Hundreds Of Thousands Paul
Supporters Voted For Romney


Hundreds of enthusiastic DP’ers have posted proudly, “I voted for Ron Paul today.” However, in many cases that's not even true. Instead, those dedicated freedom fighters may have just cast their votes for their arch-enemy, globalist and Goldman Sachs candidate Mitt Romney.

Countless thousands of our votes have been stolen today and handed over to Romney. That’s right, Romney gets the CREDIT for our votes, falsely gloating in it. If that doesn’t make your blood boil, what will?

This has been happening since Iowa. The same happened in tonight’s primaries. Yet, incredibly, it also happened years ago in West Virginia, Indiana, and North Carolina, in that case for John McCain.

In 2008 we were cheated out of tens of thousands of votes in these states. For instance, in West Virginia McCain had minimal popularity and was, rather, greatly disliked. Yet, he 'won' in a landslide. It was all rigged. Are we going to let it happen again?

Read the entire story here...



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