- Empire's have been with the human race almost from the
beginning of time, or at least since we began to try and keep track of
ourselves through what we call history. There is a single common denominator,
aside from all the others: Every one of these takeovers has been "financed"
by others to increase the power which the financiers seek.
- This has been true of every faction that ever sought
to influence others and includes all political parties, throughout history
both established and the virtually unrecognized: And yet we fail to look
at the political forces that we have grown up with as having anything to
do with these revolutionary forces. That has perhaps been one of our greatest
mistakes. We must come to understand that no party, no faction, no movement
is capable of sustained efforts without political and monetary backing.
Having said that, we need to look more closely at the main components of
the confrontations taking place around the world in opposition to the "Austerity-measures"
which are nothing but formal terms for the 'governmental-contracts' that
will, if implemented, enslave us all.
- In the US the demonstrations have been proud to remain
non-violent, as if this somehow justifies the validity of their claims
against the private-corporate-governmental-forces. This is particularly
repugnant when you realize that the Police-State has already eliminated
all other forms or forums in which the public could put forth their "just-complaints"
against the government, the corporations and the business-interests that
are so viciously and aggressively attacking the public at every opportunity.
- When the forces of this cabal, the Police-State Thugs,
show up to initiate RIOTS, and then begin to violently beat and arrest
the protestors for "RESISTING" their uncalled-for violence and
excessive force that now includes grenades and rubber bullets fired directly
into the crowds-it is NOT the police that are charged with the violence
but rather the unarmed protestors. To remain non-violent under these circumstances
is to defy everything known-to-humanity about human survival. (1)
- What is happening around the world today is something
that was deigned to happen everywhere so as to destabilize the entire planet
simultaneously. This is a full-scale war against the 99% of the population
that is demanding an end to Empire and to the self-serving orgies of power
that the slightly less than one percent now enjoy.
- If you doubt this then just look at the vast amounts
of money that are thrown into supposedly necessary 'SECURITY' mechanisms
that are beginning to enslave this country. From the 60,000 strong TSA
that istaking its fight against the public onto the highways and into the
bus and train terminals, as well as the airports all of which is completely
unconstitutional, and un-American. Our people are starving, almost half
of us are now unemployed, our infrastructure is collapsing, our health-care
system is non-existent and cuts are being made everywhere that public services
were once mandated across the nation. The privatized-government has instead
chosen to keep right on sending trillions to Zionist-Israel, while starting
new wars every month, in addition to funding ever more ridiculous scanning
and testing equipment to spy-on and interfere with daily life in America.
- No mention is ever made as to "how these extra-governmental
policies will be paid for: Because they are being paid for with money that
is printed out of thin-air by the Fed. However when it comes to the genuine
needs of the unemployed and starving public, this "nation" is
'OFFICIALLY BROKE" and cannot afford to help its own people. Instead
the people are given "PROMISES" that are nothing more than more
lies that will be reversed after each and every election, by all those
that used the lies just to get elected. Yet the public is encouraged to
keep on voting to keep on pretending that this country is the same country
it once was back when there were paper ballots and the actual monitoring
of every election. ALL the current formalized political forces in this
country have been co-opted.
- Anyone dumb enough to even listen to all the current
crap about the next election will deserve what thy shall get which will
be even more of the same: IF we ever even get to that next election, before
being shut down completely by these globalists that have clearly stated:
They want to own it all!
- As things stand now over 85% of everything you earn is
taken by this government one way or the other. If the government can just
simply print money, why are we even paying taxes-if the government can
just print whatever they want whenever they decide they need to?
- In addition to that, Government and the private corporations
have colluded to ship all of our decent jobs offshore. The result is the
virtual impoverishment of the entire nation. On top of that for all the
money that we (the 99%) have paid into the system we have gotten absolutely
- Please bear in mind: 'When jobs are stolen and medical
services are withheld, these are not non-violent actions: these are AGGRESSIVE
your money is DEVALUED and your ability to protect yourself is NON-EXISTENT
of all aggressive actions that could ever be taken against a POPULATION
- SHORT OF GOING TO OUTRIGHT WAR. So for the demonstrators to remain NON-VIOLENT
in the face of this kind of massive overkill by the POLICE-STATE; IS TO
- Much has been said about the potentially corrupted forces
behind the OCCUPY WALL STREET demonstrations. Because so much is at stake
every political concern is trying to find ways to spin or control those
demonstrations. For my part I tend to go with the final words of Arron
Russo, the man that made the feature length film Freedom to Fascism. (2)
- Arron contracted cancer shortly after finishing the film,
and here are his final warning words to humanity. Arron put his money and
his talents to work to unveil the corruptions that are still out there,
can we not apply our own skills, each in our own way to do our part in
this? Arron showed the world what is behind the IRS and the FED. What can
you and I do to further this effort to free ourselves from Tyranny?
- "Americans, mobilize, stand together, stand tall,
tell government you're mad as hell. No longer cooperate with the government,
do not accept the national ID card, Do everything in your power torestore
freedom, and your individuality back to America. Stop being a country run
by the institutions for the institutions. Let's go back to 'We the People,
by the people for the people'; as opposed to, We the institutions, by the
institutions and for the institutions. Stand up for your individual rights.
Stand up for the godliness that's in each and every one of us." (3)
- The world has experienced upheavals millions of times
in our collective history; but nothing of this size has ever been seen
before; because always before the "Known-Worlds" involved did
not include the entire planet. Today it does. The chaos we are seeing was
designed to create even more destabilization with the belief that the designers
could then be turned to, to supply their answer to the problems they created
in the first place (problem, reaction, solution): And of course their answer,
no matter from whose platform or mouth this might come; will always be
"MORE global-power and MORE one-world-government."
- Instead we must restore individual rights while removing
existing governments as institutions and replacing them with community
based governments everywhere. Global powers such as the Zionistas must
be totally abolished, along with the World Bank, the IMF, The International
Bank of Settlements and on and on and on: including NATO & the UN:
All of whom have had these criminal ventures at the very heart of their
own political-stances since they were each created.
- Americans are of three-minds. Those who accept the current
situation and want to modify it. Those who are demanding peaceful change
but want to do that without violence, and those who know that the only
way that POWER will ever relinquish its control, is if they are forced
to do this! About the only 'peaceful way that this could be done is to
bankrupt the big-six banks which would completely break their first line
of attack against all of us. That would lead to the end of the FED and
from there a chain-reaction could move like a Tsunami throughout the global
financial markets and the world could begin to free itself from Tyranny.
(Alll you have to do is withdraw you money from the Biggest Banks and leave
them with nothing) ! (4)
- The reason this will work is that their crippled Global-Financial-Empire
is more than just vulnerable, it is beginning to bleed the whole global
structure to death as we speak. If they lose that false-fortress to us;
then they must begin to run for their lives-which seems preferable to our
being ENSLAVED for eternity under their fascist boots of the tyranny, which
they have planned to force onto all of us.
- Virtually everything is now at stake in this protest-revolution
that is sweeping the planet. The Globalists might well have designed it
to increase the global-chaos (to accompany the new and ever-expanding wars
for total-dominance): But if we take control of The OOCUPY DEMONSTRATIONS,
both here and abroad, as the individuals-most-directly-affected, with our
own minds and our community based thoughts; then we may yet be able to
snatch Victory from the jaws of impending Global-Defeat!
- If we do not do this then the Orgies of Empire will simply
have billions of new victims to dine upon. . .
- kirwanstudios@sbcglobal.net
- 1) Occupy Oakland Police Fire - video
- http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/oct/26/occupy-oakland-
- police-tear-gas?CMP=NECNETTXT8187
- 2) Freedom to Fascism - video
- http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1656880303867390173#
- 3) Aaron Russo's Last Message to Humanity 40 second
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8f85mSQKq6w
- 4) The Large Families that Rule the World
- http://english.pravda.ru/business/finance/18-10-2011/119355-
- The_Large_Families_that_rule_the_world-0/