the usual commentary about Barry Soetoro aka Obama and what he's done
and is doing to this country, is there any way to get him out of the
White House?
has been a cry to impeach Soetoro for years by well intentioned, patriotic
Americans who don't understand the issue of 'natural born citizen'
and why Soetoro cannot be impeached. I'm not going to rehash it here
because I've covered it in several columns already.[1],
cannot impeach a usurper because as a candidate who had no legal right
to be on the ballot, no one had the right to vote for him. Willard
Romney won the election in November 2012, because Soetoro wasn't an
eligible candidate. An impeachment would serve the shadow government
quite well because every bill he signed into "law" would
remain as legitimate, as would the unlawful confirmations of two U.S.
Supreme Court Justices, Sotomayer and Kagan. Stop all the petitions
to impeach Soetoro. It would set one of the worst precedents in our
history because it would open the door for more impostors to lie and
cheat their way into the White House.
of the links at the bottom of this column cover the various court
cases and efforts to remove the usurper.
Orion at Liberty Legal Foundation has been slapped down by cowards
on the bench repeatedly despite being on solid legal ground:
Ballot Challenge
• The
Obamanation Strikes Back
• New
Liberty Legal Foundation Class Action Suit in TN
• Their
cases - kicked in the teeth by cowards on the bench
orders eligibility attorney to stay away
cowards who refuse to rule according to the U.S. Constitution because
Soetoro is half Negro (black is not a race). Just like the gutless
cowards on the U.S. Supreme Court like Clarence Thomas:
U.S. Supreme Court Should Be Impeached: ""U.S. Supreme
Court Justice Clarence Thomas told a House subcommittee that when
it comes to determining whether a person born outside the 50 states
can serve as U.S. president, the high court is “evading”
the issue. The comments came as part of Thomas’ testimony before
a House appropriations panel discussing an increase in the Supreme
Court's budget earlier this week."
Thomas has been a Supreme Court Justice for 22 years this October.
If he had one ounce of integrity and loyalty to his oath, he would
come out publicly and tell the truth about why the court refuses to
hear one of the most important cases in the history of this nation.
No, instead, he slaps us in the face with his coy little "evading"
the issue comment. Does his paycheck and power mean more to him than
our country? Apparently so.
fighting gutless judges and the Outlaw Congress, darlings of the right
have refused to do anything other than label anyone demanding the
U.S. Constitution be upheld regarding an ineligible candidate, conspiracy
nuts or Kool Aid drinkers. One I won't forget:
million Americans voted to elect Barack Obama. Do you want to disenfranchise
them? Do you think it's possible to disenfranchise 64 million Americans
and keep the country? And please don't write me about the Constitution.
The first principle of the Constitution is that the people are sovereign.
What the people say, goes. If you think about it, I think you will
agree that a two-year billion dollar election through all 50 states
is as authoritative a verdict on anything as we are likely to get.
Barack Obama is our president. Get used to it." Get used to having
an impostor in the White House who was and still is forever ineligible
to run for president? Shame
on you, David Horowitz. I guess it's better for fund raising if
Soetoro stays in office. He's certainly been a cash cow for Sean Hannity
and Bill O'Reilly who mock truth seekers at every opportunity.
Blair Sibley has been fighting this in courts for years by filing
the correct legal vehicle: a quo warranto. Those are covered in the
links section at the bottom. This is his latest update:
am still waiting on three courts to move forward on my lawsuits. All
three are primed for judicial decisions -- and have been since December
-- but the judges refuse to move the cases forward, hence all I can
do is wait. However, I am pursuing my goal of stimulating federal
prisoner lawsuits as you can see from the attached letter to FAMM
-- Families Against Mandatory Minimums. I am also in email contact
with several federal prisoners who are taken by arguments and thus
I am hopeful that pro-se prisoner lawsuits raising those arguments
will be forthcoming. I am not seeking any money -- I did raise enough
to cover my legal filing and copying fees for the foreseeable future
-- but could use help contacting prisoners incarcerated by (i) Obama
appointed judges and (ii) Obama signed laws."
press releases explaining this new strategy can
be found here. The issue of anyone charged for a crime under any
"law" signed by Soetoro was raised before by Dr. Edwin Vieira
in December 2008:
the defendant in this hypothetical criminal prosecution can invoke
the Sixth Amendment: namely, “In all criminal prosecutions the
accused shall enjoy the right * * * to have compulsory process for
obtaining Witnesses in his favor * * * .” Presumably, a properly
represented defendant would subpoena Obama himself as the indispensable
witness, requiring him to bring into court whatever records were in
his possession or subject to his control that in any way evidenced,
related to, or referred to the time, place, and circumstances of his
birth, or to his citizenship, application for citizenship, renunciation
of citizenship, or oath of allegiance in or to any country.
would include the original of his supposed Hawaiian birth certificate;
every subsequent Hawaiian “certification of live birth”
or like document created by public authorities; every other “birth
certificate” or equivalent document whenever, wherever, and
by whomever generated in the name of “Barack Obama” or
any of his several other names; every document submitted to an educational
institution that contained information or representations concerning
his place of birth or citizenship; and so on. In the interest of expediting
the process, the custodians of records in Hawaii would also be subpoenaed
to testify and to produce all relevant documents subject to their
control. To be sure, Obama himself might invoke a privilege against
self-incrimination under the Fifth Amendment as the grounds for refusing
to testify or to disgorge inculpatory papers. But custodians of public
records in Hawaii or elsewhere throughout the United States have no
such privilege. And no Hawaiian or other law of the States or the
General Government purporting to make those records “confidential”
can frustrate the Sixth Amendment."
attorney who represented plaintiffs for several years and shot down
by cowardly judges, Mario Apuzzo, has also weighed in. Mario
has raised the issue of standing, a judicial hallucination, in
a case, Bond v. United States, 564 U. S. decided by the U.S.
Supreme Court, June 16, 2011:
the Bond decision to a case challenging Obama's eligibility, one
would have to be criminally charged or be compelled to pay money
under a statute passed by Congress when Obama was President. One
would argue that under Article I, Section 7, Clause 2, laws passed
by Congress need the action or inaction of the President (the
veto power) before they are allowed to become laws. This requirement
satisfies separation of powers and checks and balances doctrine.
One would argue that Congress passed the charging statute, with
the President's action or inaction. One would argue that a legitimate
President must satisfy the eligibility requirements of Article
II, Section 1, Clause 5, which contains the "natural born Citizen"
clause. Then one would argue that the law is not valid because
it never was presented to a legitimate President for consideration
under Article I, Section 7, Clause 2, arguing that Obama is not
a legitimate President because he does not meet the requirements
of the "natural born Citizen" clause..." I
encourage you to read Mario's full analysis.
Orly Taitz has filed so many cases, it's hard to keep track. She attended
the CPAC gab fest in an effort to direct attention to the criminal
actions by Soetoro: Taitz
discusses Obama's forged IDs with the former Governor of VA and former
counterintelligence officer Jim Gilmore. Attorney Taitz discusses
with former Attorney General of the U.S. Edwin Meese Obama’s
use of all forged IDs and a stolen Social Security number and the
cover up by the Department of Justice.
don't play favorites as regular readers know. What I don't like is
Taitz' constant attacks aimed at Sheriff Joe Arpaio and neither do
others like Larry Klayman:
this week saw the newly minted destructive actions of a so called
fellow birther lawyer, Orly Taitz, who attacked my legal efforts,
along with my client the Citizens to Protect Fair Election Results,
to stave off an illegal recall of heroic Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Maricopa
Country, Arizona (See www.cpfer.com).
Telling fellow birthers and others not to financially support Sheriff
Joe because he had as yet not filed criminal charges over Obama’s
fake birth certificate, Taitz, as she had done before, attacked me
as well. (Last week, at CPAC, Taitz also viciously attacked Breitbart.com).
would appear that Taitz’s latest unstable and destructive action
is more about her own sense of self aggrandizement and fundraising
for her own failed legal efforts, rather than trying to protect great
public servants like Sheriff Joe, who by the way continues to pursue
criminal proceedings before appropriate jurisdictional authorities
over Obama’s birth certificate. While the Sheriff can and has
gathered relevant and incriminating information in this regard, he
cannot himself act on it by issuing an indictment. It remains for
state attorneys general and prosecutors, and our Citizens’ Grand
Jury in Ocala, Florida, to move the ball forward. See www.citizensgrandjury.com."
Larry Klayman is a former Justice Department prosecutor and the founder
of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch. His latest book is "Whores:
Why and How I Came to Fight the Establishment."
explains the grand jury in detail
the customary practice for summoning a federal grand jury is by a
court (see Rule 6 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, or FRCP),
such action is mandatory "when the public interest so requires."
Regardless, the FRCP does not preclude citizens from exercising their
own rights to impanel grand juries under the Constitution. [See, i.e.
Marbury v. Madison, 5 U.S. 137 (1803), establishing the doctrine
of judicial review.] Thus, it is clear that citizens themselves can
impanel a grand jury, and if a true bill of indictment results, the
courts are technically required to commence proceedings and the executive
branch to enforce the court's edicts. However, if the courts refuse
and the executive branch does not carry out its duties by, for instance,
arresting the criminally accused, Americans do have a right to make
"citizens arrests," hold trials and legally mete out punishment
in their own right. Indeed, this is what occurred in the western part
of the United States, in particular, during our early years as a nation
— before there was a developed federal court system and executive
the increasingly corrupt and treasonous actions of our public officials,
which have nearly destroyed our republic, and the almost complete
breakdown of the justice system as run by the government, the time
has come for we Americans to rise up and use the God-given rights
left to us by our founders. We can do this by using citizen-impanelled
and administered grand juries to hold presidents like Obama and others
at the highest levels of government accountable for the crimes that
have driven our nation to the brink of extinction."
hope you will watch this short video update on Sheriff Joe Arpaio's
efforts: Breaking:
Forward Movement In The Obama Identity Fraud Case. Carl Gallups
gives an update after coming back from CPAC that is very encouraging.
Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama, legally is a private citizen.
He can be indicted and tried for his crimes, for which they are
many. Besides presenting a forged birth certificate to the world,
using someone else's social security number and a forged Selective
Service Registration (a felony which prohibits him from working
in any government job, including president), if the truth ever
comes out about Benghazi, he could be tried for treason.
will never be any action taken by Eric Holder, our racist U.S. Attorney
General. Although I am not an attorney, I believe the appropriate
action at the federal level would be a RICO (Racketeer Influenced
and Corrupt Organizations Act) and scoop up Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi
and any other Demorats besides Soetoro for their part in getting him
on the ballot. RICO is white collar crimes; 35 on the list. Soetoro
is guilty of not only the birth certificate forgery, etc., but also
wire fraud, mail fraud, money laundering (illegal overseas donations)
and "bringing in, aiding or assisting aliens in illegally
entering the country (if the action was for financial gain)".
The Department of Homeland Security has not seriously rounded up illegal
aliens and getting them deported.
supports giving drivers licenses to illegal aliens who have no
legal right to be in this country and on our roads. They also
have no right to jobs that belong to Americans and naturalized
Americans. Comrade Obama had the audacity to say, "Undocumented
workers do not come here to drive. They're here to work." "They're
here to work" is aiding and assisting illegal aliens for financial
gain by refusing to strongly enforce our immigration laws. Instead,
his illegitimate administration has fought states like Arizona
in their efforts to identify and round up illegal aliens.
don't know why Sheriff Arpaio hasn't gone to his county district attorney
or state attorney general to ask for a grand jury, but perhaps he's
not ready, yet. We don't know all that's going on behind the scenes
as Mr. Gallups explaines in the video above. Time is of the essence,
but I know Sheriff Joe and his people have to proceed so the opportunity
to bring that pathological liar camped out in the White House isn't
I were a county district attorney or state attorney general, I would
contact Sheriff Joe and work with him, and at the first opportunity,
bring all the evidence to a grand jury. No county or state paycheck
is worth selling out my country. No county or state paycheck is worth
letting a criminal who lied and cheated his way into the White House
get away with his crimes. No one is above the law and that includes
Barry Soetoro.
I doubt there are any men and women county district attorney's or
state attorney generals in this country who have the moral courage
to step forward and take the hard road. I hope I'm wrong, but where
are their voices all these years? Any of them who step up to the plate
and demonstrate we're not a country of cowards would be hailed hero
by millions of Americans who know the truth and are sick and tired
of seeing a stinking Marxist laugh in our faces while he gets away
with his crimes. They should know we have their back and will support
conundrum of removing Obama/Soetoro from office
up on Quo Warranto as it relates to removing Obama/Soetoro
an investigation into Obama's birth certificate criminal fraud
could be removed by his own signature
Supreme Court Eligibility Issue: Shame On You
Criminal impostor who usurped
the office of president sworn in, again
- The Continuing Saga of lawlessness
Why Obama
cannot be impeached
2- Obama Citizenship
& Industrial Strength Stupidity
3- Obama's
Ineligibility: How Deep Does the Corruption Go?
4- Impeach
Obama! Stop wasting your time
5- Quo Warranto
filed by presidential candidate
6- Judicial
Cowardice - A Stench Rolling Across America
7- Obama's
lies, fraud: Can Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald open an investigation?
8- Forgerygate:
Demand a Special Counsel Appointment
9- Obama
provided the ammunition to bring him down
10- Why won't
Hawaii Legislature investigate birth certificate forgery? Hint:
Senate 1 Republican, 24 Demorats; House: 7 Republicans, 51 Demorats
the American people even care? Tens of millions, including hacks like
Hannity & O'Reilly could care less: Terry
Lakin is Obama's Willie Horton