Today, a trial was conducted
in Indianapolis Indiana on the issue of Daclaratory relief and injunctive
relief due to Obama's use of forged Birth Certificate, Selective Service
Certificate and a fraudulently obtained Connecticut Social Security
number 042-68-4425.
Presiding Judge is a superior court Judge Sherry K. Reid. For the Plaintiffs
appeared attorneys Orly Taitz and local Indiana counsel Greg Black.
For the defense appeared Deputy Attorney General Kenneth Joel and Deputy
attorney general Jefferson Garn.
Over an extremely rigorous objection by the defense, Judge Reid admitted
into evidence exhibits and testimony of witnesses Paul Irey and Felicito
Mr. Papa testified that he graduated from the Indiana Institute of Technology
had some 20 years of experience with Adobe Illustrator program. He testified
that Obama''s birth certificate opened in Adobe illustrator in 9 layers,
which means that this is a document, which underwent computer manipulation.
Mr. Papa testified that it cannot be a genuine document, as in 1961
there was no Adobe Illustrator. Birth certificates in 1961 were created
not on the computer, but with a typewriter. He stated his opinion that
this is a forgery. His exhibits, showing layers within the document,
were admitted into evidence.
Mr. Paul Irey testified that he has 57 years of experience working for
NSA and later advertising, typesetting and computer graphics programs.
Mr. Irey testified that Obama's alleged birth certificate is a computer
generated forgery.
Mr. Irey had a large board with exhibits, where he showed enlargements
of all the letters in Obama's birth certificate. He vividly demonstrated
that letters came from different typesetting, which in itself is a proof
of forgery.
Additionally Mr. Irey testified that when a document is printed with
a typewriter, the spaces between the letters are the same, however in
Obama's birth certificate the spacing varies, which is a sign of forgery.
Mr. Irey also testified that there is a white halo around letters in
Obama's birth certificate, which can exist oly as a result of computer
manipulation. Mr. Irey testified that Obama's birth certificate is a
computer generated forgery.
Decision by the court is expected within a week.
More information on this and other cases will be posted on Orly
End of Press release
Dr Orly TaitzESQ
29839 Santa Margarita pkwy, ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
ph 949-683-5411 fax949-766-7603