AGENDAS By Jim Kirwan Puppetmaster 1994 |
We’re living in a time of competing agendas, on many fronts simultaneously. As survivors and free people we must figure out not just what’s going on - but why. The creatures attempting to kill us want to force the resident-population ‘to use their country’s no longer valid laws’ to force compliance. This will end the lives of millions of people. Officially we must pay for our own torture, destruction and death while NOT being allowed to resist whatever the outlaw-government decides to do. We have been ordered to go quietly. As “our special-duty” we must now UNCONDITIONALLY SURRENDER to the illegal-government without question, as they attempt to finish the desecration and slaughter of the Constitution, the Republic, the nation, and the population. The only ‘legal-entity’ that has any rights under these new terms is the One World Order and their slaves. They are erasing the United States from existence. The groups advancing this “ending” include, but are not limited to: The U.N., NATO, The Vatican, The City of London, Washington D.C. and Tel Aviv, along with hundreds of other active traitors. The current global & national-agendas that are now raging on every front are failing. Yet this failure is only slightly noticed because these creatures are a full thirteen years behind schedule (The global-media forgot to mention that miniscule factoid). Their planned rearrangements were to have been finished by 2000 A.D. but it’s 2013 and they’re still not strong enough to take on the fully armed American public. The international-money-changers, the Fourth Reich Nazi’s and the new global-Robber-Barons have technically lost what they started in Afghanistan, (twelve years and counting) and in Iraq (over twenty years but not finished yet). Despite these facts, their formal-wars failed. Yet they have continued with Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia while they still toy with Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Mali and over thirty other African Nations which they plan to use drones to subdue. Collectively they have “lost”. They succeeded in what was done to millions, which was to send the peoples of so many places back to the Stone Age. The war-criminals then raked off everything worth taking from the top, before they turned everything else our mercenaries touched, into nothing but flaming-ruble and permanent nuclear-contaminated-ruins. The damage to the planet will last for something like 45,000 years, but who cares they “won”… We have allowed this bunch of barbarians to take the world back to the stone-age. But they actually planned for the destruction of everyone still breathing today—except of course for those “chosen-ones” those very select few who have designed the end of the world for their own arrogance & greed. (6) On the HOMELAND Front “Welcome to the Fatherland, where there is no constitution, no justice and, at the present moment, no future. Our way of life, our culture and even our lives are in jeopardy if we do not quickly reign in an out of control and potentially deadly Department of Homeland Security. QuestionsDid anyone else remember when the announcement was made that a new federal agency, an agency we did not need nor an agency that we could afford, was going to protect us from terrorists? Did any of you have a negative reaction when it was revealed that the name of the agency was the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)? Did you immediately think about Nazi Germany and “Der Fatherland?” I don’t know about you, but I do not want to live in a “Homeland” or a “Fatherland”. I want to return living in a Republic. Did you know that DHS paid ex-East German Stasi head, Markus Wolf, millions of dollars to set up the organizational structure of DHS? Did you have a “what the hell” moment the first time you saw DHS Director, Janet Napolitano, roll out her see something, say something Stasi civilian spy on your neighbor program? Do you avoid flying because of the invasive sexual molestations that the TSA subject the public to? If so, blame DHS, they oversee the TSA who hires pedophiles, felons and just general perverts. Did you know that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security and we will get into why this significant later in this article. Enemy of the PeopleDHS is not your friend. They are not combating foreign terrorists. Their mission is not to protect you from Al Qaeda. Their mission is to protect the global elite from you and your anticipated failure to submit to the tyranny being rolled out across the country in the form of an administratively imposed martial law. I am not going to mix words in this report, DHS is an enemy of the state, the legitimate state, not the state that has been hijacked by foreign bankers on behalf of the globalists. Janet Napolitano is a domestic enemy of the state and she serves under a foreign enemy of the state, “President Obama.” As American citizens, we are duty bound to defend the country from enemies both foreign and domestic. I just identified two of our main enemies. Napolitano and Obama constitute a national security threat against the Republic and its guiding government document, The United States Constitution. DHS Is Preparing To Kill Millions of Innocent AmericansFor the readers who do not think that the globalists who have hijacked this government will not hesitate to use deadly force against the American people who refuse to capitulate to the roll out and full implementation of the police state surveillance grid, then ask yourself why, since last year, The Department of Homeland Security has stockpiled more than 1.6 billion bullets, mainly .40 caliber and 9mm. Who could these bullets be intended for? Are there 1.6 billion terrorists preparing to board airplanes and use them as weapons?” (1) When their global-wars are seen through the lens of intensifying attempts to kill the United States—the madness of these psychopaths is clear. They’ve screwed-up their own target-dates both here and overseas. They have so totally suffocated their own designs in the quicksand of their quagmires, time and time again that even they have become confused. This makes it difficult to figure out what is actually important and what is nothing but another set of smoke-screens that’s been allowed to change the world from a potential-garden into a global-nightmare. What’s astounding is that too many still don’t give a damn! There are also real events that have the potential to wipe-out those who have come to kill us. These potential breakthroughs do not come with any kind of guarantee. The fact that new possibilities are still forcing their way onto to the global stage is itself miraculous. “The former pope along and 29 other officials of church and state, including the Queen of England, convicted last week of committing and concealing Crimes against Humanity in Canada, defied a lawful Court Order and now face immediate arrest, according to The International Common Law Court of Justice and the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State. Tuesday, The International Common Law Court of Justice has issued an International Citizens Arrest Warrant, of one year duration, that authorizes detaining and imprisoning thirty "fugitives" from justice under the terms of the Court Verdict of February 25, 2013, according to a statement released by the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS). The Court and its sponsor ITCCS are issuing Public Notices today in fifteen countries declaring thirty "wanted criminals who pose a Clear and Present Danger to children and citizens," and asking for help of other governments and citizens to detain them. A copy of the entire stamped and sealed Citizens Arrest Warrant was emailed with the statement. The front of the warrant is copied below.” (2) From Iran comes news of several possibilities. The threat of potential solutions on several fronts makes the continued existence of Iran a much more dangerous reality: Given Israel’s total insanity “Signing of the world peace treaty and World peace conference The Keshe Foundation made a promise that it would release a request and information on its forum today about the next step in the release of its technologies for bringing peace and equality for Mankind.” k)
What’s involved here is free-energy for the planet: Advances in transportation
and flight will revolutionize space travel, along with making the current
war-machine and its weapons obsolete. This opens many new technologies
to a paradigm shift for humanity; to immerse ourselves in creative, innovative-applications
that will move humanity into the life that so many have sought. But there
are shadows: The same kind of shadows that happened to the carburetor
that could have easily achieved100 mpg, but which was of course buried
by the oil and automotive-industry many, many years ago this could also
happen to the promise we are seeking herein. Yesterday saw a flood of information intended to terrify the American public as part of their plans. First was the announcement of the delivery of 2,700 light armored tanks to be used against Americans here. Mixed in with that news was the fact that there are now 22 states that have their own Militias… “Let
me explain the Tennessee State Guard first. 22 Governors got together
last year and created State
that can not be federalized as the National Guards can be. They also did
this due to the Federal government taking the equipment from the National
Guards and sending it over to Iraq and Afghanistan. When the Governors
have requested the equipment back for the state the Federal government
has said "It is too expensive to bring back." The states have
had to do without equipment for any emergencies of the individual states. In Tucson, City-hall has given control over that city to the USAF for Martial Law that was initiated without input from the citizens no questions were allowed. “On February 20, 2013, the Tucson, Arizona City Council passed a resolution allowing the U.S. Air Force to “make appropriate decisions when balancing National Security and community needs when it comes to their existing and future military mission and assignments.” In other words, the resolution allows the military to reject decisions made by the people of Tucson. The resolution is posted on the Tucson government website (as of this writing) and further states that it “is necessary for the preservation of the peace, health and safety of the City of Tucson that this Resolution become immediately effective, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its passage and adoption.” In short, the Council has imposed what for all practical purposes is a declaration of martial law on the residents of Tucson.”. (5) All of this and more was released to terrify the public, in the absence of actual government actions. So far this government is still afraid to implement any of the new Gun-Grabbing “laws” that directly violate the U.S. Constitution. This agenda was meant to shake-up legal gun owners to cause them to over-react and give the feral government an excuse to turn the entire USA into A FREE-FIRE-ZONE to get on with the slaughter of everyone here! This scenario is far from certain. This is why extreme-tension and uncertainty still exist about everything that has been proposed to date. The time is here. The next move is up to us ~ 1) DHS Has Declared War on the USA http://www.thecommonsenseshow.com/2013/03/05/dhs-has-declared-war-on-the-usa/ 2) Former Pope Arrest Warrants Issued http://beforeitsnews.com/religion/2013/03/arrest-warrants-issued-to-detain-former-pope-2449186.html 3) Important Announcement by the Keshe Foundation http://www.keshefoundation.org/introduction/342-important-announcement-by-the-keshe-foundation.html 4) Tennessee State Militia/Guard Has Stopped DHS armored Vehicles from Kentucky Russians with DHS Eagle uniforms 5) Martial Law: Tucson City Council Hands Authority Over to Military http://www.infowars.com/martial-law-tucson-city-council-hands-authority-over-to-military/ 6) CONFRONTATING THE GLOBAL PARIAHA |
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