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An Agenda For The 21 Century
And What It Means To You -
 Less Of Everything...At Increased Cost

By Si Contino

Unless you’re a politically connected person of influence, or a local government insider, what you’re about to read here is going to be very hard to believe.  It concerns the most egregious of transgressions within government service, betrayal the of the public trust; and stems from your municipal government’s apparent involvement in a United Nations scheme for Sustainable Development called Agenda 21.

 However, before talking about Agenda 21 itself, we must first talk about the means by which these four local governments became involved in this program.  That happened by way of a U.N. organization called ICLEI (Local Governments for Sustainability, originally founded as the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives).  

 ICLEI is a United Nations organization that boasts of having more than 1200 municipal governments, in some 70 countries, comprising its membership.  The goal of this alliance is to facilitate building the structural architecture needed to achieve the U.N’s goals of “Sustainability” by seamlessly weaving the objectives of Agenda 21 into the Comprehensive Plans of every local governmental body they engage.

 Sounds innocent enough. Until, that is, you delve into the “sustainability objectives” of Agenda 21.

 According to author Rosa Koire, executive director of The Post Sustainability Institute, Agenda 21 is a comprehensive “blueprint” and “action plan”, “to inventory and control: all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all information, and all human beings... in the world.”

 In other words, it’s a global austerity program to dominate and manage every aspect of sentient life on this planet.

 At first this sounds a little far-out.  Until you remember what then Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi said during her visit to China, in May of 2009.   

 Quoting from the Guardian newspaper’s online addition, dated May 28, 2009, Mrs. Pelosi, when addressing global warming, said: "Every aspect of our lives must be subjected to an inventory ... of how we are taking responsibility."

 At its essence, then, Agenda 21 calls for local governments to take control of every aspect of human existence, with the individual rights of the common man, including private property rights, yielding to the collective.  

 Their plan even talks about relocating citizens to “human settlements”, allegedly, so we’ll all be nearer to employment centers and mass transportation hubs.  Also included are “Wildland Projects.”   Wildland Projects describe, how, after human relocations, the majority of now uninhabited land will be seeded back to non-human species, i.e., wild animals.  

 Agenda 21 next decries American affluence as a central problem in creating global sustainability; with the solution being, low and behold, exactly what’s happening in America today: the lowering of our living standards. To the U.N. your poverty seems to represent a very desirable, if not easily sustainable, development.

 Hence, the primary objective of most political institutions today, be they local, county, state, federal or international, is the globalization of every aspect of your existence, be that of trade, banking, energy - (supply, consumption & standards), terrorism prevention, healthcare, environmentalism, national defense, social surveillance, election monitoring, climate observation, population control, education and even job creation, all in order to lessen your prosperity and make you poorer!
 The one thing I feel quite confident you’ll never see, however, is a time when transnational CEOs, international bankers, or your public servants in Washington take a 40 percent loss in their net worth the way working middle-class American families have in just the last three years.  In fact, should European style austerity come to America, and the United States be forced to collaborate in some form of global governance, I predict not one job will be eliminated, nor one cent in salary reductions realized from within any level of America’s growing corporatoracy.  As austerity seems to be the dominion of the plebeian classes and not the oligarchy globally, America’s included.

 The United Nation’s goal of lowering American standards doesn’t end there either, as one of the principal goals of Agenda 21 is the downward harmonization of all American standards.  That is to say lowering not only our standards of living, but our standards of law, and in our expected standards of individual freedoms as well.  Just look at how our courts are interpreting matters of law today, take Obamacare for instance.  It’s mad.  Unless, that is, it’s viewed through the hyperopic corrective lens of internationalism.     

 Moreover, so intent are these individuals in accomplishing their extremist mission of Sustainable Development, they even set up “visioning meetings” where they bring in local shills called “facilitators” (who pose as nondescript local townsfolk), ostensibly, to push through their sustainability agenda in public meetings surreptitiously.

 The goal of these “visioning” gatherings, typically, is the regionalization of one government function or another, i.e., the transference of local government jurisdiction over some aspect of community life (community development, police services, housing, mass transportation, zoning, economic redevelopment, etc.), from publicly elected officials to unelected appointees.  Appointees who are ultimately responsible to the system that installed them on these newly formed regional quangos, and not the taxpayers footing the bills and being manipulated.

 Schemes such as these, repeated daily in communities throughout the United States, represent the beginning of a Balkanization process within America.  Where the interests of one region are intentionally pitted against the interest of another region within the same nation-state, all for the lofty goal of world ecumenism.   

 Nonetheless, just like their other internationalist’s boondoggles of free trade, climate change, green energy, smart growth, anthropogenic global warming, smart metering and global depopulation they’re all part and parcel of this same U.N. “Agenda” to control you.  

 Moreover, all these ideas are supported by the Democrat and Republican party’s mainstream; because both party’s centers are managed and controlled by the same segments of the global establishment that stand to benefit from there implementation.

 These folks actually believe that creating an economically weaker America will help induce you, through poverty and depravation, to relinquish your freedoms and accept global governance.  The proof lies in the fact that America’s political-class continues to send tens of millions of American jobs offshore.  In fact, earlier this year, it was reported in the mainstream press that both General Motors and Bank of America used bailout funds (your tax dollars) to continue to relocate American jobs overseas.  All while millions and millions of American taxpayers/citizens remain unemployed.  

 Besides, the truth of the matter is that it’s impossible for any nation to recover economically from a hemorrhage of job losses America’s experienced.  Especially when it’s the government of that selfsame country that’s facilitating those jobs being lost, vis-à-vis Free Trade and globalization.

 The overarching economic notion behind Agenda 21, therefore, is to get you to pay more while using and owning less, no matter what the commodity.  This way the corporate bottom line isn’t hurt by the drastic reductions in the availability of food, water, electricity, crude oil, natural gas, even car ownership and travel which are going to be made less available to you.

 For, if saving the world from global warming and climate change meant lower corporate earnings, reduced executive compensation, or reduced salaries in Washington, you can bet your bottom dollar there wouldn’t be a single multinational CEO, or politician, on board with this “agenda”.  You see, any plan to save us from the carbon menace has to keep corporate earnings up by keeping you paying more... for less.  Otherwise, Agenda 21 couldn’t be sold by the U.N to your Chamber of Commerce; who in turn, couldn’t sell it to congress; who in tern couldn’t force it upon you.

 Additionally, PPPs (Public-Private Partnerships) will be used to accomplish many of the goals of Agenda 21.  First, because P-3s circumvent the legal system in some regard, in that they aren’t required to abide by the same laws that apply to government entities (like the Privacy Act and FOIA laws for instance); and two, because they are not responsible to the public at large, but rather to private sector shareholders whose singular motivation is usually profit.  This is why Secretary of State Clinton pushed for them (P-3s) so hard at the Rio+20 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil this past June. Where she euphemistically referred to them (PPPs) as the growing “power of the market” in spreading (sustainable) development.

 Of course, another way to think of all this is as a form of behavior modification. You see, the suzerain know that they can coerce you into doing just as they demand (be it: use less energy, drink less water, eat less food, relocate you home, freeze in the winter, swelter in the summer, surrender your car, concede your job, relinquish your vacation, or work harder and longer hours for less money), all by simply implementing a system of positive and negative stimuli that reinforce the behaviors they (your controllers) seek to have you adapt to.   In fact, they are even going to make you give up your freedom soon, once they confiscate your weapons.  

 A précis from the Club of Rome’s book titled, The First Global Revolution describes their    Pavlovian conditioning as “kaleidoscopic discontinuity”: a psychological conundrum that sows fear, uncertainty and public discontent of government by globalizing every human difficulty.  This unnerving process, of having to adapt to a never-ending succession of change, will help socialize mankind to accept life as a permanent state of chaos and turmoil.

 So that’s your country’s destiny whether you like it or not.  Get ready, therefore, because the future (your future) is going to get very ugly very soon, and it’s about to happen right before your very eyes.          

 Annotations, Quotations and Attributions:

DSD - U.N. Website :: Resources - Publications - Core Publications - United Nations Agenda 21:


American Policy Center » Agenda 21 In One Easy Lesson:

3 Years After Taxpayer Bailout, Bank of America Ships Jobs Overseas | Mother Jones:

GM plans to open 600 dealerships in China in 2012 | Detroit Free Press:

Pelosi appeals for China's help on climate change | World news | The Guardian:

How your community is implementing AGENDA 21 - YouTube:

Agenda 21 attack on property rights: California ONE BAY AREA « The PPJ Gazette:

DEMOCRATS AGAINST U. N. AGENDA 21 (Home Page) - OK, so what is Agenda 21 and why should I care? Part 1:

Board of Directors - The Post Sustainability Institute - (Rosa Koire’s Bio):

Agenda 21 for Public Officials - YouTube:

ICLEI - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:


Rio+20 earth summit: Why Hillary Clinton won applause for statement on women -

Hillary Clinton Rallies Delegates to Stand Together in Solving Environmental Issues | Fox News Latino:

Americans saw wealth plummet 40 percent from 2007 to 2010, Federal Reserve says - The Washington Post:





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