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To HydroBalance Mother Nature
Back To Health - Part 1

By B K LIm
There seems to be more intense and widespread flooding less than a year after the BP's massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Is this a mere coincidence? Or is there more to it and the main stream media is not telling?
As of late Oct 2011, the massive oil spill has not run its course yet. There has been has been numerous sighting of fresh oils and reported gas bubbles at locations where previous oil slick had been found. See figure 145-1 (U20111023) below. All these confirmed our previous prediction of long term climatic consequences following BP's mega oil spill disaster.
While massive flooding had occurred before; they have never occurred on such a massive scale over so many regions at such close intervals following a massive well blowout and a mega oil spill.
Pro-oil scientists and geologists often cite that it is impossible for a tiny 10inch well spewing only 60,000 bpd (upgraded from the initial 1,000) for 87 days to have caused such havoc to the world's climate. Their favorite line of argument: "No well blowout in history has caused such massive environmental havoc before". But did they emphasize the huge fundamental flaws in their argument.
First and foremost there has never been a well blowout so deep underwater and so disastrous. Although the government officially capped it at 4.1 millions barrels, talks among industry circles put it possibly many times more. With the reservoir still leaking openly through the faulted pathways all around the gulf, the leaks will not stop until depletion. The Macondo recoverable reserves was estimated to be as low as 50 million barrels but a Forbes publication suggests it could more likely be a hefty 1 billion barrels.
This means a lot more oil has yet to leak out through the broken geology if nothing is done. In a worst case scenario, the wide spread underground erosion sets off an unprecedented shallow crustal adjustments in the New Madrid fault zone. Like an unwinding spring coil releasing all the pent-up stresses accumulate over thousands of years. The Macondo prospect lies within the central pivoting point of the intra-plate tectonics and a "deep puncture" at here is more disastrous than anywhere else in the gulf.
The main stream media has also not emphasized the massive amount of green house gases released into the atmosphere? The widespread vaporization of methane deposit (due to hot escaping oil) and toxic gasses leaking from the Macondo reservoir have not ceased for sure. After more than 15 months of relentless underground erosion (from reservoir level to the seafloor) the rate of toxic gas emissions is likely to have increased exponentially.
To be fair, the world was already swamped with environmental pollution from the rapid pace of global industrialization, mining and urbanization. An oil spill and gas discharge on such a massive scale just turbo-charged and drove the world faster over the brink. Observational evidence shows a clear correlation between historic eruptions and subsequent years of cold climate conditions. See Geology SDSU.Edu on the examples of Laki (1783), Tambora (1815), Karkatau (1883) and Pinatubo (1991). No doubt the volume of gases and other volcanic materials spewed during the eruptions are more massive within a few weeks but BP's mega oil spill disaster lasted much longer (at least 15 months longer and counting) and spread wider.
When It Rains, It Pours
Hydro-dams can only control water when the water is still in the catchment area and not after the flood waters had reached the flood plains. Most typhoons, like Nesat and Nalgae dumped much of their rain load on the fluvial plains outside the control of hydro dams. Most existing drainage systems converge and drain into the main fluvial channels. This is like causing a massive traffic jam during peak flows and they all flow southwards towards Bangkok. With low elevation, there is not much gradient to speed up the water flow. Even if there is, the flood water will accumulate at the next flat zone. Our present surface drainage system is thus like a serial, linear system; never suitable to cater for peak flows during floods.
To solve our flooding woes, our fundamental concept of a converging system must radically change to a divergent distributed system (a complete reversal). In order to do that
there need to be alternative water outlets, not just the sea
any excess water above the optimum flow level of the main channels must be automatically removed so that the volume of water can never reach the danger level of flooding (tackling the problem at root level before it gets too massive to handle)
water in the alternative outlet can be stored for extraction during the dry period or channel out to areas in need of water.
Nature has already provided us with a ready made solution. All we need to do is to harness the enormous potential of our natural resources, hundreds to thousands of metres below us. Drill large deep wells into the highly fractured fault zones to act as vertical and inclined channels to the suitable porous rock formations for massive storage. Each country will need to design their own distributed network of underground channels (a combination of connecting tunnels and suitable fault zones) to interconnect the aquifers and deeper formations based on their respective geological structures and stratigraphy.
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