Grossly Illegal Contradictions By Jim Kirwan
Since the day that the five Supreme Court ‘Justices’: Rehnquist, O’Conner, Scalia, Thomas & Kennedy broke the law: This nation has been at war with itself. It’s time to face this fact and charge the five members in the illegal 5-4 decision. As the top-court in the land when the U.S. Supreme Court chose to break the law this made every other court below them meaningless. This is something I spelled out when called for jury-duty here and was immediately dismissed from that court-duty date. The decision the CRIMINAL-FIVE made was not within their right to-act. That decision was supposed to have been made, or not-made, by the United States Congress. Because they kept silent, that entire congress which existed back in 2000 must face criminal-charges now for their actions on 12, 12, 2000. That piece of treason brought on everything else that this nation has undergone from that day to this. Cheney-Bush continued the treason. When Cheney was able to “turn-off” the multiple-trillion-dollar U. S. National Air Defense System so that 911 could be pulled off without interference from the U.S. Air Force, his crimes were being protected by his own actions. Cheney’s actions silenced command & control of North American Air Defense. Rumsfeld was also directly responsible by another slight-of-hand in which the U.S. Secretary of Defense, on 911, had control of the entire ability of America to shoot down or to otherwise stop every plane in the skies, after the first-strike. Consequently the murders’ committed on 911 were the direct responsibility of Donald S. Rumsfeld, President Bush as well as Dick Cheney who monitored every action and non-action of all U.S. forces on that day. “This document requires that the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, be personally responsible for issuing intercept orders. Commanders in the field are stripped of all authority to act. This amazing order came from S.A. Fry (Vice Admiral, US Navy and Director, Joint Staff) so it appears that responsibility for the US armed forces “Failure to Respond” rests directly with Fry for issuing this instruction, as well as with Rumsfeld for failing to execute his responsibility to issue orders in a timely fashion. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction CJCSI 3610.01A (dated 1 June 2001) was issued to provide “guidance to the Deputy Director for Operations (DDO), National Military Command Center (NMCC), and operational commanders in the event of an aircraft piracy (hijacking) or request for destruction of derelict airborne objects.” This new instruction superseded CJCSI 3610.01 of 31 July 1997. This CJCSI states, “In the event of a hijacking, the NMCC will be notified by the most expeditious means by the FAA. The NMCC will, with the exception of immediate responses as authorized by referenced, forward requests for DOD assistance to the Secretary of Defense for approval.” Reference D refers to Department of Defense Directive 3025.15 (Feb. 18, 1997) which allows for commanders in the field to provide assistance to save lives in an emergency situation — BUT any requests involving “potentially lethal support” (including “combat and tactical vehicles, vessels or aircraft; or ammunition”) must still be approved by the Secretary of Defense. So again, the ability to respond to a hijacking in any meaningful fashion is stripped from the commanders in the field and given directly to Rummy! Another discovery that these documents clarifies, is that this administration did not give a damn about what happened, as it was happening, which could explain part of their hostility to having anyone apologize for those attacks on that day. This was an extended and vicious attack upon this nation. It was also the cold-blooded slaughter of thousands of people. The 9-11 commission was callously constituted not to look into these events themselves, but instead to look at policy questions, which is about as worthwhile as watching grass grow. But as each new revelation breaks out of the fog of war surrounding 9-11, it becomes evermore clear to the world that this was an inside job.” (1) All of the above was ILLEGAL and callously ignored. The congress, the courts & the public, since that day that each of these TREASONS were committed, have been jointly guilty on all counts. Is it any wonder that the pretender in the Oval Office now feels supremely-confident in issuing his own crimes-against-the public by “determining” that he and he alone can KILL Americans or anyone else, any where in the world today? Based solely on his opinion, the resident criminal-in-the-Tarnished House can summarily execute anyone, whenever or wherever he chooses because no LAWS (national or international) apply to him or to the actions of the US Military or mercenaries, on his behalf. The evidence is known about all the crimes outlined above. It has been known at least since March 31, 2004 (Nine years ago) when the first footnote below became public. Millions of people the world over have been slaughtered by the actions of the traitors that were making and enforcing illegal U.S. Policies since 12-12-2000. The CRIME of the Bush ascension along with all its subsequent results MUST BE ANSWERED FOR! The current failed effort by the Gun-Grabbing-Zionist-Criminals in the United States—is crystal-clear—in that foreign-powers that represent Israel and their interests have attempted to takeover this nation. These outsiders from Israel seek nothing-less than the death of this nation and must be exposed and stripped of everything they own while they wait for the prosecution that will remove them from all political-positions which they have held for decades. As Mike Adams points out, the people of the Unites States have awakened, and presumably they will not soon be able to ever go back to-sleep again, anytime soon.
the aftermath of the tragic Sandy Hook shooting, the gun grabbers
across America unleashed a full court press to try to wholly disarm
American citizens. With the help of the incessantly anti-gun
mainstream media, people like Biden, Bloomberg, Cuomo, Feinstein and
Obama managed to stir up a frenzy of fabricated fear that promised
all our children would be violently gunned down if we didn't
immediately agree to turn in all our guns and ammo magazines. Analysis of ways in which the gun grab backfired
• Instead
of reducing sales of AR-15s and other firearms in America, the gun
grab dramatically
increased sales
of nearly all firearms beyond any previous record. In essence, the
American people bought
nearly every gun available anywhere in the country,
leaving gun store shelves empty. The upshot of all this? 10+ million
new firearms in the hands of citizens and a one-year backlog of gun
orders with manufacturers.
• While
gun grabbers hoped the U.S. military would agree to fire upon
American citizens who refused to turn in their guns, what really
happened is that huge numbers of active duty soldiers announced they
would never participate in military action against their own
countrymen. In fact, inside the military there is rising talk of
commanding officers in the head
if they order troops to fire on American citizens over gun rights
issues. On many fronts there is still a great deal to do. The first act of rebellion has already happened and is expanding the ranks of gun-owners who clearly stood their ground, while they continue to expand their determination to enforce real penalties on those that tried to steal our guns. This took place while political-criminals tried to murder the right of self-defense along with all the other freedoms protected solely by the second amendment. The traitors, inside America, prematurely tried to use a false-flag to end the lives of all Americans in their haste. Now is the time to use this newly won situation to go after those who are still trying to kill us all! The same kind of knee-jerk haste is being used by those who cannot wait to implement AGENDA 21. This plan is still HORRIFICALLY BEHIND SCHEDULE. Neither the UN nor NATO is ready to assume what they are supposed-to-have-subsumed already in order to fully conquer what remains of the USA. Any attempt to paint this situation otherwise, amounts to little more than “continuing scare-tactics”. Apparently the current rush began long before they had achieved what needed to be done: Before they tried to push AGENDA 21 down the throats of so many armed and angry Americans. It is clear that AMERICANS will FIGHT AGENDA 21 just as they have fought the gun-grabbers. Members of the paper-world of the UN are even less well protected, in New York, than are the 535 member-traitors in the US Congress. The people who are seeking to steal this nation might just want to THINK ABOUT THAT…
2) How the post-Sandy Hook gun control push spectacularly backfired in America http://www.naturalnews.com/038970_gun_control_backfired_America.html 3) BACKGROUND: |
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