DHS insider, Doug
Hagman exchange - Part III
Insider: Now listen to what I am telling you...
This is a continuing operation that involves many of the same people on
both sides of the aisle in Washington. This is one of the reasons why
no one wants to talk about Obama’s past. He is the product of a continuing
intelligence operation, put in power to oversee the dismantling of the
U.S., with the economy being the lynchpin of our destruction.
Obama, Jarrett, and the Clintons are in constant contact with all
high level operatives inside the DHS. Perhaps not directly in all cases
but through their contacts. They are working together to see to it that
the U.S. economy is brought down, robbing the people of their wealth and
then blaming partisan politics for the crash.
For the first time in recent history, you’re going to see people hungry
and out in the streets. Those unprepared or those thinking this is all
[expletive deleted]. Desperate and begging for food. Think Katrina, but
on a national scale. That’s what is being planned for Americans, and few
people are willing to see what’s happening, or willing to believe it.
Now here’s where DHS, my sources and information comes in.
Everybody is looking at the gun “problem” in America. Fights over the
Second Amendment. State laws that go against the Constitution. Blame it
on Sandy Hook or Colorado. Tell people we need to be disarmed because
it’s for the children. It’s all [expletive deleted]. Most people know
it’s all [expletive deleted], but that’s where their rational assessment
Why do you think the people in power want to - no need to disarm the
public? It’s because they are planning an economic collapse, and an armed
and informed populace is a danger to their plan.
RB: The DHS will oversee the domestic crackdown that will happen when
the perfect storm bears down on us. And the perfect storm is the economy,
meaning the U.S. dollar collapse and hyperinflation, racial or class riots
sparked by a high-profile incident, and another mass causality event involving
guns. Watch for these three things to happen all at once, or in close
The polarization caused by these events will be sufficient to cause a
second civil war.
DH: When? How soon will all of this happen?
RB: I don’t have a crystal ball, but I have seen various reports referencing
unprecedented “drills” to take place in later March and April. I’ll mention
this because I know a lot of people on the inside at DHS have seen this.
A document called “Operation Thunderdome.” It’s maybe 50 or 60 pages,
I’m not certain. It describes an economic collapse in the U.S., followed
by an attack on the government by “a made-up patriotic group.” It combines
gun owners, Constitutionalists, and even Christians into an enemy group
that pulls off an attack in Washington.
DH: And you are getting this from your current intelligence sources? Frankly,
I’m not sure I completely understand the connection between DHS and what’s
going on with the economy. Seems like it should be separate.
RB: What’s not to understand? The economic devastation that will take
place is an attack, a planned attack on the U.S. Just look at it that
way. This “regime” already knows the outcome, which is the debasement
of our national currency. Like I said, it’s been in the works most recently
since the 1990s. A collapse does not happen without a lot of pain - people
losing everything in their retirement accounts, savings and so on. Don’t
you think that will cause one hell of a national security problem? And
who do you think is running our national or domestic security? DHS.
DH: Sounds like a Reichstag type event - sometime.
RB: Exactly. Maybe not just one. They have plans and back-up plans and
back-ups for the back-ups. And in spite of the warnings, and history,
enough people will be outraged and side with the government. This brings
me to my final point. What do you think all of the prepositioning of paramilitary
assets, caches of ammunition, and the opening of non-descript buildings
owned or leased by the federal government are for?
It’s for you and people like you. It’s for those who are turned in by
their neighbors, friends, co-workers, and others who are hungry, broke
and broken. What we are about to experience will be like it was during
the Civil War, only worse.
People will be outgunned, surveillance will be everywhere, and it
will be much more difficult to hide and fight back. Not impossible, but
more difficult.
Obama’s Cyber Warriors & Preparing For
6 February 2013; The following information was provided
to me by my DHS contact on two different occasions. Information from my
first contact was previously published in two parts. I was asked to withhold
the final portion of the information that was provided to me at that time
until after the inauguration. The following resumes where part II left
off. At the request of this source and for the sake of continuity, the
following combines the information withheld and the information from our
most recent contact on 4 February 2013.
DH: Do I have your permission to record this conversation?
RB: Please do.
DH: We’ve spoken at different times since the information
you gave me was published. You have since given me additional information
on top of the information you asked me to withhold until after the inauguration.
First, what was the reason for asking me to wait to publish the remainder
of our discussion until after the inauguration?
RB: This bunch, top level DHS brass, is clamping down on leaks. One way
they are finding leakers is to put out false information specific to certain
individuals. They can trace the information directly to the leaker due
to the nature and specificity of the information. It was part self-preservation,
part vetting one of my closest and most important contacts. It was a test
to assure that I am not being used for disinformation purposes or being
targeted as a leaker. It was something I felt I had to do, and I’m glad
I did. I feel more comfortable now about my sources.
DH: So, if I understand you correctly, your sources “passed”
whatever test you were performing?
RB: Yes.
DH: And you still have access to information, I mean,
whistleblower type information?
RB: I know what you mean, so I guess that’s one way to put it. Okay.
DH: For continuity and to refresh your memory, I’m going
to play the remainder of our recorded interview from our contact last
[At this point, we listened to the dialogue previously recorded. After
the recording concluded, this DHS source suggested that we combine new
information with the previously recorded information to avoid unnecessary
repetition. It was agreed and the recorder was turned back on with his
DH: Just to be clear, let me hit this again. The main
reason you asked me to wait to publish your previous statements had more
to do with you, your sources and well, your own self preservation than
the content of our discussion.
RB: I guess you could say that. But the information is still valid and
becomes even more important when combined with the latest information
I have for you.
DH: Okay, we can get on with it, then.
RB: First of all, two days after the inauguration, at exactly 7:00 a.m.
on January 23, something called “the Cyber-Warriors for Obama Project”
was activated. I heard about this the week after the election, but only
saw a hardcopy draft in late December. From what I was told, I believe
this is a project that is being paid for through funds from Obama’s political
corporation, the 501(c)4 Organizing for Obama, I believe it’s called.
I can’t be sure, but that’s what I was told.
At that time, I was shown a white, three-ring binder with Obama’s circular
campaign logo imprinted on the outside of the binder with the name “Cyber-Warriors
for Obama” printed in blue across the top. Inside were the names and e-mail
addresses of 3,575 “cyber assets,” or “warriors,” listed in alphabetical
order under about a dozen or so “team leaders.” From a separate sheet
I was shown, most of these “assets” are being paid just over minimum wage,
but as I understand it, they work from home and have no overhead. I believe
there are about two dozen supervisors who make substantially more.
Now I only had the binder for a minute, and could not take it from the
room I was in, so this is strictly from memory.
It was tabbed, and one section with the word “targets” had a list of religious
web sites, web sites I recognized as Christian. Another section was a
listing of conservative Internet sites. There was another tab with the
label “problem sites” that seemed quite extensive. I looked at that section,
and it was broken down further into “birther” sites, “pro-gun” sites,
“anti-abortion” sites, just to name a few.
There was also a section of the usual news sites, like CNN, ABC, you know.
Numerous e-mail addresses were conspicuous under each news organization,
which also included Fox… [unintelligible]. I figured you were going to
The first page of the binder had bullet points labeled “objectives” and
instructions for the cyber-assets. There was also a very detailed non-disclosure
agreement with the word “DRAFT” typed in big, light grey letters across
the body of the two-page agreement. The agreement and the instructions
were typed on white paper with a warning, printed in red on each page,
that the document was not to be copied or disseminated.
DH: Where did you see this? I mean, was it at DHS?
RB: Yes, and that’s as much as I can say on the location.
DH: What’s the magic behind the number 3,575?
RB: I asked the person showing me [the binder] that question. Supposedly,
it has to do with their budget, or the project funding.
DH: Go on.
RB: The instructions seemed very specific. Infiltrate web forums, collect
screen names, avatars, and posters’ tag lines, and attempt to resolve
these to their actual identities. I read one paragraph that listed circumstances
when the “asset” was only to monitor but do not disrupt without authorization.
There was another section titled “Divert, Disrupt and Destroy,” listing
“how to’s” in certain cases.
There was also a section on maintaining a social media presence, and another
on the most effective use of Twitter.
Lastly, there was a “reference section,” which included statistics, specific
language to use to marginalize different posters, and effective methods
to discredit people while maintaining a sense of legitimacy.
It was surreal, to say the least.
Oh, one more thing that’s important. As I said, these “kids,” or young
people I believe, are known collectively as “Cyber-Warriors for Obama.”
The subheading was “And the truth shall set you free.” Truth? Really?
They were hired on their hacking abilities, or more precisely on their
abilities to make postings through proxy servers and effectively use alternate
identities and multiple e-mail addresses. Their purpose is to spread disinformation,
not truth.
There were also motivational statements on various pages, including one
that referred to Obama as the “Pharaoh of the Internet,” which I thought
was an odd characterization.
But what’s important is that suddenly, through the use of Internet aliases,
multiple e-mail addresses, and screen names, a project that employs 3,575
people will have the appearance and effectiveness of maybe 10,000 or more
different people.
DH: Do you know if these “team members” have their own
copies of the binder you saw?
RB: No. I was told that these people were hired through the campaign offices
located throughout the country, and that training meetings were held at
various locations. The binders were for instructional purposes, not to
hand out. Although I think the people have, or were given, a list of web
I don’t know any more on the actual mechanics of the project.
DH: During our previous contact, you said that we should
listen to Obama’s comments about the economy, I mean during the inaugural
speech. What’s so significant about that?
RB: Well, this is perhaps the most important issue people need to understand.
There will be, and was, talk of a recovery and a stronger economy, but
it’s all propaganda. As you heard me say in the recording you just played,
the complete inaugural address will be a “Baghdad Bob” moment, and it
was. Many economists will use false figures and statistics to deceive
the American people. People must not downplay the importance of the economic
aspect of this address. The sudden collapse of the U.S. dollar (however
it actually plays out) and everything that goes with it (such as social
chaos and riots) will be one part of a plan that was set in motion a long
time ago.
DH: And you are getting this from your current intelligence
sources? Frankly, I’m not sure I completely understand the connection
between DHS and what’s going on with the economy. Seems like it should
be separate.
RB: What’s not to understand? The economic devastation that will take
place is an attack, a planned attack on the U.S. Just look at it that
way. This “regime” already knows the outcome, which is the debasement
of our national currency. Like I said, it’s been in the works most recently
since the 1990s. A collapse does not happen without a lot of pain - people
losing everything in their retirement accounts, savings and so on. Don’t
you think that will cause one hell of a national security problem? And
who is running our national or domestic security? DHS.
Oh, and one of the reasons I wanted to include more recent information
into our discussion relates to something you did last month, after our
talk. I know you said you did not want to source your own work, but there
was one important radio program you did that caused a very angry response
inside DHS.
DH: How so?
RB: You had a financial insider on your program who went by some letter,
like the first or last letter of his name.
DH: Yes, that was “V” who is a source for Steve Quayle.
We did a program at the beginning of January, I think I’d have to look.
[Edited to add that the actual program was 11 January 2013.]
RB: Yeah, that was it. If you ask your network, I think you’ll find a
request was made for the transcript of that program byDHS.
The information given by that source was protected, or confidential, especially
regarding the actions of big bankers here in the U.S. and the foreign
markets. These international bankers are playing a big role in killing
the U.S., and although they’re bold, they still don’t want certain things
disclosed before their time.
DH: But that information had nothing to do with national
security. I mean, how would this relate to DHS?
RB: Now you’re giving me a headache [laughter]. Let me spell it out for
you, and this is the crux of everything. We have Obama (or whatever his
real name is) in the Oval Office. You’ve said it before, that America
is a “captured operation.” Well, it is, and every top level operative
at DHS and Justice knows it. They have his dossier.
Think about Obama’s mother working in microfinance with Timothy Geithner’s
father. What are the odds? And that’s just one “coincidence.”
A lot of people won’t get this until it’s too late, or maybe never get
it. But take a good look at Obama and the people who surround him. Look
at the 2008 economic crisis under Bush. Look at the run up to where we’re
at today. The orchestrated boom of the 1990's. The GLB Act signed into
law under Clinton that changed the complexion of our domestic economy.
Look at the people who are still around, the architects of this. It’s
a big lie! It’s all been rigged, and the insiders know this! Look at the
continuity of agenda since “Bush senior.”
Now listen to what I am telling you. This is a continuing operation that
involves many of the same people on both sides of the aisle in Washington.
This is one of the reasons why no one wants to talk about Obama’s past.
He is the product of a continuing intelligence operation, put in power
to oversee the dismantling of the U.S., with the economy being the lynchpin
of our destruction. Obama, Jarrett, and the Clintons are in constant contact
with all high level operatives inside the DHS. Perhaps not directly in
all cases but through their contacts. They are working together to see
to it that the U.S. economy is brought down, robbing the people of their
wealth and then blaming partisan politics for the crash.
For the first time in recent history, you’re going to see people hungry
and out in the streets. Those unprepared or those thinking this is all
[expletive deleted]. Desperate and begging for food. Think Katrina, but
on a national scale. That’s what is being planned for Americans, and few
people are willing to see what’s happening, or willing to believe it.
Now here’s where DHS, my sources and information comes in.
Everybody is looking at the gun “problem” in America.
Fights over the Second Amendment. State laws that go against the Constitution.
Blame it on Sandy Hook or Colorado. Tell people we need to be disarmed
because it’s for the children. It’s all [expletive deleted]. Most people
know it’s all [expletive deleted], but that’s where their rational assessment
stops. Why do you think the people in power want to - no need to disarm
the public? It’s because they are planning an economic collapse, and an
armed and informed populace is a danger to their plan.DH: Wait, wouldn’t
it make sense to let the guns stay in the hands of the people and have
the people shoot it out among themselves? Wouldn’t this fit in with their
desire for chaos, and make it easier for Martial Law to be implemented?
RB: In a way, but you’re still not thinking big enough. The way this is
being planned includes that scenario, but they are very afraid that once
total chaos breaks out, they will become the targets. So to a point you’re
right, but then a crackdown must take place.DH: But the elected ones are
well protected.
RB: Yeah, but you are not thinking like them. There are several scenarios
or models they have commissioned. They exist in printed form and have
been given to Obama and Jarrett specifically. It’s war gaming with the
American people. That caused some mid-level military people with a conscience
to ask what the hell is going on, and some even refused to take part in
these exercises. By the way, Napolitano is the go-to person for these
Anyway, there is a fear that their own people won’t be loyal to them when
everything begins to implode. You’ve been seeing purges lately. Remember
what Jarrett supposedly said about being “hell to pay” after the re-election?
That process has started.
DH: Those who have been “purged” why haven’t we seen
anyone speak out about what’s going on?
RB: They’ve been threatened. Some were not worth even being threatened
and became “examples.”
DH: Like who?
RB: Oh c’mon, look at the recent mysterious deaths. Pick one.
DH: Okay, but wouldn’t they be safer by speaking out,
by telling everything they know? Some ordinary people might call them
cowards. Why not just go public [interrupted/over talk]
RB: Yeah, how’d that work out so far? And go public to who? CNN? They
are in real danger, and so are their families. Anyone close to them. Even
if one or two would go public, how do you think that would work out for
them? I’ll tell you how. They would make [Senator] McCarthy look like
an American hero, which he was, but that’s… They’ve made it so that no
one will be able to make any real difference to their agenda. They know
DH: So no one is going to say anything ever?
RB: That’s not what I said. Some will talk when the time is right. Some
have “insurance policies” that will be used at the right time, when they
will make the most difference.
DH: I feel like we’re getting off point. So, what is being
RB: The DHS will oversee the domestic crackdown that will happen when
the perfect storm bears down on us. And the perfect storm is the economy,
meaning the U.S. dollar collapse and hyperinflation, racial or class riots
sparked by a high-profile incident, and another mass causality event involving
guns. Watch for these three things to happen all at once, or in close
The polarization caused by these events will be sufficient to cause a
second civil war.
DH: When? How soon will all of this happen?
RB: I don’t have a crystal ball, but I have seen various reports referencing
unprecedented “drills” to take place in later March and April. I’ll mention
this because I know a lot of people on the inside at DHS have seen this.
A document called “Operation Thunderdome.” It’s maybe 50 or 60 pages,
I’m not certain. It describes an economic collapse in the U.S., followed
by an attack on the government by “a made-up patriotic group.” It combines
gun owners, Constitutionalists, and even Christians into an enemy group
that pulls off an attack in Washington.
But don’t fall into the trap of trying to pick the time of these events.
Their plans are flexible, but their objectives are carved in stone.
DH: Sounds like a Reichstag type event - sometime.
RB: Exactly. Maybe not just one. They have plans and back-up plans and
back-ups for the back-ups. And in spite of the warnings, and history,
enough people will be outraged and side with the government. This brings
me to my final point. What do you think all of the prepositioning of paramilitary
assets, caches of ammunition, and the opening of non-descript buildings
owned or leased by the federal government are for?
It’s for you and people like you. It’s for those who are turned in by
their neighbors, friends, co-workers, and others who are hungry, broke
and broken. What we are about to experience will be like it was during
the Civil War, only worse. People will be outgunned, surveillance will
be everywhere, and it will be much more difficult to hide and fight back.
Not impossible, but more difficult.
DH: So you’re painting a picture of a Mad Max scenario,
hence the reference to Thunderdome?
RB: Believe it or not, part of the model, or at least one of them, includes
the depiction of a somewhat “normal” society, at least after the initial
“hostilities.” People will be controlled by the national government, centralized
in order to escape the chaos. Think of it this way. You want food and
medical care? You will not be able to own a gun, period. The current federal
legislation is all window dressing a distraction. No one expects anything
meaningful to pass. It won’t have to. States, yes, but those states are
lining up for federal money. The elected leaders are of the same ideology
as Obama, but aside from those, we’ll see many people turning in their
weapons for food, shelter, medical care, and false guarantees of safety.
That’s what the new normal will look like.
As I said, you’ve got to think bigger much bigger. The lies are bigger
than most people can imagine. The people at the top are laughing at us.
Think about that. They are laughing at us because it’s right in front
of our noses. And you know, the bigger the lie…
DH: Yes, the more people will fall for it.
RB: Right. I think we’re done here for now. I’ve given you as much information
as I know, as I have seen. Watch the economy the indicators. Watch for
a false flag. We are being baited. Let people pooh-pooh this information,
seek information through FOI requests. Not gonna happen. We’re talking
about an operation so black and so big, and one that has to be done in
the next few years, under Obama.
This is something that is international in scope. The plan is international,
and is dedicated to the dismantling or destruction of America. It’s happening
right in front of us, but too few can actually see it.
DH: I’m sure you, well… We’ll be accused of scaring people
without citable evidence.
RB: People need to wake up. Believe me or don’t. It’s their choice.
DH: Wait, one more thing. What should we be looking for
RB: Look around. You’re seeing it. We’ll talk again. Please shut off the
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