outline
those responsibilities that we must accept if want to have the freedom
that enables life to be lived as completely, and as passionately as
possible. That's why Freedom is only half-armored, because without the
empathy and humanity that the unprotected flesh and blood signifies˜freedom
is just another facet in the never-ending wars of empty people that
always command others to fight to protect the lies upon which every
war depends!
Of course this is only symbolism, a metaphor for what very seldom happens
in the course of most of our lives, because we are too busy to ask the
very simple questions that were once the basis for all of Journalism.
"Who, What, When, Where & Why!"
That shorthand litmus test allowed reporters to get to the meat in any
real story: but today Journalism has died right along with Justice,
with Freedom and with real Choice. How can anyone expect to live in
a place where there is no longer any freedom to think, to speak or to
act according to our own inner lights? The tragedy seems to be that
the truth will only catch up with the majority once they have personally
tried some of the new laws that prohibit everything from PROTESTS to
speech, from Thought-Crimes to becoming a SUSPECT in the global War
on a supposed-Terror˜that has yet to even exist?
have lost their meanings in the Newspeak and Doublespeak that has come
to permeate our lives. "War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery," and now "Ignorance
is Strength". Did you ever think that you would live to see the day
when all of this had become the norm in a country that is now afraid
of every shadow anywhere, and where no-one can ever be trusted, because
the blackened fingers of fear are now armored and do not speak except
with the evermore deadly weapons that are used to taser, to wound and
to kill whomever just happens to intersect with an official uniform
for any reason or for no reason at all?
If we would "be free" again, it will only be because we shall have used
the Second Amendment to defend ourselves from this new breed of lawless
thugs that are multiplying like flies at a mass burial ˆ a burial
which could contain many of our loved ones or ourselves in the
bleak few weeks and months ahead. . .
Against this backdrop individual lives would seem to matter very
little in the grand sweep of history˜yet in fact all of history is beholden
to the individuals and to their particular problems that tend to
lead to the untimely deaths of so many millions, even billions of
people. This is why so many want to create governments to protect them
from the problems. But freedom & responsibility cannot be delegated˜that
part of life must be dealt with by the individual. The books and texts
are written about ideologies, philosophies, trends and idioms: but the
history is written in the blood and tears of those that died to free
themselves or their loved ones from a fate worse than death could ever
be - That would be ETERNAL-SLAVERY!
any nation has fallen into the quicksand of Empire's greed-filled lust;
No Siren-song will come to those that chose to follow wherever that
path leads. This SIREN's call is to that empty hunger that devours souls
and strips each human of everything that elevates us from the rabble of
our lives, while the SORCERESS looks on unmoved.
We are upon this earth for such an eyeblink in the long history of time
itself; how did we become so deluded, as to think that we could actually
change our lot simply because we refused to see the truth of what too
many have always been all about? In the end people are who they
chose to be, and very little from the real world can ever seem to penetrate
those minds that have become calcified against emotions and even
against the natural needs that fund the spirit˜without which, the millions
of those, are just millions of the unburied dead. "We" will not
matter because we never chose to RISK anything, to change what is happening
to most of us this minute. . .
Too bad, so sad, Oh well!
It will soon be over anyhow, but what will be left of the world might
not be worth living for, never mind living in!
kirwanstudios@sbcglobal.net |