Bare Bones Universe By Jim Kirwan VETERANS TODAY |
“Like a covert inquisition without the obvious torture and murder of the Spanish Inquisition, an evil plague has descended on America that is transforming it from a representative Republic based on Freedom and Liberty to an open air Prison Camp. There is ongoing major asset stripping of the hard earned income of the American people by offshore based Banksters with the assistance of the USG and corruption is now occurring at every level. USG tyranny is knocking on everyone’s front door… IS TYRANNY BEING IMPOSED ON AMERICA BY FRAUD? It’s not too much of stretch to look on the New America as the next Gaza unless this creeping tyranny is stopped cold in its tracks. And the Battle of America, the Second Revolutionary war may have already started, provoked by the recent efforts of Congress and State governments to impose strict gun controls, gun registration and to transform normal law abiding gun owners into criminals by their legislative efforts alone.” k) What has not been looked at carefully are those that have created these obscenities: Most of them are not actual Americans at all—they are Fourth Reich Nazi’s, Zionists or basically just Traitors to America masquerading as U.S. lawmakers. Consequently whatever so-called laws they have attempted to force on us have no constitutional-validity-whatsoever. The current-Gun-Grab is the perfect example of a special kind of public-INSANITY being used to hysterically pass something that has no basis in either law or fact, but which nonetheless is being “PUSHED” as if such changes were completely legal when in fact every one of these proposed or actual illegally proposed changes to the second amendment are not just illegal: They are actionable crimes that should be brought against everyone in the government who signed off on any of this filth that they are calling legitimate-legislation. (1) “When push comes to shove most law abiding Americans strongly resent someone in government trying to transform them into a criminal with the flick of a pen. And yet this has been what has been happening in America since the Assassination of JFK. All the time more and more meaningless freedom robbing laws are passed at the state and local level which make usual everyday practices illegal and needlessly restrict rights because of the abuses of a few criminals at the top which could easily be prosecuted from existing laws if the government did it job properly and enforced the “Rule of Law”. Look at the Federal and State tax codes and the thousands of absurd freedom robbing laws put in place to enhance the power of the government at the expense of the freedom of the people. This is nothing less than CREEPING TYRANNY at all levels of society… …we have many thousands of homeless folks in the streets of America, and many are Vets who served their country but were abused, ignored and abandoned. Many of these vets have serious unmet medical needs and have never gotten the respect they deserve. This is completely unacceptable in America and must be immediately remedied at all levels. Many American Soldiers feel they have been deployed in needless other people’s wars and this itself is a tremendous burden many have great difficulty carrying. All this misery in America has been caused by the hijacking of America’s government and monetary production and distribution system by the City of London Financial District aka the world Banksters. What has America become under the occupation of a foreign based entity run out of the City of London Financial District? THE OFFSHORE BANKSTERS RUNNING THE CITY OF LONDON KNEW THAT IN ORDER TO KEEP THEIR ASSET STRIPPING SYSTEM IN PLACE, THEY WOULD HAVE TO DEVELOP STRONG ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES TO SUPPORT THEIR UNCONSTITUTIONAL, ILLEGAL FUNCTIONS IN ORDER TO KEEP THE TRUTH FROM AMERICANS AND PREVENT A MAJOR BACKLASH As this offshore monetary production and distribution system was covertly imposed on America by wealthy special offshore interests to access strip it and set it up for future destruction. This was accomplished by buying certain Congressmen (the way it is still done), various support agencies were established to provide intel and enforcement muscle to protect this system based on usury and fraud and violation of the US Constitution.” k) In fact over half the members of the 535 club, those that make up the congress of the United States, are on-record in writing, as serving the direct interests of Israel over the U.S. & those Constitutional-interests they were each sworn to serve; as members of the United States Government. This means that over half the congress are sworn traitors to the United States and yet are still “serving” in the Congress as if they were still Americans. “…Homeland Security, many now call the New American Gestapo, is the poster child for this harassment of the American people by offshore Bankster power. Set up by Marcus Wolfe, former head of the East German Stasi two years before he mysteriously died while serving as a “consultant” to the USG, he would have been very proud of what homeland Security is now doing to oppress Americans and trash their Constitution and Bill of Rights. Of course we still have FEMA, and its tyrannical plans, Garden Plot and Rex84 and their new upgrades involving numerous secret internment camps near railroad lines designed for dissidents in the future.” These are the FEMA Camps, in case you were wondering. “THE RECENT ATTEMPT BY CONGRESS AND SOME STATE GOVERNMENTS TO PASS SEVERE GUN OWNERSHIP RESTRICTIONS AND EVEN CENTRALIZED GUN REGISTRATION MAY HAVE BEEN THE STRAW THAT BROKE THE CAMEL’S BACK It’s possible that the recent moves by some States and Congress to severely restrict gun ownership in America and force centralized gun registration may be the final straw for many Americans. These gun grabbers appear to have inadvertently forced the average American to draw a line in the sand over these efforts to take his guns. They may have over-reached and created such blatant exposure of who they are, who they represent and what they are being instructed to do by offshore foreign power, the JIG MAY BE UP for the first time across a broad spectrum of American Society. The more these talking heads from this gun grabbing group keep getting air time, the more folks are catching on to who they are, what they are doing to America, and who they really represent, which is offshore power trying to tyrannize, asset strip and destroy America.” k) The time has come for Americans to begin to track these people and their sponsors so that they can be directly confronted face-to-face with the crimes they are trying to force down our throats. There is a group that is fighting this on behalf of the public: They are called (GOA) Gun Owners of America. (3) “Why the sudden rush to grab guns? This has apparently been mandated as an emergency control due to the current economic breakdown and the spontaneous emergence of American community solidarity much of it perhaps elicited by the information freely disseminated on the world-wide Internet which appears to be waking up the sleeping masses. And it could also be due to the City of London’s constant need to elicit conflict at every level in America as part of its divide and conquer strategy to keep Americans divided and prevent them organizing into a viable mass which demands an end to money fraud and theft of much of their hard earned assets by a foreign bank using Babylonian principals of usury to create debt slaves. THE FOLKS RUNNING THE USG WAR MACHINE HAVE BECOME INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIMINALS AND HAVE OPENLY COMMITTED CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY AT HOME AND ABROAD, ALL THE WHILE RATIONALIZING SUCH CRIMES WITH SLICK, PHONEY LEGAL OPINIONS NOBODY NORMAL BELIEVES—THE US MILITARY IS NOW AN ILLEGAL OCCUPYING FORCE IN SOME MIDEAST NATIONS AT THE END OF WW2 NAZIS AND JAPANESE WERE TRIED FOR MAKING ILLEGAL PRE-EMPTIVE STRIKES TO START WARSPRE-EMPTIVE WARMAKING IS A WAR CRIME NO MATTER WHAT THOSE IN THE USG AND DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE CLAIM…” …WERE THE RECENT “MASS SHOOTINGS” STAGED FALSE FLAGS TO JUSTIFY GUN-GRABBING AS A PART OF AN OVERALL PLAN TO IMPOSE COMPLETE TYRANNY ON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE? Many now suspect that like the Murrah bombing, the first NYC Twin Towers bombing and 911, Aurora “mass shooting”, the Sikh Temple “mass shooting” and now the Sandy Hook “mass shooting” were American Intel staged false flag events using foreign cutouts that specialize in these gladio style inside jobs. Nobody except for those closely involved know what really happened at Aurora, the Sheik Temple or sandy Hook because they are clouded in secrecy imposed by Homeland Security and the evidence and news reports released has either been staged, phony, confusing or unverified. It has been alleged that a cover story at Sandy hook was provided to LE and top media officials that a complete secrecy lock-down was being imposed because psychological consultants to Homeland Security recommended that such would greatly decrease the possibility of copy-cat imitation crimes. Although this is quite interesting claim, it has not yet been confirmed. THE GREAT IMPOSITION NOW TAKING PLACE IN AMERICA IS NOTHING LESS THAN THE MANAGED DESCENT INTO SERFDOM BY THE FRAUDULANT IMPOSITION OF TYRANNY AT ALL LEVELS OF SOCIETY” And there is a lot more, in depth, at this link to this story (2) k) We are “out of time” because financially the whole global-disaster will explode or implode, depending on how you view it, in just 60 days. But this problem cannot wait: We must begin immediately to take-down this cancerous-criminal-construct which is eating this nation alive. The presidential-puppet has announced that he wants to bring back Pelosi as the Leader of the House of Representatives—no doubt to protect him from being ‘impeached’ just as she did for George W. Bush. But Pelosi, Feinstein, Hillary, the leadership of DHS & ICE, Eric Holder, Cheney, Bush Jr. and Rumsfeld must be tried for TREASON as a first-step to ending this obscenity. If Americans begin to use their brains instead of listening to their fears, this process can begin almost immediately. The wholesale giveaway of the U.S. Navy’s Deep-water-Port in Long Beach, California to Red China would be an excellent place to start. See the SECOND LINK inside this article. (1)
1) Diane Feinstein An American Traitor http://www.kirwanesque.net/2013/6078/diane-feinstein/ 2) The Great Imposition http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/02/09/the-great-imposition/ 3) Gun Owners of America Part 2 |
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