National Committee v Republican National Committee
No. 09-4615 (C.A. 3, Mar. 8, 2012)
1982, the Republican National Committee (“RNC”) and
the Democratic National Committee (“DNC”) entered
into a consent decree (the “Decree” or “Consent
Decree”), which is national in scope, limiting the RNC’s
ability to engage or assist in voter fraud prevention unless the
RNC obtains the court's approval in advance. The RNC appeals from
a judgment of the United States District Court for the District
of New Jersey denying, in part, the RNC’s Motion to Vacate
or Modify the Consent Decree. Although the District Court declined
to vacate the Decree, it did make modifications to the Decree.
The RNC argues that the District Court abused its discretion by
modifying the Decree as it did and by declining to vacate the
Decree. For the following reasons, we will affirm the District
Court's judgment.
the 1981 New Jersey gubernatorial election, the DNC, the New Jersey
Democratic State Committee (“DSC”), Virginia L. Peggins,
and Lynette Monroe brought an action against the RNC, the New
Jersey Republican State Committee (“RSC”), John A.
Kelly, Ronald Kaufman, and Alex Hurtado, alleging that the RNC
and RSC targeted minority voters in an effort to intimidate them
in violation of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (“VRA”),
42 U.S.C. §§ 1971, 1973, and the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments
to the Constitution of the United States. The RNC allegedly created
a voter challenge list by mailing sample ballots to individuals
in precincts with a high percentage of racial or ethnic minority
registered voters and, then, including individuals whose postcards
were returned as undeliverable on a list of voters to challenge
at the polls. The RNC also allegedly enlisted the help of off-duty
sheriffs and police officers to intimidate voters by standing
at polling places in minority precincts during voting with “National
Ballot Security Task Force” armbands. Some of the officers
allegedly wore firearms in a visible manner.
settle the lawsuit, the RNC and RSC entered into the Consent Decree
at issue here. Rest at link above.
month, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to stop it:
Court declines to hear Republican voting challenge
Supreme Court on Monday refused to hear a legal challenge by the
Republican National Committee to dissolve a 1982 decree designed
to stop the improper suppression of voting by particular groups."
groups meaning minorities.
fraud hurts everyone regardless of skin color or ethnic background.
It's un-American, period. Vote fraud has controlled our national
elections as well as state legislatures and even ballot measures
for decades. The people of this country have allowed it to continue
because of apathy and laziness. State legislatures have allowed
it to continue because of racial politics. Now the U.S. Supreme
Court has given the green light for the DNC to continue massive,
systematic vote fraud across the board.
do you think the Democratic/Communist Party USA and the American
Communist Lawyers Union (ACLU) fight so hard to defeat voter ID
laws? To allow illegals and non eligible individuals into the
voting booth.
you know why the GOP and Romney didn't challenge the massive vote
fraud. They all knew about that lawsuit, but most of us only found
out shortly after the election. I wonder if big donors would like
to get their millions back?
you know why the GOP can't challenge vote fraud if it's in a minority
voting area. Vote fraud was everywhere again this last fake election,
again. But, vote fraud aside, Romney won because Barry Soetoro
aka Obama was not legally on the ballot and no one had the "right"
to vote for him. The
Oval Office is still empty.
utterly and completely foolish of the RNC. They literally committed
political suicide, while blacks in office now have their revenge
against Caucasian Americans for something not a single living
person in this country had anything to do with: slavery.
Holder: Black Panther case focus demeans 'my people'
General Eric Holder finally got fed up Tuesday with claims that
the Justice Department went easy in a voting rights case against
members of the New Black Panther Party because they are African
American. Holder's frustration over the criticism became evident
during a House Appropriations subcommittee hearing as Rep. John
Culberson (R-Texas) accused the Justice Department of failing
to cooperate with a Civil Rights Commission investigation into
the handling of the 2008 incident in which Black Panthers in intimidating
outfits and wielding a club stood outside a polling place in Philadelphia."
New Black Panthers and the Justice Department
revenge. It's just fine to allow thugs from the Black Panthers
to physically intimidate non-minority voters and there's not a
thing the RNC can do about it because we have a racist Attorney
General. "His people"? See how Eric Holder really thinks and he's
not alone:
Obama's blanket 'stolen'
Democrat strategist claims not a crime since 'we have a black
Black, Hispanic kids are 'our future workforce': "The president
responded by saying he would focus on "communities of color" in
his second term because those two groups are the "future workforce"
of America."
about Chinese, Caucasian or Native Americans in the workforce?
They're not part of America's future workforce? What the impostor
really said was future voters.
you imagine the howling and screeching that would roll across
this country if a Caucasian president ever launched a White Americans
for Reagan or Bush or Romney?
Obama Announces the 2012 Launch of African Americans for Obama
Soetoro's unlawful presidency has done more harm to racial harmony
in this country than most people realize.
anyone's going to be deported, it's going to be you! ... Get out!
We are the future. You're old and tired. Go on. We have beaten
you - leave like beaten rats. You old white people, it is your
duty to die. Right now, we're already controlling those elections,
whether it's by violence or nonviolence. Through love of having
children we're going to take over." Augustin Cebada, information
minister of Brown Berets, militant para-military soldiers of Aztlan
shouting at U.S. citizens at an Independence Day rally in Los
me spell it out for folks and I don't give a tinker's damn about
race pimps like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson or the militant America
haters at LaRaza.
impostor in the Red House (formerly the White House) and his socialist/communist
comrades in the U.S. House and Senate are pushing for another
full blown amnesty like the one Ronald Reagan signed in 1986,
opening the flood gates for the illegals invasion that's been
underway ever since. For 30 years both parties have refused to
lock down our borders. The Republicans controlled the House and
Senate for eight years under a Republican president; Bush, Jr.
They did nothing to stop the invasion or close the borders.
of country of origin, illegal means illegal. Soetoro and GOP sell
outs like John McCain, Marco Rubio and Jeff Flake are onboard
to reward instead of deport. The so-called "pathway to citizenship"
is a reward for future voters.
would alleged "conservatives" in the Republican Party jump on
board with rewarding lawbreakers? Because they want the big voting
block, both legal voters and illegal aliens, which are Mexicans.
The largest number of individuals who sneak across our border
like the thieves in the night are from Mexico. I have several
friends who are of Mexican ancestry. They are vehemently against
illegal aliens sneaking into this country because their parents
and grand parents followed the rules. They don't like cheaters.
Now, before the race baiting pimps decide to load up my email
box for using the word Mexican:
Hispanics Prefer Describing Identity From Family’s Country
Of Origin
(CBSDC) – "A study shows that most Hispanics do not prefer
the term “Hispanic” or “Latino” when it
comes to describing their identity. According to a new poll conducted
by the Pew Research Center, 51 percent of Hispanics would rather
be identified from their family's country of origin, instead of
describing their identity as “Hispanic” or “Latino.”
(51%) say that most often they use their family's country of origin
to describe their identity,” the Pew Research Center survey
says. “That includes such terms as ‘Mexican’
or ‘Cuban’ or ‘Dominican,’ for example.
Just one-quarter (24%) say they use the terms ‘Hispanic’
or ‘Latino’ to most often to describe their identity.
And 21% say they use the term ‘American’ most often.”
asked if they have a preference for either being identified as
“Hispanic” or “Latino,” the Pew study
finds that “half (51%) say they have no preference for either
term.” If they did have to choose, the study finds that
“’Hispanic’ is preferred over ‘Latino’
by more than a two-to-one margin—33% versus 14%.”
have never been a German/Italian/American. I've always been an
American. Hyphenated American divides, it does not unite us as
a people for one nation. But, constantly pushing hypenated this
or that American is deliberate to keep the people divided and
it's worked perfectly for the evil doers. What is underway and
has been for decades is the deliberate deconstruction of our culture
and of course, borders, while exploiting ignorant, illiterate
number being bandied about for this latest amnesty disaster is
11 MILLION illegal aliens. The Democratic/Communist Party USA
wants millions of liars and thieves to vote their party ticket
and the big carrot is a "pathway to citizenship". And, they will
because the Democratic/Communist Party USA is all about stealing
from you to give to the takers. They will use Mexicans and Latinos
and enslave them the same as they have black Americans:
must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tension.
By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for
centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can mold
them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will
aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against
the whites, we will endeavor to install in the whites a guilt
complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the
Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions
and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige,
the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin
a process which will deliver America to our cause." Israel Cohen,
a leading Communist in England, in his 'A Racial Program For
The 20th Century (1912).' Quoted by Congressman Abernathy,
Congressional Record, June 7, 1957, p. 8559."
Democratic/Communist Party USA doesn't care about the working
man or woman. Their only goal is to Sovietize these united States
of America and we're dangerouly close. The Democratic/Communist
Party USA didn't care about black Americans decades ago. They
put those poor folks in unconstitutional government housing (the
projects) and look at what future millions have had: poverty,
drugs and violence. The Democratic/Communist Party USA is the
planation owner, but black Americans simply can't see past the
hatred instilled in them by Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the Black
Panthers and other so-called "civil rights" leaders.
impostor in the White House and scum like Nancy Pelosi, Charles
Schumer and Harry Reid will continue telling illegal aliens they
care about them when in fact they nothing about them. Only about
making sure they register as Democrats because they promise to
steal from you to give to those who feel you and I ow them. Controlling
the lives of millions, making them dependent instead of independent
and self-reliant.
also believe this push to give amnesty to another 11 MILLION,
which will end up being twice as high, is to get them sucked into
the two giant Ponzi taxing schemes called Social Security and
Medicare. Two programs that are nearly $90 TRILLION in unpaid
the 54.4 MILLION murdered babies in the womb who would have been
forced to contribute to those taxing schemes if they had been
allowed to live, and their children forced into those toxic systems,
millions and millions more are now needed to stem the eventual
collapse. Give 11 million plus illegals amnesty and force them
into those Ponzi schemes.
and Medicare cannot be sustained. Adding millions more into those
taxing schemes isn't going to fix the problem. It is just adding
more fuel to the bond fire. Look at Greece, Spain and the other
socialist countries. The clock is ticking here. Not to mention
the ever burgeoning Medicaid obligations for the states.
isn't enough manpower or money to do a background check on 11
MILLION + illegal aliens. There isn't enough money or manpower
to verify all the information provided by an illegal alien whether
they snuck in from Mexico, Serbia, Communist China, Ireland or
South America.
is no way to verify their health status. The diseased sneaking
across our border is never even discussed on "fair and balanced"
networks like FOX:
to the world welcomes illegals & contagious diseases
* Deadly
diseases migrating into America with illegal aliens
* What
conservatives and the GOP dare not say about immigration
isn't enough money and manpower to chase down criminal records
of an applicant or an individual using forged documents who is
part of a terror organization in the Middle East. They're already
here, so people better wake up about this rancid new immigration
"reform" because it is a threat to national security.
doesn't matter if they've been here five minutes or fifty years,
illegal means illegal. If this new "reform" bill gets passed and
signed by the impostor in the White House, it will so dilute our
citizenship laws they may as well get rid of them. Something Judge
Andrew Napolitano favors because he supports open borders. Yes,
he does. I watched his interview on Jon Stewart's stupid show,
Nov. 15, 2012, while in my hotel room channel surfing.
course, that's what the global elite desire: Seamless borders
to integrate these united States of America with Canada and Mexico
to bring a North American Union into being.
MILLION jobs that belong to Americans are now held by illegal
Labor Pool And Its Impact On Unemployment Rates
like Rubio, McCain and Flake support illegals stealing jobs that
belong to Americans. Yes, they do. They want to reward millions
of illegals who unlawfully hold jobs that an American would be
glad to have. It will only get worse if this new amnesty goes
don't need a new immigration reform bill. Enforce the damn laws
on the books aggressively. Go after employers. Seal off the borders.
Does anyone get the constitutional militia yet and the "security
of a free state"?
control the U.S. House of Representatives. No bill can get signed
into law without getting passed there. It can't just be the senate.
We need to melt the phone lines non stop until we kill any amnesty
or "pathway to citizenship" bill. Forget the communists in the
Senate, but go after Rubio if you live in Florida; McCain and
Flake if you live in Arizona.
Amnesty bill collapsed after voters flooded Congress with angry
phone calls
did it before and we must do it again.
do not want amnesty for illegals:
Poll Collection Refutes Bogus Poll Saying Americans Want Amnesty
for Illegals
not reward. Deport not reward millions who have used forged documents,
stolen the identity of Americans and ruined their lives:
okay for illegals to steal your identity!
Angel, Relative of Swift Employee: Everybody has to do what they
have to do to make a living. I agree with that, that it's wrong.
But at the same time, it's not, because, you know, we are human
beings." So, even though it's wrong to steal the identity of an
American, it's not really because "we're all human beings." It's
okay to smuggle yourself across the border, steal someone else's
identity and credit history because, after all, "we're just human
beings." It's okay to smuggle yourself across the border and take
a job that lawfully belongs to an American because, golly, warm,
fuzzy - "we're just human beings." This is how these criminals
think: they know they're breaking the law, but any politically
correct excuse will be used to justify their actions."
those miscreants in the U.S. House to stand up and fight for what's
right, not for future votes. Find your house member at:;
senate is
Republicans cave on this, I don't see how anyone could remain
with that party. If the Republicans cave on this, they will do
irreparable harm to this country. Look at the massive damage already
done from the illegals invasion: More Americans are killed every
year by illegals than died on 9/11. Some are caught, others are
not. How about robberies, rapes and other violence by illegal
aliens who aren't caught? Reward them with citizenship? Bankupting
hospitals, draining school resources, welfare and monstrous costs
for their crimes, i.e., the court system, jails and prisons. Do
not let this amnesty get through because it will bring more illegals.
Mark my words. It happened after Reagan signed the "reform" bill
in 1986 and it will happen again.
recommend these two books:
Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions
Imperil Our Country and Civilization
2- Suicide
of a Superpower: Will America Survive to 2025?
rape on the horizon:
of giving illegal immigrants path to citizenship could outweigh
fiscal benefits - $29 BILLION annually
2- Call
For Political Revolt vs New Obama Amnesty
3- Obama's
refusal to deport illegal aliens unconstitutional, say law professors
4- Should
Democratic Party merge with Communist Party?
5- The
Democratic Party Doesn't Care About the Working Class
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