The Highest Court In |
WAR Was declared on the U.S.A. December 31, 2011.
There will not be a United States of America anymore.
The whole thing sounds like a made-for-television Movie-of-the- Week Ironically it’s gone far beyond that, because this time it’s the government itself that has instituted this WAR: By organizing and carrying out a PREEMPTIVE-INSURRECTION against their own people; while most of the public are still half-asleep, but that’s about to change radically! “What is the definition of Insurrection? The act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority or a constituted government. Does it define the present state we are in? It is not always the people in revolt.(This time) It is the Federal Government defying the Constitution and the rule of law. Using the end justifies the means breaking the law all the way. President Barrack Obama’s actions have been an act of war against the American people. He swore an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. Everything he has done has been to undermine the Constitution. He sees himself as a law unto himself. He is acting as a dictator or a king making edicts or decrees. Our Country has been taken over by offshore bankers and multinational corporations. Their puppet politicians are waging war on our freedoms and our way of life. They are using the force of government to attack the law-abiding people and economic freedom. They are using the force of government with the color of law to attack what is good and whole. They take an oath then turn right around and disregard our form of government and the restrictions the Constitution placed on them in office. We no longer have a lawful government in Washington DC. They have rigged the elections with electronic voting machines. They are attacking free speech. They are using jack booted thugs to terrorize organic farmers and raw milk distributors. The TSA disregards the Constitution and puts people on the no-fly list without the accused (being able to) confront their accusers… Do we have a government involved in insurrection against the people? Yes we do because they have declared war on us…” (1) During the last thirteen-years the public has waited for the Courts and the Congress to ACT—and ACT they did, but AGAINST the people, not for us! There should have been impeachments by the boatload, there were none. There should have been hearings and investigations and prison sentences along with executions, but throughout all of the last 13 YEARS, none of that happened either! Instead of arresting the Outlaws, charging them with Treason and all their other crimes, for which RICO should have been used to strip every one of them down to the clothing on their backs—yet nothing was done! Since 2008 the man-without-a-country in the Tarnished House has been committing massive crimes and nothing at all is done to him or to his owners. Now all three branches of this-government have OPENED-FIRE on the public, in this FREE-FIRE-ZONE that was the United States of America.
Consequently the compromised courts are dead to us, along with the turncoat-congress that is owned outright by Israel & their globalist-masters. We have the Militia and the Court of Public Opinion that can and possibly will begin to hand down some extremely tough sentences very soon. Here’s what’s happening on the Gun-Grabbing issue… “A NEW BENEDICT ARNOLD is now defacing the Constitutional order of liberty in American life and her name is Diane Feinstein. With her devilish mission to strip the Goys of their guns—(she wants MORE than just “assault weapons” BANNED)—Dianne Feinstein has to be the MOST HATED woman in America today. And she just happens to be a Jew. But does it really matter that Feinstein is a Jew?” Yes it does. First of all, American Jewry is getting very nervous that a JEW is leading the attack on America’s most cherished possession affirmed by the Second Amendment, the right of personal sovereignty. One Jewish group in particular, Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, fears a backlash against American Jewry owing to the anti-gun lobbying of several national Jewish organizations. Rabbi Aaron Zelman, founder of JPFO, puts it this way: “By working to destroy the Bill of Rights, Jewish Groups are fanning the flames of anti-Semitism. “A lot of Americans resent these people who trample on our fundamental rights.” View Entire Story Here. But what is even more likely to “fan the flames” of anti-Semitism is due to the high number of HIGH PROFILE JEWS now at the forefront of trampling on the Second Amendment. Abe Foxman’s mission to prevent a backlash against Jews is bound to fail when JEWISH NAMES like Feinstein, Blumenthal, Cardin, Wasserman-Shultz, Schumer, Israel, Boxer, Lautenberg, Bloomberg, are LEADING THE CHARGE to STRIP Americans of their guns. It’s really a matter of personal ownership—(which underlies the right to bear arms in order to defend oneself and family)—that is at stake here. And Dianne Feinstein, a Jew, is hell-bent on seizing ownership of every American citizen’s particular and personal individual body. DO AMERICANS WANT TO BE OWNED by Dianne Feinstein? Do Americans want to be owned by Jews? Do Americans want a Jew like Feinstein and her ilk to tell them what they are allowed and not allowed to do with their OWN BODIES? Do Americans who possess “grandfathered” weapons want the Jew Feinstein to preside over them being investigated, photographed, and fingerprinted…their firearms registered with local, state, and federal authorities by type and serial number? For this is EXACTLY what this freedom-hating Jew Feinstein is pushing with her new piece of legislation. WHAT GIVES FEINSTEIN THE RIGHT to moralize over Americans who work for a living when she herself is nothing but a contemptible parasite feeding off taxpayers’ hard-earned money for the entirety of her life and career? Who gave this Jew the license to tell Gentiles what they can or cannot buy when she herself has enriched herself with a net worth of $108 million through insider trading due to being privy to companies about to receive large grants from Congress? What gives Feinstein the right to deny families their inalienable right to arm and defend themselves when she herself has been legislating for homosexuality, lesbianism, and transgenderism, all of which militates against the preservation of the family? Is it any wonder then that Dianne Feinstein is the MOST HATED woman in America today? Would it be any surprise if Feinstein’s gun grab provokes a backlash against Jewry? Is there any question in anybody’s mind that Feinstein—A JEW—is the enemy of America?” (2) At the moment everything is obscene and getting worse - but while we are “At WAR”, what matters most right now is: The American Court of Public Opinion Backed up by an American Militia ready, willing and able to reverse these illegal and pre-emptive strikes with which the public has been dealing since the false-flag of 911 began to generate those trillions upon trillions which the FED just keeps on misplacing—the last figure given was—wait for it… NINE TRILLION DOLLARS JUST DISAPPEARED! Do you think there might be a crime in there somewhere? I have no inside information whatsoever, but my bet is that Feinstein and her filthy-crew of TRAITORS (one and all) will quite possibly be arrested or deported if they are not hung in the end. Before this massive travesty is over, one thing seems clear - from Feinstein to Bloomberg & Cuomo and all the rest of them is that they will all lose everything they have amassed as TRAITORS. This professional-pack of Jackals should also be charged with attempting to overthrow the CONSITUTION by erasing the 2nd Amendment (that was never business as usual) and everyone that forcefully went for the gun-grab should be also be charged with attempting to undermine the Constitution, which is against the law! Feinstein & the Man-Without-A-Country are trying to lead. But all need to face the maximum consequences, for what each one of them tried to do—IMMEDIATELY. Bloomberg and Cuomo along with Barry ought to apologize to the public and withdraw their latest little-political-venture into treason or have their body-guards withdrawn and let nature take its course… WHEN GOVERNMENT IGNORES THE LAWS THEN THE PUBLIC IS NOT BOUND BY THOSE LAWS EITHER Violence, rape and murder were the government’s opening-shots across America: That’s how the war on us began. That was followed by TSA and all the filthy creatures from the FBI, CIA, Mossad, ATF, the whole pile of criminals hiding behind their plastic badges. Personally I never got over the fact that J. Edgar Hoover was a cross-dressing-control freak who wore women’s panties and a bra beneath his little grey suits: Hoover’s policies established the paranoid and perverted functions which came to outline the role of the FBI. Hoover set his personal-policies toward the powerful in stone to protect himself, thru blackmail, from public-exposure. Today, America still takes that pervert seriously - despite what his agency did in Waco, Ruby Ridge and Wounded Knee. These supposed lawmen are nothing but cowards and we should purge those that have been changing sides all along, as this saga never seems to end! JOIN US AND TAKE AMERICA BACK FROM THE OUTLAWS IN OFFICE THAT HAVE SOLD EVERY MAN WOMAN & CHILD, IN THIS COUNTRY TO ILLEGAL & INSANE
ISRAEL! 1) Is Our Government Involved in Insurrection Against the People? This is Why They Hate the Second Amendment. 2) Feinstein The Enemy of America! |
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